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yaḥmūr يَحْمُور 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, update 05Mar2021
adj.; n. 
1 red; 2 deer, roe, roebuck; 3 wild ass; 4 hemoglobin (physiol.) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ [v1] ↗ʔaḥmarᵘ.
▪ [v2] MilitarevKogan2005 #249: from protSem *yaḥmūr‑ ‘oryx, kind of antelope, roebuck’. While rather wide attestation of cognates in Sem allow the reconstruction of a protSem form, the authors of DRS 10 (2012) still think (s.v. #YḤMR) that the word is formed from ↗ḤMR, thus < *‘the red one’. Until today, yaḥmūr may also mean ʻred’, see also DISC below. (For ideas on the etymology of the latter, see i>ʔaḥmarᵘ.)
▪ [v3] ↗ḥimār.
▪ [v4] ↗ʔaḥmarᵘ.
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NB: only data relevant for [v2] are given here:

▪ MilitarevKogan2005 #249: Ug yḥmr, Hbr yaḥmūr ‘roebuck’, JudAram yaḥmūrā, f. yaḥmūrtā ‘fallow-deer’, Sam yḥmwr ‘an animal’, Syr yaḥmūrā ‘antilope, cervus dama’, Mnd iamuria (pl.) ‘kids, lambs, claves, young of animals’, nSyr yakhmûrâ ‘antelope, roebuck’, Ar yaḥmūr ‘espèce d’antelope appelée baḳar al-waḥš; onagre’ (BK).
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤMR (for a comment on the grouping, see below, section DISC): -1 Akk emēru ‘être rouge’, emr‑, Ug ḥmr, Ar ʔaḥmar, yaḥmūr ‘rouge’, Sab ḥmrt (?) ‘rouge (?)’, Gz ḥamar ‘baie rouge’, Tña ḥamär, ḥamray ‘rouge; roux, brun clair (cheval)’, Amh ḥamär ‘roux (cheval)’. Hbr ḥᵃmarmar ‘être rougeâtre’. – nHbr ḥämar ‘brûler’; EmpAram hmr ‘colère’, Ar ḥamira ‘être rouge de colère’, ḥamrāʔ, ḥamārraẗ ‘chaleur brûlante (de midi, de l’été)’, ḥimirr ‘très violent’, ḥamira ‘avoir mauvaise haleine’ Jib aḥmír ‘mauvaise haleine et indigestion’. -2 […]. -3 Akk imēr‑, Ug ḥmr, Hbr ḥᵃmōr, EmpAram Palm hmr, ḥᵃmārā, Ar ḥimār, Sab Min ḥmr ‘âne’. – […]. – 4-11 […].
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤMR: On their grouping, the authors remark that »[l]e classement a ici principalement pour but d’ordonner commodément les diverses valeurs. Il n’implique pas toujours des séparations fondamentales. Les valeurs peuvent, pour certaines, être liées à d’autres dont elles constitueraient des emplois métaphoriques.«
DRS (on their #ḤMR-1): »L’Hbr et l’Ar connaissent une forme yaḥmūr en relation avec cette racine. En Hbr, elle est citée dans deux passages nommant des animaux licites à la consommation: Deut. 14:5 et 1 Rois 5:3; il semble s’agir d’une sorte de ʻdaim’ ou de ʻgazelle’. En Ar, outre sa valeur de ʻrouge’, elle désigne, entre autres, 1’ʻonagre’, ce qui a conduit divers lexicographes à en faire un dérivé du nom de 1’ʻâne’ [↗ḥimār]; mais il se trouve qu’elle nomme aussi une espèce d’antilope et une espèce d’oiseau. Il paraît donc vraisemblable que cette désignation a plutôt un rapport avec le nom de la couleur«.
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For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥumar, ↗ḥimār, ↗ʔaḥmarᵘ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤMR. 
ḤMS حمس 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 14Mar2021
▪ ḤMS_1 ‘(to be) zealous, ardent, enthusiastic; courage’ ↗ḥamisa, ‘enthusiasm, rapture; zeal; elan, fighting spirit’ ↗ḥamās

Other values, now obsolete, include (BK1860, Lane ii 1865, Hava1899):

