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BKR بكر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ BKR_1 ‘(to set out in the) early morning’ ↗bukraẗ
▪ BKR_2 ‘first-born, eldest’ ↗bikr, ‘young camel’ ↗bakr
▪ BKR_3 ‘reel; pulley, winch’ ↗bakraẗ

♦ Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘morrow; beginning of the day; early time, to do early in the day; first fruits; virgin, firstborn, outstanding deed’ 
▪ BKR_1 : …
▪ BKR_2 : (Orel&Stolbova1994) protSem *bakr- ʻyoung camelʼ, perh. from AfrAs *bak˅r- ʻyoung animalʼ.
▪ BKR_3 : …

♦ Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘morrow; beginning of the day; early time, to do early in the day; first fruits; virgin, firstborn, outstanding deed’ 
▪ … 
▪ BKR_1: Outside Sem, Borg2021#49 (b-k-r²) compares Eg bkꜣ (Pyr) ‘the morrow, morning’; ‘der zweite Tag, das Morgen, der Morgen (neben Tagesmitte und Abend); morgen’ (Faulkner 1962: 85; Ember 1911: 88; Wb I 481; Sethe 1962: 120).
▪ BKR_2: Outside Sem, Borg2021#48 (b-k-r¹), Ar bikr ‘virgin’; ‘femme ou femelle à son premier enfantement’ (Lane 240; DAF I 153): cf. Eg bkꜣ (MK) ‘be pregnant’; ‘schwanger sein / werden’; bkꜣ.t ‘pregnant woman’; ‘die schwangere’ (Faulkner 1962: 85; Wb I 481); bk ‘pregnant’; bꜣkꜣ ‘breeding cow’ (DLE I 141, 128) ~ Dem bk ‘schwanger, trächtig’ (DG 125) ~ Copt ⲃⲟⲕⲓ ‘conceive’ (Crum 1939: 31a). 
bakr بَكْر , pl. ʔabkur, bukrān 
ID … • Sw – • BP 7869 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
young camel – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#196: from protSem *bakr- ʻyoung camelʼ, perh. from AfrAs *bak˅r- ʻyoung animalʼ.
▪ See also ↗√BKR and ↗bikr ‘first-born’. 
▪ … 
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#196: Akk bakru, Hbr beker, SAr bkr, Mhr bōker, Śḥr okrit, Ḥrs bōker. – Outside Sem perh. Berb e-bakar, e-bəkər, a-bukir ‘lamb, kid’; but these may be loans from Sem.
▪ See also ↗√BKR and ↗bikr ‘first-born’. 
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#196: protSem *bakr- ʻyoung camelʼ (Akk, Hbr, SAr, Mhr, Śḥr, Ḥrs). If the Berb forms are not loans, one may reconstruct protBerb *b˅k˅r- ) ‘lamb, kid’. ProtSem and protBerb taken together, the common etymon could be AfrAs *bak˅r- ʻyoung animalʼ.
▪ See also ↗√BKR and ↗bikr ‘first-born’. 
For related items, cf. ↗bikr, ↗bukraẗ, and, for the general picture, ↗√BKR. 
bikr بِكْر , pl. ʔabkār 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1a first-born, eldest; 1b firstling; 2 unprecedented, novel, new; 3a virgin; 3b virginal – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ From protSem *bukur‑ ‘*bikr‑ ‘*bak(u)r‑ ‘first-born’ – Huehnergard2011.
▪ The word may be the etymon proper of the whole root.
▪ … 
▪ … 
▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘first-born’) Akk bukru, Hbr bḵōr, Syr buḵrā, Gz bakʷér.
bikrī, adj., first‑born, first: nisba formation of bikr.
bikriyyaẗ, n.f., primogeniture: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ.

