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baṭal- بَطَلَ , a (buṭl, buṭlān
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 4Oct2022
vb., I 
1a to be or become null, void, invalid, false, untenable, vain, futile, worthless; b to be abolished, fall into disuse, become obsolete; c to cease, stop, be discontinued; d to be inactive, be out of work – WehrCowen1976 
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DRS 2 (1994) #BṬL-1 Akk baṭālu ‘tirer à sa fin, cesser; être sans travail’; Hbr *bāṭal (3pl bāṭlū) ‘être sans travail’; nHbr ʔabṭālā ‘désœuvrement, indolence, frivolité’, bāṭel ‘être aboli’; JP Syr bᵊṭēl ‘cesser, finir; être sans travail’; Mnd bṭil ‘devenir inutile’; nSyr Ur *mabṭil ‘faire chômer’; Aysor bāṭil ‘être inoccupé’; Ar baṭala ‘être réduit à rien; être sans travail’; MġrAr bāṭil ‘gratis; injustement’; Śḥr bṭol ‘anéantir’; Soq bṭl ‘être enflammé’, šbṭl (caus.) ‘être désert’; Mhr habṭóul (caus.) ‘anéantir’; Gz baṭala ‘être inutile, vain; cesser, être aboli’; Te bätlä ‘être vain, inutile’; Amh bäṭṭälä ‘être gâté’, bəṭul ‘incorrect’, abäṭällälä ‘déprécier, mépriser’. -?2 Ar baṭal ‘intrépide, héroïque’, baṭula ‘être héroïque’ -?3 Syr bāṭlē ‘objet gravé, ciselé’; Amh bäṭṭälä ‘couper’, abṭäläṭṭälä ‘déchirer’, bəṭəlṭəl alä ‘être déchiré’.
▪ … 
baṭṭala, vb. II, 1a to thwart, foil, frustrate, make ineffective, counteract, neutralize, nullify, invalidate (s. th.); b to abolish, cancel, annul, suppress ( D-stem, caus.
ʔabṭala, vb. IV, 1a = II; b to paralyze, immobilize, hold down, pin down (the opponent); 2 to talk idly, prattle: *Š-stem, ¹caus., ²denom.

buṭl, n., 1a nullity; b uselessness, futility, vanity; 2 falsity, falseness, untruth: vn. I
BP#2357biṭālaẗ, var. baṭālaẗ, n.f., 1 idleness, inactivity; 2 free time, time off, holidays, vacations; 3 unemployment
baṭṭāl, pl. -ūn, adj., 1 idle, inactive; 2 unemployed, out of work: ints. formation
buṭlān, n., 1a nullity; b uselessness, futility, vanity; 2 falsity, untruth; 3 invalidity
ʔibṭāl, n., 1 thwarting, frustration, invalidation; 2 ruin, destruction; 3 abolition, cancellation: vn. IV
BP#2674bāṭil, adj., n., 1 nugatory, vain, futile; 2 false, untrue; 3 absurd, groundless, baseless; 4 worthless; 5 invalid, null, void; 6 deception, lie, falsehood; 7 pl. ʔabāṭīlᵘ, vanities, trivialities, trifles, flimflam, idle talk, prattle: PA I
bāṭilᵃⁿ, var. bi-l-bāṭil, adv., 1 falsely; 2 futilely, in vain
mubṭil, n., 1 prattler, windbag; 2 liar: PA IV
mubṭal, adj., nugatory, futile, vain: PP IV
mutabaṭṭil, adj., unemployed: PA V

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗baṭal and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√BṬL. 
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