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BŠR بشر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ BŠR_1 ‘(to announce) good news’ ↗BŠR_1
▪ BŠR_2 ‘to scrape, peel; skin, (flesh); man, mankind; to get in direct contact; to initiate’ ↗BŠR_2

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘skin; to skin; to be in skin-to-skin contact, to be intimate with one’s wife; first signs, to give good tidings, good tidings, a hum.a n being’ 
Homonymous root with two principle values. 
▪ Both WehrCowan1979 and DRS 2 (1994) differentiate between two main values, BŠR_1 and BŠR_2.
▪ However, Lane I (1863) reports that Arab lexicographers think that there is a connection between ‘good news’ (BŠR_1) and ‘skin’ (BŠR_2), interpreting the vb. bašira a / bašara i as »He became changed in his bašaraẗ (or ‘complexion’) by the annunciation of an event […] and, hence, he rejoiced […]« (op.cit., s.v. bšr 1.). Furthermore, most of them think (as also DRS ) that ‘skin’ is related to ‘man, mankind’ as well as to ‘having direct contact’ (see BŠR_2). 
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