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ʔamāraẗ أَمارة , pl. ‑āt, ʔamāʔirᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
sign, token, indication, symptom, mark, characteristic – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ If semantics within the Sem root √ʔMR developed along the line sketched and discussed s.v.↗√ʔMR (section CONC), namely *(? Nostr *‘morning, daylight’ × *‘to burn (intr.); to shine, be bright; dawn’ >) Sem ‘to be visible, observable; fact, issue, matter, affair > to see, take notice of (that is visible or comes into sight, a fact, an issue, etc.) > to indicate, show, demonstrate, point to (a thing, matter, case, etc.) > to say > to command’, then Ar ʔamāraẗ ‘sign, token, mark, etc.’ and items with related meaning reflect one of the earliest stages of a long semantic history. To the same group seem to belong ʔamr ‘matter, affair, issue, etc.’ (↗²ʔamr) and ʔamr in the (probably borrowed) Qur’ānic sense of ‘revelation’ (³ʔamr – see below, section DISC).
▪ ….
▪ Cf. also the ClassAr ʔamaraẗ or ʔamār(aẗ) ‘heap of stones set up in order that one may be directed thereby to the right way, sign, mark by which is known’ (Lane).
▪ … 
DRS 1 (1994) #ʔMR‑ 1 Ar ʔamara ‘ordonner’; SAr ʔmr ‘ordonner, manifester’; Soq ʕemor, Śḥr ʕoñr, Mhr amor ‘dire’; EpigrAram ʔmr, JP ʔāmar, Syr ʔemar, Mand amar ‘dire, parler, ordonner’; Ya ʔmrh ‘ordre(?)’; Phoen Pun Moab EpigrHbr ʔmr, Hbr ʔāmar ‘dire’; Ug ʔamr ‘souhait, parole(?)’. – Akk amāru ‘voir, regarder’; Ug ʔamr ‘être visible, voir’; Ar taʔammala ‘examiner’; Gz ʔammara ‘montrer, indiquer’; təʔmərt ‘signe’; ʔəm(m)ur ‘clair, bien connu’; Tña ʔamära ‘savoir’; Te ʔammärä ‘être clair’; ʔamir ‘connaissance’; Amh ʔamro ‘raison, intelligence’; təmərt ‘signe, marque, science’. – Hbr ʔāmir ‘sommet d’arbre ou montagne’; tīmārā ‘colonne pilier’, Ar ʔamāraẗ­ ‘signe, indice, repère’, tāmūr(aẗ) ‘tour, tourelles’; ?Amh ʔamärä ‘être beau, plaisant, aimable’. -2-4. -5 Ar ʔamira ‘être nombreux, abondant, croître’. -6-15 […].
▪ ↗ʔamara.
▪ … 
▪ In an attempt to explain some values attached to Hbr ʔMR items, such as ʔāmîr ‘top, summit’ and tîmārāʰ ‘column’, Barth1902 took as evident and sufficiently proven that one has to assume a homonymous Sem root √ʔMR meaning *‘to be high’ alongside ʔMR ‘to see > say > command’ (1902: 5-6). He saw reflexes of this *‘to be high’ also in ʔamaraẗ~ʔamār(aẗ) ‘(high) heap of stones’ as well as in ʔamira ‘to be plentiful, many’ and ʔimr ‘serious, painful, very difficult (affair)’ (cf. also BAH2008 ‘to afflict’). His theory comes close to others that derive Ar tuʔmur ‘sign, mark’ from the root √TMR, particularly ↗tamr ‘date palm’, sharing with the latter the notion of ‘altitude’. (On Hbr tîmārāʰ ‘column’, DRS thinks it may be from ‘to be visible, to see’, but also adds: »Il n’est pas exclu cependant que nous ayons affaire à des racines différentes, v.s. TMR.«) Accordingly, also ↗ʔamīr, usually interpreted as *‘person who commands, gives orders’ (< ↗ʔamara ‘to command’) is thought by some to have developed from an original *‘person of high standing’, or *‘person excelling among the people, being more visible than others’. However, both ‘palm tree’ and ‘ high’ are at the same time visible, observable from afar and/or attracting attention, so that *‘altitude’ and ‘palm tree’ are not really necessary to explain the semantic variety in this group.
ʔamāraẗ seems to be akin to the obsol. tuʔmūr ‘sign, mark, token (on the wayside)’ which Barth1894: 300 analyzed as formed after the nominal pattern taFʕūL, thought to be an extension formed on the basis of the “transitive infinitive [protSem *]qŭtûl”, exhibiting the same transitivity. He thinks Ar taʔmūr and (with vowel assimilation) tuʔmūr are derived from √ʔMR in the sense of ‘to know’, giving taʔmūr ‘knowledge, to get to know’ and tuʔmūr (‘recognition’ =) ‘sign, mark, token (on the wayside)’.
▪ The Qur’anic ʔamr meaning ‘revelation’ may belong together with ʔamāraẗ etc., either directly or as a borrowing from Aram, as suggested by Jeffery1938: »In the two senses (i) ‘command’ or ‘decree¬’ [↗ʔamara], (ii) ‘matter’, ‘affair’ [↗²ʔamr], it is a genuine Ar word, and commonly used in the Qurʔān. – In its use in connection with the Qurʔānic doctrine of revelation, however, it would seem to represent the Aram מימרא (Rudolph, Abhängigkeit, 41; Horovitz, JPN, 188; Fischer, Glossar, Nachtrag to 86; Ahrens, Christliches, 26; Muḥammad, 134). The whole conception seems to have been strongly influenced by the Christian Logos doctrine,1 though the word would seem to have arisen from the Targumic use of מימרא.«)]
▪ To the same complex of ‘visibility’ and/or ‘pointing to, indicating’ belongs prob. also ↗taʔammala ‘to observe’, (with assumed sound shift *r > l) from *taʔammara ‘to take as an indicator\sign for o.s.’.
▪ …
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ʔamara, ↗ʔamr, ↗ʔimmar, ↗ʔamīr, ↗(ʔa)mīrī, ↗taʔmūr, ↗muʔāmaraẗ, ↗ĭstiʔmāraẗ, ↗muʔtamar, as well as, for the whole picture, ↗√ʔMR. 
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