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baḫil‑ بخِل , a (baḫal), and baḫul‑ بخُل , u (buḫl
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to be niggardly, be stingy (bi‑ with, ʕan or ʕalà with regard to s.o.), scrimp (ʕan, ʕalà s.o., bi‑ for), stint (bi‑ in, ʕan or ʕalà s.o.), withhold (ʕan, ʕalà from s.o., bi‑ – WehrCowan1979. 
Etymology unclear. If regular, baḫi/ula should go back to a vb. (WSem?) *baḫ˅l‑
lC6 ʕAntara b. Šaddād 68,13 al-dahru yabḫalu tāratan wa-yaǧūdu ‘time/destiny is sometimes a miser, and gives generously (at other times)’, ▪ eC7 Ḥuṭayʔa 117,7 lam yabḫal wa-lam yataʕallali (Polosin 1995)
▪ eC7 Q 47:38 (to be or act in a niggardly or miserly way) hā-ʔantum hāʔulāʔi tudʕawna li-tunfiqū fī sabīli ’ḷḷāhi fa-min-kum man yabḫalu ‘here you are called upon to spend in the cause of God, but some of you will be niggardly’, 57:24 (miserliness etc) allaḏīna yabḫalūna wa-yaʔmurūna ’l-nāsa bi’l-buḫli ‘those who are miserly and urge miserliness on others’ 
▪ BDB1906, Zammit2002: Hbr *bāḥēl (pu.) ‘to get by greed’
DRS 2 (1994)#BḪL ? : Hbr mᵉboḥälät (dans naḥᵃlā mᵉboḥälät) ‘(possession) obtenue par avarice (?)’; ? (Aram) Aysor bāḫil ‘envier’, baḫilāna ‘envieux’. 
DRS 2 (1994)#BḪL ? : Hbr mᵉboḥälät (dans naḥᵃlā mᵉboḥälät) ‘(possession) obtenue par avarice (?)’; ? (Aram) Aysor bāḫil ‘envier’, baḫilāna ‘envieux’. mᵉboḥälät (Prov. 20, 21 Ketib) : interprétation (fort douteuse) de Gesenius, many others against him. — See also BʕL ?
▪ Etymology unclear due to scarcity of evidence outside Ar. Some relate the root to BḤL or BʕL, but this is doubtful. The Hbr and Aram (Aysor) cognates given by BDB, Zammit and DRS do not provide sufficient evidence for reliable reconstruction. If regular, baḫi/ula should go back to a vb. (WSem?) *baḫ˅l
tabāḫala, vb. VI, to give reluctantly, grudgingly (ʕan, ʕalà to s.o., bi‑ assoc., ‘to behave in a… way’.
buḫl, n., avarice, cupidity, greed: vn. I.
baḫīl, pl. buḫalāʔᵘ, adj., avaricious, greedy; n., miser, skinflint: pseudo-PA/PP, ints.
mabḫalaẗ, n.f., cause of avarice, that which arouses avarice or greed: n.loc. (?) 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
2-cons. "root nucleus" 
See section CONCISE below. 
2-consonantal nucleus with the basic meaning(s) of ‘to cut’ (to separate, split, pierce, disperse, etc.) (DRS, s.v. BD-1), or ‘extended separation or longtime distancing as the result of the emergence of a gap’ (Gabal2012), and ‘to prowl, wander around, to disappear’ (DRS, s.v. BD-3), or ‘to appear’ (Ehret1989). 
