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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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bizr بِزْر , pl. buzūr ; ʔabzār , ʔabāzīrᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
(pl. buzūr) seeds; (pl. ʔabzār, ʔabāzīrᵘ) spice – WehrCowan1979. 
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DRS 2 (1994)#BZR: Hbr *bāzar, Aram bᵊzar ‘répandre, éparpiller’, Phlv bzr ‘semence’, JP bizrā, Ar bizr ‘semences, graines’; Soq bizar ‘comestibles’, Syr bazrā ‘huile de lin’, MġrAr ʔabzār ‘épices’, bazra ‘impôt’, tbazzar ‘être prodigue’; Syr ʔabzārā ‘cru; mancheron de charrue’; Ar bayzār ‘laboureur’, bazīr ‘pilon de foulon’, bazara ‘fouler un tissu de laine’; Syr bezārā ‘lettre, diplôme’. Observations et références s. P/BḎ/ZR. Voir aussi les renvois s. BD, BZ. – Hbr *bāzar est sans doute un aramaïsme.
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#269: Aram (Phlv) bzr, (Pal) bizrā ‘seed’, [Syr bazar ‘to disperse’], Ḥrs bezār, Mhr bezār Śḥr bizɛr ‘peppers’. 
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#269: AfrAs *beʒar‑ ‘corn’ > Sem *bizr‑ ‘seed‘¹, ‘peppers’²: Aram (Phlv) bzr ¹, (Pal) bizrā ¹, Ar bizr‑ ¹ (from which the denominative verb bzr, i ‘sow’), while Hss bezār, Mhr bezār and Shh bizɛr all mean ‘peppers’. The ancestor of cognates in WCh was probably *baʒar‑ ‘corn’. – The word seems also to be etymologically connected with *baʒar‑ ‘to be torn, be peeled’.
▪ Any connection to bazara ‘to blow the nose’ ? 
bazara, i (bazr), vb. I, to sow: denom. (Orel&Stolbova1994).
bizraẗ, n.f., seed; kernel, pip, pit, stone (of fruit); germ: n.un.
bazzār, n., seedsman:
buzayra, pl. ‑āt, n., spore (bot.): dimin. n.un. 
BZĠ بزغ 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 3Mar2023
▪ BZĠ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ BZĠ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ BZĠ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘crack, laceration, to slash; to show through, to break forth, to come out’ 
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BSR بسر 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 3Mar2023
▪ BSR_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ BSR_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ BSR_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘open outstretched land, the face of the earth; carpet; to stretch out, to spread out, to reach out, to unfold; abundance, vastness,-increase’ 
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BSṬ بسط 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 4Oct2022
▪ BSṬ_1 ‘to spread, spread out, level, flatten, enlarge, expand, extend, unfold; to grant, offer; to present, submit, explain’ ↗basaṭa, ‘to be glad, delighted, be(come) happy’ ↗ĭnbasaṭa, ‘carpet, rug’ ↗bisāṭ, ‘simple, plain, uncomplicated’ ↗basīṭ, ‘cheerful, happy, gay; well off, well-to-do…’ ↗mabsūṭ
▪ BSṬ_2 ‘rim, felly (of a wheel)’ ↗ʔubsūṭaẗ
▪ BSṬ_3 ‘…’ ↗
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DRS 2 (1994) #BS(Š?)Ṭ-1 Ar basaṭa ‘étendre (tapis, natte); élargir’. -2 Amh täbäsač̣ä ‘s’impatienter, s’emporter’.
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