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salim‑ سَلِمَ , a (salāmaẗ , salām
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to be safe and sound, unharmed, unimpaired, intact, safe, secure; to be unobjectionable, blameless, faultless; to be certain, established, clearly proven (fact); to be free (from); to escape (min a danger) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ From Sem *ŠLM ‘to be whole, sound’. The vb. may be from the adj. Sem *šalim‑ (Ar ↗salīm).
▪ The whole complex of Sem *ŠLM (> Ar ↗SLM) is believed by some to be a development from a biconsonantal Sem *√ŠL(W) ‘to be untroubled, safe, be at ease; to stay quietly, be at rest’ (cf. Ar ↗SLW). 
▪ (sālim: safe and sound, not threatened) ▪ eC7 Q 63:43 wa-qad kānū yudʕawna ʔilà ’l-suǧūdi wa-hum sālimūna ‘they were invited to prostrate themselves when they were safe [but refused]’ 
▪ Fronzaroli#4.10a: Akk šalmu ‘sound, intact’ (CAD: šalmu, f. šalimtu, ‘1 healthy, sound, in good condition, whole, intact, entire, correct, proper, safe, reliable, truthfull, favorable, propitious; 2 solvent, financially sound’), Ug šlm ‘to be intact’, Hbr šālēm, Syr šalmā, Ar salīm ‘sound, intact’, salima, SAr slm ‘to be sound, intact’.
▪ Zammit2002 / CAD: Akk šalāmu (vb.) ‘1 to stay well; 2 to be in a good condition, intact, arrive safely, become safe, go safely through the river ordeal; 3 to be favourable, propitious; 4 to be successful, prosper, succeed; 5 to be completed, be completely carried out, reach completion; 6 to obtain financial satisfaction, receive full payment’, Ug šlm ‘to be intact’, Phn šlm ‘well-being; completion’, Hbr šālēm ‘to be complete, sound’, Aram šᵉlēm ‘to be perfect, complete’, Syr šalem ‘to be complete’, šᵉlāmā ‘safety, health’, SAr stlm (t-stem) ‘to gain security (with a deity)’, Gz salām ‘incolumitas, salus’, Ar salām ‘safety’, sālim ‘one who is safe’.
▪ Tropper2008: Ug ŠLM G ‘vollständig, heil sein; in Frieden sein’, D ‘vollständig machen, Ersatz leisten, zurückzahlen, vergelten; Heil schenken; in heilem Zustand erhalten; mit jdm Frieden schließen’, Š ‘Ersatz (Fronarbeit) leisten’, N ‘(vollständig) erhalten bleiben’.
▪ Dolgopolsky2012#2046: Akk ŠLM ‘to be completed; to stay well; to be in good condition, intact’, BiblHbr šālēm ‘to remain whole, unscathed, be(come) completed, keep quiet’, Ug ŠLM ‘estar/ir bien, estar en paz’, EmpAram ŠLM ‘to be (re)paid’, BiblAram ŠLM ‘to be finished’, Ar SLM ‘to be(come) safe’ (> ‘to be free from vice/defect’), Min ŠLM ‘être indemne’; DERIV (Sem *šalim‑ >) Akk šalmu ‘whole, intact, entire, healthy, sound’, BiblHbr šālēm, JA šᵊlēm ‘complete, unmolested, peaceful’, Ar salima ‘to be safe’; (Sem *šalām‑ ‘unharmed state’ >) Akk šalāmu ‘health, (physical) well-being; welfare (of a country or city), safe course or completion of a journey’, Ug šlm ‘paz, salud, bienestar’, BiblHbr šālôm ‘unharmed state, well-being, peace’ (> a greeting), Phn šlm ‘peace, prosperity’, Palm šlm ‘peace’, BiblAram šᵊlām ‘peace, prosperity’ (as well as a greeting), EmpAram šlm ‘welfare, well-being, health’, JEA šᵊlām, šᵊlāmā ‘id.; soundness, health’, Ar salām‑ ‘safety, security’ (> ‘immunity, freedom from faults or vices’ > ‘obedience to God’, a greeting), Sab Min šlm ‘peace’ (> šlm ‘to sue for peace’), Gz salām ‘peace, safety’ (and a salutation), hence D-stem *√ŠLːM > Pun slːm ‘to accomplish’, BiblHbr Phn Palm Akk √ŠLːM ‘to (re)pay, give restitution for’, Ug šlːm ‘to pay, deliver’. – For possible cognates outside Sem, cf. SLM_1 s.v. ↗SLM. 