▪ …
▪ … 
DRS 2 (1994)#BD: »1 Une des séquences radicales formées d’un phonème labial et d’un phonème dental (parfois aussi ś ou š) qui entrent dans la constitution de nombreuses racines ayant pour valeur fondamentale la notion de ‘couper’, associée le plus souvent aux notions connexes de ‘séparer, fendre, percer, disperser, etc.’. Souvent aussi ces notion s’accompagnent, pour les mêmes racines et éventuellement pour les mêmes langues, de celles de ‘jaillir, suinter (à travers une brèche), poindre, germer’, parfois de celles de ‘creuser, fouiller, rechercher, examiner’. – Dans un certain nombre de cas, les racines ont leurs deux dernières radicales semblables. Mais il est plus fréquent (aussi bien pour les triconsonnes que pour les quadriconsonnes) que les radicales complémentaires soient des liquides (l ou r, plus rarement n), des semi-voyelles, parfois d’autres consonnes (palatales, vélaires, pharyngales, laryngales). Il peut s’agir soit de biconsonnes étoffées, soit de variantes par échange de consonnes de localisation voisine, soit souvent de croisement avec d’autres racines de sens voisin. (Il est à noter que d’autres séquences – palatale + dentale par exemple, v.s. GD, ou labiale + palatale ou vélaire, voir en particulier sous PQ – entrent aussi dans la constitution de racines ayant les valeurs de ‘couper’ et de ‘fendre’.) – Voir p.e. pour les racines avec BD : ↗BDː (BDD), ↗BDL, ↗BDĠ, ↗BDQ. – Mais voir aussi les renvois sous ↗BḎ, ↗BZ, ↗BṬ, ↗BṢ/Ḍ, BŚ, BŠ, ↗BT, ↗BṮ. – Pour d’autres labiales initiales, voir aux lettres M et P. — 2 Quelques-unes des racines comportant une labiale + dentale ont soit comme valeur unique, soit comme valeur associée aux précédentes, les sens de ‘mépriser, dédaigner’, parfois ‘être hautain, arrogant’. — 3 Pour une valeur ‘errer, disparaître etc.’, voir ↗ʔBD/T, BDBD, ↗BDW/Y, ↗BWD, ↗BYD.«
▪ Another series of extensions/derivations from a biconsonantal basis *BD is postulated by Ehret1989: From a reconstructed root *BD ‘to appear, emerge’, the author derives: (+ concisive *‑ʔ =) badʔ (↗badaʔa) ‘to begin, do a thing first’, (+ diffusive *‑r =) badr (↗badara) ‘to come quickly or unexpectedly on, surprise, break forth suddenly’, (+ sunderative *‑ʕ =) badʕ (↗badaʕa) ‘to produce, originate, begin’ (presumed earlier sense: ‘to bring forth from’), (+ amplificative *‑h =) badh (↗badaha) ‘to come unexpectedly, surprise’, (+ inchoative/denominative *‑w =) badw (↗badā) ‘to appear’, (+ inchoative/denominative *‑y =) bady (merged with ↗badaʔa) ‘to begin’.
▪ Gabal2012, like DRS for BD#1, assumes a basic value of ‘separation’ for the biconsonantal nucleus *BD, more specifically an ‘extended separation or longtime distancing as the result of the emergence of a gap’ (tafrīq mumtadd ʔaw ʔibʕād dāʔim yulzimuhu ḥudūṯ farāġ). Among the derivations/extension, however, Gabal also includes many values that Ehret1989 derives from what he assumes to be the basic meaning, namely ‘to appear’: ↗badaʔa ‘to start, begin’ (the final *‑ʔ adding the notion of that is slipping into the gap designated by the nuclear *BD, and thus appearing in it for the first time), ↗ʔabada ‘to last long’ (the initial *ʔ‑ underlining the persistence of the separation expressed in BD), ↗bāda (< *bayada) ‘to perish’ (*‑y‑ inserted between the two nuclear radicals to express a prolonged continuity of the gaping), ↗badara ‘to break forth suddenly’ (*‑r denoting the tendency of the unexpected ‘intruder’ into the void space to unfold and expand itself until fullness, as with the full moon, ↗badr), ↗badaʕa ‘to originate, do for the first time’ (*‑ʕ indicating newness of the intruder into the void space), ↗badala ‘to replace, exchange’ (*‑l, in itself expressing ‘independence’, when added to BD signifying together the disappearance of and its reappearance in another place), ↗badana ‘to be fat, corpulent’ (*‑n expressing a ‘soft extension, or continuity’ inside; added to *BD, it produces the notion of amassing and corpulence). 
Opinion differs as to which 3-consonantal roots are derived from the 2-consonantal nucleus:

↗ʔBD (DRS #BD-3, Gabal2012)
↗BDː (BDD) (DRS #BD-1)
↗BDʔ (Ehret1989, Gabal2012)
↗BDR (Ehret1989, Gabal2012)
↗BDʕ (Ehret1989, Gabal2012)
↗BDĠ (DRS #BD-1)
↗BDQ (DRS #BD-1)
↗BDL (DRS #BD-1, Gabal2012)
↗BDN (Gabal2012)
↗BDH (Ehret1989)
↗BDW/Y (Ehret1989, DRS #BD-3)
↗BWD (DRS #BD-3)
↗BYD (DRS #BD-3, Gabal2012) 
BDː (BDD) بدّ / بدد 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√BDː (BDD) 
▪ BDː (BDD)_1 ‘to distribute, spread, disperse’ ↗badda
▪ BDː (BDD)_2 ‘way out, escape’ ↗budd_1
▪ BDː (BDD)_3 ‘idol, temple consecrated to an idol’ ↗budd_2
▪ BDː (BDD)_4 ‘wish, intention, desire’ (LevAr badd, bidd < *bi‑wadd, *bi‑widd) ↗wadda

Other values, now obsolete:
▪ BDː (BDD)_5 ‘beam, bar, baulk’: ClassAr badd .