ḤMS_2 ‘to fry (meat)’: ḥamasa (u, ḥams); cf. also ḥammasa, ʔaḥmasa ʻto heat (a medicine upon the fire)’, ḥamīs ʻoven’
ḤMS_3 ‘to irritate s.o.’: ḥamasa (u, ḥams), ḥammasa, ʔaḥmasa
ḤMS_4 ‘tortoise’: ḥamasaẗ (pl. ḥamas)
ḤMS_5 ‘unfruitful, severe’: only in the expr. sanaẗ ḥamsāʔᵘ ʻunfruitful\severe year’
▪ While [v4] ‘tortoise’ prob. represents a value in its own right (of obscure origin, perh. < modSAr, Gz?), the other values in √ḤMS may go back to a common etymon. But there are also indications that would suggest a distinct treatment at least of the two (hypothetically basic) notions of *ʻto roast, fry’ and *ʻto irritate, excite’. See below, section DISC.
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤMS-1 Hbr *ḥāmas ‘traiter violemment, faire violence à’, EmpAram ḥms ‘violence’, JP ḥᵊmas ‘user de violence’, Ar ḥamisa ‘être ferme, solide, courageux’, SAr ʔḥmš ‘dur, fort au combat’. -?2 Ar ḥamasa ‘faire frire (de la viande)’, ḥammasa ‘torréfier’, ʕOmAr məḥmās, Mhr məḥmēs, Ḥrs məḥmās, Jib múḥmus, məḥmus ‘poêle à griller le café’; Tña ḥamäsä ‘griller, rissoler (grain, farine)’. – Ar ḥamasa ‘irriter’, ʕOmAr mətḥámməs ‘irrité et désireux de vaincre’, Jib aḥmís ‘exciter, encourager’, Mhr ḥəmūs, ḥōməs ‘piquer au vif’. ? – Jib ḥõs, oḥõs ‘moudre’. -3 ʕOmAr ḥmísah, YemAr ḥumsa, Mhr ḥōməs, f. ḥəmsīt, Ḥrs əḥméseh, Jib ḥoms, f. ḥãst, Soq ḥə́mseh ‘tortue’. -4 Gz ḥammasa, ḫammasa, Te ḥammäsa, Tña ḥamäsä ‘nager’. -5 Gz ḥammasa ‘lécher du sel, manger des plantes amères et salsugineuses’.1 -6 Ar ḥams ‘murmure’.2
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▪ Except for [v4] ‘tortoise’, all values represented in the Ar root may have a common etymon, though it is far from clear which of the values that may be. The authors of DRS set [v1] and [v2] apart (as #ḤMS-1 and ḤMS-2, grouping our [v3] and [v5] under the latter), but indicate (by a question mark) that they are not sure whether or not it is justified to make that distinction; they also remark, explicitly: »Il n’est pas impossible qu’il y ait lieu de rapprocher les notions de violence, d’irritation et de cuisson.« If the values are related, is then ʻviolent treatment, firmness; courage’ primary to ʻto fry, roast; to irritate, excite, encourage’, or is it the other way round? Theoretically, a dependence on a primary ʻto fry, roast’ along the line *ʻto fry, roast > (fig.) to stir, irritate (violently > to treat violently) > to incite, excite > (fig.) enthusiasm, zeal, courage’ is not unconceivable. On the other hand, if ʻviolence, severity’ was the original value (see, e.g., the Hbr and Aram cognates as given by DRS sub #ḤMS-1), then the clearest reflection of this notion in MSA would prob. be [v5] ‘unfruitful\severe (year)’; in this case, [v1] would be metaphorical use, referring to the “firmness” of the mind, a “strong” will, etc., and [v2] ʻto roast’ would be a specific kind of *ʻviolent treatment’.
▪ Meanwhile, semantic vicinity of [v2] ʻto fry, roast’ to ↗ḤMṢ ʻto roast’1 and of [v3] ʻto irritate’ to ↗ḤMŠ ʻto irritate, excite; to be angry’ may suggest the influence of other roots, or even distinct etymologies that would need separate treatment. For [v1] ʻviolence, severity’, the authors of DRS suggest to compare their entries #ḤMSN, #ʕMṢ, and #ḤMṢ.
▪ In any case, all three Ar roots – ḤMS, ḤMŠ, and ḤMṢ – may be extensions from an earlier 2-radical nucleus *ḤM‑ ʻheat, fever’, cf. ↗ḤMː (ḤMM). Thus, these roots may, ultimately, be akin not only to items such as ↗ḥamām ʻbath’ and ↗ḥummà ʻfever’, but also to ↗ʔaḥmarᵘ ʻred, brown’ and, perh., even ↗faḥm ʻcoal’.
[v4] : ḥamasaẗ ‘tortoise’: Outside Ar, the value is attested only in modSAr. Leslau2006 (CDG) would not exclude a relation with Gz ḥammasa ʻto swim’.
[v5] : In the expr. sanaẗ ḥamsāʔᵘ ʻunfruitful\severe year’, the semantics of Ar ḤMS are prob. closest to the *‘violence, firmness, severity’ that is prominent in the Hbr, Aram and SAr cognates listed sub #ḤMS-1 in DRS.
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