▪ Huehnergard2011 reconstructs Sem *ŠLM ‘to be whole, sound’ and the ComSem n. *šalām‑ ‘well-being, welfare, peace’.
▪ The proper etymon is perhaps the adj. ↗salīm (or, rather, its Sem ancestor, *šalim‑ ‘sound, intact’) rather than the vb. salima, which in this case would be a secondary formation from salīm. This is what Fronzaroli#4.10a seems to believe when he groups the Ar vb. under Sem *šalim‑.
▪ Klein1987 suggests that the Hbr base ŠLM that is cognate to Ar SLM, probably developed from the base Hbr ŠLH/W ‘to be quiet, tranquil, at ease’1 through the medium of šālôm, which he thinks stands to Hbr ŠLH in the same way as Hbr ʕērôm ‘naked’ stands to Hbr ʕRH ‘to lay bare’ (cf. Ar ↗ʕRY).
▪ In a similar vein Dolgopolsky2012#2046 derives Sem *ŠLM ‘to be completed, remain whole, be intact, sound and safe’ (with its derivatives Sem *šalim‑ ‘complete, whole, intact, entire, healthy, sound’ and Sem *šalām‑ ‘unharmed state’) as an extension in *‑m from Sem *ŠLW ‘to be untroubled, safe, be at ease; to stay quietly, be at rest’. In addition, he connects the latter to an IE *sōlo‑, *solwo‑ ‘entire’2 If this is tenable, then Ar salima is a distant relative of Engl whole and health, Fr salut and Ge heil, Heil. Dolgopolsky assumes Nostr *s̄alû (or *s̄Eʔalû) ‘intact (> entire), in good condition, healthy’ to be the common ancestor of the Sem and IE words. 
▪ Cf. ↗salām, ↗ʔislām, ↗muslim, ↗Sulaymān
BP#294sallama, vb. II, to preserve, keep from injury, protect from harm, save; to hand over intact; to hand over, turn over, surrender; to deliver; to lay down (arms); to surrender, give o.s. up; to submit, resign o.s.; to greet, salute; to grant salvation (God to the Prophet); to admit, concede, grant (bi‑; to consent (bi‑ to approve of, accept, sanction, condone: caus. of I, or denom. from ↗salm, ↗silm, ↗salam_1, ↗salām or the adj. ↗salīm. Kerr2014 holds that »[i]n Ar, the IInd form has undergone the development ‘to make healthy, unharmed’ > ‘to protect from damage’ > ‘to deliver safely’ > ‘to deliver’ (compare to the Fr sur-rendre), in the sense of dedito «. – For another value, now obsolete, cf. SLM_24 s.v. ↗SLM.
sālama, vb. III to keep the peace, make one’s peace, make up (with s.o.): denom. from ↗salām.
BP#4820ʔaslama, vb. IV, to forsake, leave, desert, give up, betray; to let sink, drop; to hand over, turn over; to leave, abandon; to deliver up, surrender, expose; to commit o.s., resign o.s. (li-llāh to the will of God): …; (ʔaslama alone:) to declare o.s. committed to the will of God, become a Muslim, embrace Islam: … See also s.v..
BP#2887tasallama, vb. V, to get, obtain; to receive; to have handed over or delivered; to take over, assume (the management of :
tasālama, vb. VI, to become reconciled with one another, make peace with one another: denom. from silm, salm, or ↗salām.
ĭstalama, vb. VIII, 1 to touch, graze; 2 to receive, get, obtain; 3 to take over, take possession of:…. 4 – For another value, now obsolete, cf. SLM_25 s.v. ↗SLM.
ĭstaslama, vb. X, to surrender, capitulate; to give way, submit, yield, abandon o.s.; to give o.s. over; to lend o.s., be a party; to succumb: Št-stem, originally probably requestative (*‘to ask for protection, safety, salām ’).