▪ BDː (BDD)_6 ‘(olive) oil press’: ClassAr badd ; ‘arm of an (olive) press’: ClassAr budd .
▪ BDː (BDD)_7 ‘equal, similar’: ClassAr bidd .
▪ BDː (BDD)_8 ‘power, strength; want’: ClassAr badad .
▪ While the two values [v1] ‘to distribute, spread, disperse’ and [v2] ‘way out, escape’ may be etymologically connected, [v3] ‘idol, temple consecrated to an idol’ is with all probability borrowed from Pers, and [v4] is a dialectal contraction of the preposition ↗bi‑ and the word for ‘wish, intention, desire’, wadd or widd. The origin of the obsolete [v5] is not clear; it may be related to [v1], a beam, bar, baulk being a kind of separator that creates a distance between two sides or parts. [v6] is clearly a loan from Aram; but the Aram word seems to be akin to [v5]. [v7] is a specialisation of [v1] in the sense of ‘to distribute in equal portions ’, hence the notion of ‘equality, similarity’ of o.’s share or contribution. Etymology of [v8] unclear.
▪ BDː (BDD)_1 is thought by many to best represent the 2-consonantal nucleus ↗*BD from which a number of 3-consonantal roots derive by extension (see DISC below). The value of this nucleus is given as ‘to cut’ or ‘to separate’ by DRS and Gabal2012, and as ‘to appear, emerge’ by Ehret1989.
▪ For BDː (BDD)_1 an AfrAs background has been suggested: Orel&Stolbova1994 reconstruct AfrAs *bad‑ ʻto separateʼ.
▪ The reconstruction of AfrAs *bud‑ or *bud(˅H)‑ ((Orel&Stolbova and Militarev, respectively) ‘stick’ for BDː (BDD)_5 is rather speculative.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_1] DRS 2 (1994)#BDD–1. Akk buddudu ‘dissiper, gaspiller’, Hbr bōdēd ‘séparé’, lᵉ-bādād ‘seul’, nHbr bādad ‘disperser, être seul’, EmpAram bdd (?) ‘disperser, anéantir’, Syr bad ‘mélanger, troubler; se répandre, déborder (fleuve)’, Ar badida ‘se tenir les jambes écartées’, badda ‘séparer, écarter, vaincre, repousser’, baddada ‘répandre, disperser’, ʔabadda ‘distribuer par portion’, tabaddada ‘gaspiller sa santé, dépérir’, Tham *bdd ‘repousser’, Hbr bad, Ar budd, buddaẗ ‘partie, portion’, Tham mbd ‘quote-part’, SAr bd ‘contrevaleur’, bd, bdd ‘espace de temps’; ? Te bad ‘pauvreté’, Aram bādīd ‘bêche; tranchée, sillon’, Te bädäd belä ‘déborder, être répandu’, Tña bəddəd bälä ‘se lever rapidement’.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_1] Orel&Stolbova1994 (#171): Ug bd ‘to take awayʼ,1 Hbr bdd ‘to separate’, EmpAram bdd ‘to disperse’, Ḥrs abdōd, Mhr abdēd, Śḥr ɛbded. – Outside Sem, (HEC) Sid bad‑ ‘to separate’, as well as bad‑ and badda ‘to split, cut (wood)’ in 2 Omot langs. Cf. also Militarev2006 (#492): abde ‘to split, divide, separate’ in a WCh idiom.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_3]: For what Orel&Stolbova1994 and Militarev2006 assume to be cognates in- and outside Sem, cf. ↗budd_2.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_5] DRS 2 (1994)#BDD –2. Hbr bad ‘rameau, branche’, JP baddā ‘tige, perche’, Ar badd ‘poutre’.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_6] DRS 2 (1994)#BDD –3. Aram bad, Ar badd ‘pressoir à olive’, budd ‘axe de pressoir’.
▪ For the wider context cf. DISC. 
