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ʔumm أُمّ , pl. ʔummahāt 
ID 033 • Sw –/97 • BP 163 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ʔMː (ʔMM) 
1 mother; 2a source, origin; b original, original version (of a book); 3 the gist, essence of; 4 basis, foundation; 5 pl. ʔummahāt matrix (typ.) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *ʔimm‑ ‘mother’.
▪ … 
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▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘mother’) Akk ummu, Hbr ʔēm, Syr ʔemmā, Gz ʔemm.
▪ … 
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ʔumm ʔuwayq, n.f., screech owl (zool.)
ʔumm ǧiʕrān, n.f., Egyptian vulture (zool.)
al-ʔumm al-ǧāfiyaẗ, n.f., dura mater (anat.)
ʔumm al-ḥibr, n.f., cuttlefish, squid (zool.)
ʔumm al-ḥasan, n.f., (maġr.) nightingale
ʔumm al-ḥanūn, n.f., pia mater (anat.)
ʔumm al-ḫulūl, n.f., river mussel (zool.)
ʔumm durmān,, Omdurman (city in central Sudan, opposite Khartoum)
ʔumm al-dimāġ, n.f., meninges (anat.)
ʔumm al-raʔs, n.f., skull, brain; cerebral membrane, meninges (anat.)
ʔumm ʔarbaʕ wa-ʔarbaʕīn, n.f., centipede (zool.)
ʔumm šamlaẗᵃ, n.f., this world, the worldly pleasures
bi-ʔumm al-ʕayn or bi-ʔumm ʕayni-hī, adv., with one’s own eyes; šāhadū-hu bi-ʔumm ʔaʕyuni-him, they saw it with their own eyes
ʔumm al-qurʔān and ʔumm al-kitāb, n.f., the first sura of the Koran
ʔumm al-qarn, n.f., rhinoceros (zool.)
ʔumm al-qurà, n.f., Mecca
ʔumm al-qaywayn,, Umm al Qaiwain, name of an emirate on the Persian Gulf
ʔumm al-kitāb, n.f., also: the original text of the Book from which Koranic revelation derives; the uncontested portions of the Koran
ʔumm al-nuǧūm, n.f., the Milky Way
ʔumm al-waṭan, n.f., capital, metropolis
al-širkaẗ al-ʔumm, n.f., parent company (com.)
al-ṣaḫr al-ʔumm, pl. al-ṣuḫūr al-ʔumm, n.f., primitive rock, parent rock
al-luġaẗ al-ʔumm, n.f., mother tongue
ʔummahāt al-ḥawādiṯ,, the most important events
ʔummahāt al-ḥurūf,, matrix (typ.)
ʔummahāt al-masāʔil,, the main problems
ʔummahāt al-ṣuḥuf,, the leading, most highly-respected newspapers
ʔummahāt al-faḍāʔil,, the principal virtues
ʔummahāt al-kutub,, handbooks, basic books, essential works
ʔummahāt al-muʔminīn,, Mohammed’s wives

ʔamma / ʔamam‑, u (ʔumūmaẗ), vb. I., to be or become a mother: denom., from ʔumm. – For other values see ↗ʔamma and ↗ʔimām.
ʔummī, adj., 1 maternal, motherly; 2 ↗ʔummaẗ.
ʔumūmaẗ, n.f., 1 motherhood; 2 motherliness, maternity .

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