salm, n., peace: … – For other values, now obsolete, cf. SLM_23 s.v. ↗SLM.
BP#2310silm, n.m./f., peace; the religion of Islam: … | ḥubb al-~, n., pacifism.
BP#1983silmī, adj., peaceful; pacifist: nsb-adj., from silm.
salam, n., forward buying (Isl. Law): originally probably a gift presented to a ruler etc. to ensure good relations and safe interaction or patronage, and/or a "peace offering" made to some deity in expectation of protection, cf. ↗salam_1; from here the notions of ‘delivering’ and ‘presenting’ (cf. sallama above) and of ‘prepayment’ are derived; the value ‘financial satisfaction, full payment’ is already attested in Akk. – For another value cf. ↗salam_2.
C BP#188salām, n., 1 soundness, unimpairedness, intactness, well-being; 2 safety, security: vn. I; 3 peace, peacefulness: lit. *state of unharmedness, safety ↗salām; 4 — (pl. ‑āt) greeting, salutation; salute; military salute; national anthem: originally a wish of peace for s.o.; from ‘salutation’, the other specialized values are derived.
salāmlik, n., selamlik, reception room, sitting room, parlor: from Tu selamlık, composed of Ar ↗salām and Tu n. suffix ‑lık.
BP#855salāmaẗ, n.f., blamelessness, flawlessness; unimpaired state, soundness, integrity, intactness; well-being, welfare; safety, security; smooth progress; success: vn. I.
BP#1533salīm, pl. sulamāʔᵘ, adj., correct, sound; flawless; safe: perhaps the etymon proper, rather than salima.
ʔaslamᵘ, adj., safer; freer; sounder; healthier: elat.
Sulaymānᵘ, n.prop., Solomon: related to salima via Syr < Hbr, cf. s.v.
BP#1991taslīm, n., handing over; turning over; presentation; extradition; surrender (of; delivery (comm.; of mail); submission, surrender, capitulation; salutation; greeting; concession, admission; assent, consent (bi‑ to), acceptance, approval, condonation, unquestioning recognition (bi‑ of) : vn. II.
musālamaẗ, n.f., conciliation, pacification: vn. III.
C BP#365ʔislām, n., submission, resignation, reconciliation (to the will of God); – al-~, n., the religion of Islam; the era of Islam; the Muslims: originally a vn. from ↗ʔaslama, vb. IV. See also ↗ʔislām.
BP#184ʔislāmī, pl. ‑ūn, adj., Islamic; n., Islamist: nsb-adj., from ↗ʔislām.
ʔislāmiyyaẗ, n.f., the idea of Islam, Islamism; status or capacity of a Muslim: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ from ↗ʔislām.
ʔislāmbūlī, adj., of Istanbul: nsb-adj., from ʔislāmbūl, pious interpretation of the name of the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul (ʔistānbūl, ʔisṭānbūl, pron. ʔisṭāmbūl).
tasallum, n., receipt; taking over, assumption; reception: vn. V.
BP#4637ĭstilām, n., receipt; acceptance; taking over, assumption: vn. VIII | ʔifādaẗ al-~, n., acknowledgment of receipt.
BP#4250ĭstislām, n., surrender, capitulation; submission, resignation, self-surrender: vn. X.
BP#4736sālim, adj., safe, secure; free (min from); unimpaired, unblemished, faultless, flawless, undamaged, unhurt, intact, safe and sound, safe; sound, healthy; whole, perfect, complete, integral; regular (verb): PA I (but originally a genuine adj.?) | ǧamʕ ~, n., sound (= external) plural (gram.).
musallam, adj., unimpaired, intact, unblemished, flawless; (also musallam bi-hī) accepted, uncontested, incontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible: PP II.
musālim, adj., peaceable, peaceful, peaceloving; mild-tempered, lenient, gentle: PA III.
C BP#229muslim, pl. ‑ūn, adj./n., Muslim: orig. a PA IV, ↗ʔislām.
mustalim, n., recipient; consignee: PA VIII.

For other values, cf. ↗SLM in general, as well as individual entries ↗salam_2, ↗sulāmà, ↗sulāmiyyaẗ, ↗Sulaymān, ↗sulaymānī, ↗sullam
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