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ʔasr أَسْر 
ID 022 • Sw – • BP 2268 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 (leather) strap, thong. – 2 capture. – 3 physique, build, bodily structure; constitution – survived into MSA only in the expression šiddat al-ʔasr, vigor, energy – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ In the meaning [v2] ‘capture; captivity’, the word is a lexicalized vn. of vb. I, ↗ʔasara.
▪ [v1] ‘(leather) strap, thong’, however, may not be deverbative from ʔasara but perhaps the latter’s proper etymon.
▪ [v3] is properly a ‘coherent structure, held together by a strong inner bond’. The value is attested in the Qur'ān but survived into MSA only in the expression šiddat al-ʔasr , lit. ‘strength, solidity of constitution’, hence ‘vigor, energy’. 
▪ … 
Cf. ↗ʔSR, ↗ʔasara
Cf. ↗ʔSR, ↗ʔasara
If ʔasr itself is the etymon proper, all derivatives listed under the vb. ↗ʔasara should be grouped here. 
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