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ʔṮR أثر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ʔṮR_1 ‘track, trace’ ↗ʔaṯar
▪ ʔṮR_2 ‘egoistic, selfish; to prefer; to monopolize’ ↗ʔaṯir
▪ ʔṮR_3 ‘ether’ ↗ʔaṯīr

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘trace, mark, track, remnants, remains; landmarks, monuments; authority, favour; to mark; deeds; to pass along, to transmit; to favour, to prefer’ 
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DRS 2 (1994)#ʔṮR–1: Sem *ʔaṯar‑ ‘trace, pas, vestige’: Akk aš(a)r‑ ‘lieu, place’, Ug ʔaṯr ‘marcher’, Hbr ʔaš(š)ūr, Pun ʔšr, EmpAram Nab Palm ʔtr, JP Syr ʔatrā, Mand atra ‘lieu, région’, Ar ʔaṯar, ʔiṯr, Gz ʔašar ‘trace, vestige’, Tña assär ‘trace’, Saf ʔṯr ‘vestige, inscription’, Ug ʔaṯr, Nab bʔtr (b + ʔtr), Syr botar, Ar ʔaṯar, SAr ʔṯr ‘après’, Soq ʔihor ‘suivre’, Ug ʔaṯr, Hbr ʔᵃšer relatif ‘qui, que’. –2 [‘sanctuaire, temple, arbre sacré’]. –3 [‘beurre’?]. –4 Ar ʔuṯr ‘éclat de la lame d’un sabre’. –5 Ar ʔaṯira, SAr ʔṯr ‘choisir’. –6 [nom de déesse]. 
▪ For ʔṮR_1 ‘track, trace’ cf. DRS 2 (1994)#ʔṮR-1 (see Cognates).
▪ For ʔṮR_2 ‘egoistic, selfish; to prefer; to monopolize’ cf. DRS 2 (1994)#ʔṮR-5.
▪ ʔṮR_3 ‘ether’ not mentioned in DRS since it is from Grk aithḗr ‘upper air; bright, purer air; the sky’. 
ʔaṯar أَثَر , pl. ʔāṯār 
ID … • Sw – • BP 554 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
track, trace, vestige; sign, mark (from the past); clue; slight touch; relic or remnant (preserved from the past); ancient monument; work of art, literary work (of former times); tradition, brief report (from early Islam); impression, effect, influence; – pl. آثار ʔāṯār antiquities; (religious) relics; works, writings (esp. of deceased or ancient authors) – WehrCowan1979. 
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▪ Bergsträsser1928: Aram ʔaṯrā, Gz ʔašár ‘trace’ (n.); cf. also Akk ašru ‘place’, Hbr ʔāšūr ‘step’
DRS 2 (1994)#ʔṮR-1: Akk aš(a)r‑ ‘lieu, place’, Ug ʔaṯr ‘marcher’, Hbr ʔaš(š)ūr, Pun ʔšr, EmpAram Nab Palm ʔtr, JP Syr ʔatrā, Mand atra ‘lieu, région’, Ar ʔaṯar, ʔiṯr, Gz ʔašar ‘trace, vestige’, Tña assär ‘trace’, Saf ʔṯr ‘vestige, inscription’, Ug ʔaṯr, Nab bʔtr (b + ʔtr), Syr botar, Ar ʔaṯar, SAr ʔṯr ‘après’, Soq ʔihor ‘suivre’, Ug ʔaṯr, Hbr ʔᵃšer relatif ‘qui, que’.
▪ Cf. also √ʔṮR
According to DRS 2 (1994)#ʔṮR-1 we can reconstruct Sem *ʔaṯar ‘trace, pas, vestige’. 
ʕilm al-ʔāṯār, n., archeology:.

ʔaṯara, u, i (ʔaṯr, ʔaṯāraẗ), vb. I, to transmit, pass along, report, relate (, ʕan from, or based on the authority of, s.o.):.
BP#1336ʔaṯṯara, vb. II, to affect, influence ( or ʕalà s.o.,, act ( or ʕalà upon), produce an effect, make an impression, have influence ( or ʕalà on); to induce (phys.):.
taʔaṯṯara, vb. V, to be impressed, be influenced; to let o.s. be impressed, be impressible; to be moved, be touched (bi‑ or li‑ by, also min); to be excited, be stimulated; to be affected (bi‑ by, said of materials, e.g., iron by acid); to be induced (phys.); to follow in s.o.’s (DO) tracks, follow s.o.’s example, emulate s.o.; to pursue, follow up (a question, a problem); to perceive, feel (
BP#4307ʔaṯarī, adj., archeologic(al); n., pl. ‑ūn, archeologist (also ʔāṯārī); old, ancient, antique | ʕālim ʔ. archeologist; luġaẗ ʔ.iyyaẗ dead language; ṣarḥ ʔ. historic castle:.
BP#2257ʔiṯrᵃ, prep., immediately after, right after:.
ʔaṯāraẗ, n.f., remainder, remnant; faint trace, vestige:.
maʔṯaraẗ, var. maʔṯuraẗ, pl. maʔāṯirᵘ, n., exploit, feat, glorious deed; pl. maʔāṯirᵘ memorable events, achievements (handed down from the past) :.
BP#1020taʔṯīr, n., action, effect, influence, impression (, ʕalà on); effectiveness, efficacy; induction (phys.): vn. II.
taʔṯīrī, adj., produced by induction, inductive, inductional, induced (phys.): nsb-adj from taʔṯīr.
BP#4160taʔaṯṯur, n., being influenced; agitation, emotion, feeling; excitability, sensitivity; (pl. ‑āt) feeling, sensation, perception | sarīʕ al-t. easily impressed, impressible, sensitive:.
taʔaṯṯurī, adj.: al-maḏhab al-t. the impressionistic movement: nsb-adj of taʔaṯṯur.
taʔaṯṯuriyyaẗ, n.f., impressionism: n.abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ coined from taʔaṯṯur.
maʔṯūr, adj., transmitted, handed down | qawl m., kalimaẗ m.aẗ proverb; maʔṯūrāt šaʕbiyyaẗ folklore:.
BP#2360muʔaṯṯir, adj., affecting, acting upon; affective; impressive; moving, touching, pathetic; (pl. ‑āt) influencing factor, influence, effect:.
mutaʔaṯṯir, adj., under the influence (bi‑) of; (following) as a result or effect (bi‑ of):.

