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ʔSTBRQ أستبرق 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ʔSTBRQ_1 ‘brocade’ ↗ʔistabraq 
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ʔistabraq إِسْتَبْرَق 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 11Apr2023
brocade – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Rolland2014a: From mPers stapr, stavr ‘strong, thick, solid, big’, akin to Av stavra ‘firm’, IE *stebʰ‑ ‘soutenir, fixer’, cf. Engl stamp, staff.
▪ Cheung2017(rev): prob. a direct borrowing from emPers stabrak ‘shot silk’ (lmPers stabrag > Syr ʔestabr(a)gā ‘silk dress, brocade’. For details, see below, section DISC.
▪ eC7 (thick silk material, brocade) Q 55:54 muttakiʔīna ʕalà furušin baṭāʔinu-hā min ʔistabraqin ‘they are reclining on couches lined with brocade’ 
▪ Lane: »Arabicized word, from ʔstrwh which is Syr, or from Pers, in which stabr and ʔistabr signify ‘thick’, absolutely, whence stabrah and ʔistabrah are particularly applied to signify ‘thick ↗dībāǧ ’, then the latter is Arabicized by substituting q for the h
▪ Jeffery1938: »Used [in the Qurʔān] only in early passages in description of the raiment of the faithful in Paradise. It is one of the few words that have been very generally recognized by the Muslim authorities as a Pers loan-word, cf. al-Ḍaḥḥāk in al-Suyūṭī, Itq, 319; al-Aṣmaʕī in al-Suyūṭī, Muzhir, i,137; al-Sijistānī, 49; al-Jawharī, Ṣiḥāḥ s.v.; al-Kindī, Risāla, 85; Ibn al-Athīr, Nihāya, i, 38. Some, indeed, took it as an Ar word, attempting to derive it from √BRQ (cf. Bayḍ. on lxxvi, 21), but their argument depends on a variant reading given by Ibn Muḥayṣin which cannot be defended (Dvořák, Fremdw, 39, 40). / The philologers, however, were in some confusion as to the original Pers form. LA, xi, 285, quotes al-Zajjāj as stating it was from Pers ʔstqrh, and TA, vi, 292, quotes Ibn Durayd to the effect that it is from Syr ʔstwrh, neither of which forms exist. The Qāmūs, s.v. BRQ, however, rightly gives it as from ʔstbrh,1 which al-Jawharī, Ṣiḥāḥ, says is from SṬBR, meaning ġalīẓ.[…] Pers ʔstbr, sometimes written ʔsṭbr, as al-Jawharī gives it,2 is a form of sitabr meaning ‘big, thick, gross’, apparently from a root ʔustuwār ‘firm, stable’ (cf. Skr stʰabir,3 Av staura,4 Oss st‘ur,5 and Arm stowar.6 The Phlv staβr ‘thick’ (Nyberg, Glossar, 206, is used of clothing in eschatological writings, e.g. Arda Viraf, xiv, 14, ??? ‘and glorious and thick splendid clothing’. Phlv ???, with the suffix ???, gives the modPers istabrak, which BQ, 994, defines as dībāy-e kandeh va-setabr and Vullers, Lex, i, 94, as vestis serica crassior. / From mPers the word was borrowed into Armenian as əstawrak,7 and into Syr ʔestabragā or ʔestabrāgā.8 Ibn Durayd, according to TA, vi, 292, quoted ʔistabraq as a borrowing from Syr, but PSm, 294, gives the Syr forms only as dictionary words from BA and BB, and there can be little doubt that the word passed directly into Ar from the mPers.9 The Ar -q represents the Phlv suffix ???,10 which in Syr normally became g, as we see in such examples as Phlv avistāk (= Pers ʔbstʔ or ʔfstʔ),11 which in Syr is ʔbstāgā and in Ar ʔbstāq (Ibn al-Athīr, Nihāya, i, 38).« 
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