▪ [BDː (BDD)_1] DRS 2 (1994)#BDD: 1. Les sens réunis ici semblent bien liés sémantiquement: séparation, dispersion, partage, épuisement, etc. […]. Il est possible que 2 et 3 n’en sont aussi que des dérivations […]. Le sens premier paraît être celui de ‘trancher, séparer’ commun à plusieures racines formées d’une labiale et d’une dentale, voir ↗BD. […, cf. also ↗BDĠ, ↗BDQ, ↗BDL] — 3. Ar < Aram. — Like DRS 2 (1994), also Gabal2012 assumes ‘separation’ as the basic value underlying extensions of a biconsonantal nucleus ↗BD, more specifically an ‘extended separation or longtime distancing’ as a result of the emergence of a gap’ (tafrīq mumtadd ʔaw ʔibʕād dāʔim yulzimuhu ḥudūṯ farāġ). The basic value of *BD is best represented in the unextended root BDː (BDD). — Ehret1989, who postulates a similar dependence of triradical roots on biradical nuclei, assumes ‘to appear, emerge’ as the primary value, without however connecting the geminated root BDː (BDD) to the *BD- nucleus (the only derivatives/extensions he mentions are ↗badaʔa,↗badara, ↗badaʕa, ↗badaha, and ↗badā).
▪ [BDː (BDD)_1] Orel&Stolbova1994 (#171) reconstruct Sem *bud‑ ‘to take away; to separate; to disperse’, HEC *bad‑ ‘separate’, Omot *bad‑ ‘split, cut (wood)’, to which Militarev2006 (#492) adds WCh *bad‑ ‘to split, divide, separate’, all from AfrAs *bad‑ ʻto separateʼ (with secondary *‑u‑ in Sem).
▪ [BDː (BDD)_2] budd ‘way out, escape’: not mentioned in DRS. Related to BDː (BDD)_1 ‘to distribute, spread, disperse’? Rolland2014 assumes a Sem origin but does not give details.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_3] budd ‘idol, temple consecrated to an idol’: accord. to Rolland2014 a loanword from Pers but ‘idol’ (cf. also Buddha ?). In contrast, Orel&Stolbova1994 and Militarev2006 assume a Sem (< AfrAs) origin. For details, cf. ↗budd_2.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_4] LevAr badd, bidd ‘wish, intention, desire’: contracted from *bi-wadd, *bi-widd : see ↗wadda.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_5] The sense of ‘pole, beam, bar, baulk’ (DRS #BDD-2) for badd does not appear in ClassAr dictionaries and is not attested in MSA (for sources, cf. DRS). The etymological origin is not clear either; it may be related to [v1], a pole, beam, bar, baulk being a kind of separator that creates a distance between two sides, or parts. – Given the Hbr and Aram cognates, Orel&Stolbova1994 reconstruct Sem *bad(d)‑ ‘pole, stick, beam’. On the evidence of what the authors think to be Berb and ECh cognates, they also assume Berb *budid‑ ‘pole of a hut’ (with secondary *u after labial and partial reduplication, hypostacized from Irjen a-budid) and ECh *b˅d˅H‑ ‘stick’ to be cognate. The common ancestor of the Sem, Berb and ECh forms is thought to be AfrAs *bud‑ ‘stick’. In StarLing, the ECh items are no longer mentioned; instead, there is given Mofu-Gudur bébeḍ < CCh *b˅-b˅ḍ‑ (< *b˅d˅H‑) ‘digging stick’, and the origin of all is modified into AfrAs *bud(˅H)‑ ‘stick’.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_6] badd as ‘pressoir, grande machine servant à presser des olives ou du raisin, moulin à huile’ is given by Dozy1881 and said to be from Aram, cf. Syr baḏā, bā̆ḏā ‘beam of an oil- or wine-press’ (PayneSmith1903). The Aram word itself seems in turn to be akin to [v5].
▪ [BDː (BDD)_7] ‘equal, similar’ (ClassAr bidd; cf. also bādda, vb. III, ‘to contribute equally for the purchasing of corn, or food, to eat; to have people’s money, or property, divided into lots, or portions, and distributed in shaires among them; to divide property among a people in shares’): not mentioned in DRS; derived, as a specialization in meaning, from the notion of ‘to distribute portionwise’ in vb. I, badda.
▪ [BDː (BDD)_8] ‘power, strength; want’: no etymological suggestions available so far. Probably related to [v1]. 
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