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barqūq بَرْقُوق 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n.coll. (n.un. ‑aẗ
plum (Eg) – WehrCowan1979. 
From ByzGrk berikókkion ‘apricot’, from lGrk praikókkion, from Lat praecoquum ‘fruit précoce’ – Rolland2014a. 
▪ … 
▪ Lane: burqūq, vulg. barqūq, post-clasical word [probably arabicized from the Pers barqūq, which is applied to both apricots and plums.
▪ Fraenkel1886: from Syr barqūqā = Grk beríkokka 
▪ Engl apricot : 1550 s, abrecock, from Catalan abercoc, related to Portug albricoque, from Ar al-birqūq, through ByzGrk berikokkia from Lat (malum) praecoquum ‘early-ripening (fruit)’; form assimilated to French abricot. Lat praecoquis ‘early-ripe’ can probably be attributed to the fact that the fruit was considered a variety of peach that ripened sooner than other peaches…. [Barnhart] – EtymOnline.
▪ Ge Aprikose : C17, from Dutch abrikoos, from Fr apricot (influenced by the pl.), from Span albaricoque and Portug albricoque, from Ar al-barqūq, from Grk prekókkion (and var.s), from Lat praecoquum ‘early-ripe’, belonging to Lat coquere ‘to ripen, let ripe’. The fruit that was imported in Italy since C1 from China, was superiour to the indigenous Marille and was called persica praecocia ‘early-ripe peach’ (fruit that ripens earlier than peaches) – Kluge2002. 
barqūq barrī, n., sloe plum 
BRK برك 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 1Oct2022
▪ BRK_1 ‘to kneel down’ ↗baraka
▪ BRK_2 ‘(to invoke a) blessing’ ↗barakaẗ, ↗bāraka
▪ BRK_3 ‘pond, pool’ ↗birkaẗ
▪ BRK_4 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘chest of a camel, thorax; (of a camel) to lie down on the chest; a group of camels; bounty, a blessing, to be blessed, to be great; the blessed, to be praised; a pond’ 
▪ BRK_1: from protSem *birk- ‘knee’ – DRS 2 (1994) #BRK-1.
▪ BRK_2: From WSem *√BRK ‘to bless’, probably a metathesized variant of *√KRB – Huehnergard2011.
▪ BRK_3: …
▪ BRK_: … 
DRS 2 (1994) #BRK-1 *birk- ‘genou’: Akk birk-, burk-, Ug brk, Hbr berek, PehlAram brk, JP birkā, Syr burkā, Aysor birkʸä, Soq *berk, Mhr bark, Gz Te bərk, Tña bərḫi, Selti bərk. – Hbr *bārak (inac. wa-yyibrak), Syr bᵊrak ‘s’agenouiller’; nSyr barik ‘être à genoux’; Ar baraka ‘s’accroupir, baraquer (chameau)’; Soq ʔebrek ʼfaire s’agenouillerʼ; Gz baraka, Amh bärräkä ‘baraquer’; Te bärkä, Tña boräha ‘s’agenouiller’; Amh tämbäräkkäkä ‘trembler, les genoux branlants’, ambaräkkäk ‘agenouillement’, bərəkrək alä ‘se soumettre’; Akk *birk- ‘giron’; Ar bark ‘poitrine’; Soq bérak ‘poitrine’; Gz burke ‘épaule, humérus’; ?Ar burk ‘sarcelle, canard’. -2 Ug Phoen Pun brk, Hbr berak, bērēk, EpigAram brk, JP bᵊrak, bārēk, Mnd brak, nSyr bāriḫ, Ar baraka, Tham brk, Sab brk, Soq bórik, Gz bāraka, Amh barräkä ‘bénir’; Ar burkaẗ ‘mouture abondante; salaire de meunier; prix du sang’. -3 Ug brk, EpigHbr brkh, BiblHbr bᵊrekā, Ar birkaẗ, Sab brkt, brk ‘étang, citerne’. -4 .... -5 Syr bārktā ‘armoise’; ?Ar birkān: plante (du Nejd). -6 Ar birak: poissons (de mer) -7 birkaẗ: sorte de manteau du Yémen. -8 ....
▪ BRK_1: Outside Sem, Borg2021#31 (b-r-k¹) compares Eg brk (LE) ‘knien (in Huldigung)’ (Wb I 466).
▪ BRK_2: Outside Sem, Borg2021#32 (b-r-k²) compares Eg brk/ba=ra=ka (NK) ‘beten zu; schenken; Geschenk, Gabe’; ‘bless in homage’ ~ bá-ra-ka ‘segnen’ (Wb I 466; Helck 1962: 557; Hoch 1994: 102).
▪ BRK_3: Outside Sem, Borg2021#33 (b-r-k³) compares Eg brk.t (LE) ‘Teich’; ‘pond, pool, lake’ (Wb I 466; DLE I 137) ~ Dem brkt/blkt/blgt ‘der Teich, der See’ (DG 119, 120) ~ Copt ⲃⲉⲣϭⲟⲟⲩⲧ (Sa‘idic) (Vittmann 1996: 438).
▪ … 
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▪ Engl Baruch, broker, cherubbāraka, ↗barakaẗ
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