For other values attached to root √ ʔṮR cf. ↗ʔaṯir and ↗ʔaṯīr

ʔaṯarī أثريّ , pl. ‑ūn 
ID … • Sw – • BP 4307 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
¹adj.; ²n. 
1 archeologic(al). – 2 (pl. ‑ūn) archeologist (also ʔāṯārī). – 3 old, ancient, antique. – 4 antiquarian – WehrCowan1979. 
A nisba formation from ʔaṯar. In the meaning of ‘archelogist’ a neologism. 
v2: 1887 Buṭrus al-Bustānī, Encyclopedia (Wehr 1934b: 435)1  
ʔaṯir أثِر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
egoistic, selfish – WehrCowan1979. 
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DRS 2 (1994)#ʔṮR-5: Ar ʔaṯira, SAr ʔṯr ‘choisir’. 
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BP#2475ʔāṯara, vb. IV, to prefer (ʕalà to), like ( more (ʕalà than); to have a predilection, a liking for, like, be fond of; to choose, deem wise or advisable (ʔan to do; to honour, hold in high esteem:.
ĭstaʔṯara, vb. X, to claim a monopoly; to possess alone, with the exclusion of others, monopolize (bi‑; to appropriate (bi‑, take exclusive possession (bi‑ of); to preoccupy (, engross (the attention); to lay claim on, demand (bi‑, e.g., s.o.’s interest | ĭ. ‘llāhu bih the Lord has taken him unto Himself:.

ʔaṯaraẗ, n.f., selfishness, egoism:.
ʔaṯīr, adj., favored, preferred, in favor (ʕind with s.o.); select, exquisite, noble; see also ʔaṯīr.:.
ʔīṯār, n., preference; altruism; predilection; love, affection:.
ʔīṯāriyyaẗ, n.f., altruism:.
ĭstiʔṯār, n., arrogation of a monopoly; monopolization; complete absorption, demand, claim; presumption, presumptuousness; exclusive power:.

For other items of √ʔṮR cf. ↗ʔaṯar and ↗ʔaṯīr 

taʔaṯṯar‑ تَأَثَّرَ 
ID 007 • Sw – • BP 2475 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., V 
to be impressed, be influenced; to let o.s. be impressed, be impressible; to be moved, be touched (bi‑ or li‑ by, also min); to be excited, be stimulated; to be affected (bi‑ by, said of materials, e.g., iron by acid); to be induced (phys.); to follow in s.o.’s (DO) tracks, follow s.o.’s example, emulate s.o.; to pursue, follow up (a question, a problem); to perceive, feel ( – WehrCowan1979. 
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taʔaṯṯurī, adj.: al-maḏhab al-t., n., the impressionistic movement: nsb-adj from taʔaṯṯur.
taʔaṯṯuriyyaẗ, n.f., impressionism: n.abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ coined from taʔaṯṯur.
mutaʔaṯṯir, adj., under the influence (bi‑) of; (following) as a result or effect (bi‑ of): PA V. 
taʔaṯṯur تَأَثُر 
Sw – • NahḍConBP 4160 • APD … • © SG | created 31May2023
▪ vn., V 
ʔaṯīr أثير 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
ether – WehrCowan1979. 
From Grk aithḗr ‘upper air; bright, purer air; the sky’. – »In ancient cosmology, the element that filled all space beyond the sphere of the moon, constituting the substance of the stars and planets. Conceived of as a purer form of fire or air, or as a fifth element. From 17c.-19c., it was the scientific word for an assumed ‘frame of reference’ for forces in the universe, perhaps without material properties. The concept was shaken by the Michelson-Morley experiment (1887) and discarded after the Theory of Relativity won acceptance, but before it went it gave rise to the colloquial use of ether for ‘the radio’ (1899). – The name also was bestowed c.1730 (Frobenius; in English by 1757) on a volatile chemical compound known since 14c. for its lightness and lack of color (its anesthetic properties weren’t fully established until 1842).« – etymonline, s.v. »ether«. 
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From Grk aithḗr ‘upper air; bright, purer air; the sky’., from aíthein ‘to burn, shine’ < PIE √*aidh‑ ‘to burn’ (cf. edifice). 
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