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baḏr بَذْر , pl. buḏūr, biḏār 
ID 063 • Sw 24/131 • BP 4306 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, laste updated 4Oct2022
1a seeds, seed; b seedling; c pl. buḏūr, pips, pits, stones (of fruit) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: replaces the main protSem term for ‘seed’, *ḏarʕ‑ (of which Ar ↗ZRʕ ‘to cultivate’ is a reflex).
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DRS 2 (1994) #BḎR: Ar buḏr ‘pousse, germe’: une autre valeur de la racine P/BḎ/ZR.
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baḏara, u (baḏr), vb. I, to sow, disseminate (, seed, also fig. = to spread): denom.(?)
baḏḏara, vb. II, to waste, squander, dissipate ( D-stem, ints.

baḏraẗ, n.f., 1 a seed, a grain; 2 pip, pit, stone (of fruit); 3 germ; 4 (fig.) germ cell (of a development, and the like): n.un.
biḏār, n., seedtime
taḏbīr, n., waste, squandering, dissipation: vn. II
mubaḏḏir, n., squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift: PA II
BḎL بذل 
Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | created 31May2023
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