For other related items, cf. ↗bakr, ↗bukraẗ, and, for the general picture, ↗√BKR. 
bakraẗ بَكْرة , var. bakaraẗ, pl. bakar, ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 reel; 2 pulley (mech.); 3 spool, coil; 4 winch, windlass – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ … 
▪ … 
ḫayṭ bakraẗ, n., thread.

bakkāraẗ, n.f., pulley (mech.) | bakkāraẗ murakkabaẗ, n.f., set of pulleys, block and tackle.

For other items of the same root, cf. ↗bakr, ↗bikr, ↗bukraẗ, and, for the general picture, ↗√BKR. 
bukraẗ بُكْرة , pl. bukar 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
early morning – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ … 
▪ … 
BP#1810bukraẗan, (EgLevGulAr) bukrā, adv., 1 early in the morning; 2a tomorrow; 2b on the following day, next day

bakara, u, vb. I, 1 to set out early in the morning, get up early; 2 to come early (ʔilà to), be early (ʔilà at)
bakkara, vb. II, 1 = I; 2 bakkara fī/bi‑ with foll. vn.: to do early, prematurely, ahead of its time: D‑stem, denom. from bukraẗ.
bākara, vb. III, to be ahead of s.o. (‑h), anticipate, forestall (‑h s.o.)
ʔabkara, vb. IV, = I
ĭbtakara, vb., VIII, 1 to be the first to take (‑h, be the first to embark (on; 2 to deflower (‑hā a girl); 3a to invent (‑h; 3b to create, originate, start (‑h

bakr, pl. ʔabkur, bukrān, n., young camel: may be the etymon proper. – See also s.v.
bikr, pl. ʔabkār, n., 1 first‑born, eldest; 2 firstling; 3 unprecedented, novel, new; 4a virgin; 4b virginal: may be the etymon proper. – See also s.v.
bikrī, adj., first‑born, first: nisba formation of bikr.
bikriyyaẗ, n.f., primogeniture: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ.
(?) ²bakraẗ, n.f.: ʕalà\ʕan bakraẗ ʔabīhim, ʕan bakratihim, adv., all without exception, all of them, all together; ḫaraǧat il‑ǧamāhīr ʕan bakratihā, expr., the crowd went forth as one man.
bakīr and bakūr ~ bākūr, adj., 1 coming early; 2 early, premature; 3 precocious: ints., quasi‑PP.
bukūr, n., earliness, prematureness, premature arrival | bukūrī fī ’l‑ʕawd, n., my early return
bakāraẗ, n.f., virginity
bukūraẗ and bukūriyyaẗ, n.f., primogeniture
bākūraẗ, pl. bawākīrᵘ, firstlings; first results, first fruits; beginning, rise, dawn; (with foll. genit.) initial, early, first; pl. bawākīrᵘ, first signs or indications; initial symptoms; heralds, harbingers (fig.) | bākūraẗ al‑fawākih, n.f., early fruit; kāna bākūraẗ ʔaʕmālih, expr., the first thing he did was…
ʔabkarᵘ, adj., rising earlier: elative formation.
mibkār, adj., precocious: rare adj. pattern!
ĭbtikār, pl. ‑āt, n.f, 1 novelty, innovation; 2a creation; 2b invention; 2c origination, first production; 3 initiative; 4 creativity, originality; pl. ‑āt, specif., creations of fashion, fashion designs: vn. VIII.
BP#3505bākir, adj., 1 early; 2 premature: PA I; | bākiran, adv., 1 in the morning; 2 early; fī ’l‑ṣabāḥ al‑bākir, adv., early in the morning; ʔilà bākir, adv., till tomorrow
bākiraẗ, pl. bawākirᵘ, n.f., firstlings, first produce, early fruits, early vegetables: PA I, f.; pl. first indications or symptoms, heralds, harbingels
BP#1424mubakkir, adj., 1 doing early; 2 early: PA II; | mubakkiran, adv., early in the morning, early
mubtakir, adj./n., 1a creator; 1b creative; 1c inventor: PA I.
mubtakar, adj./n., 1 newly created, novel, new, original; 2 (pl. ‑āt) creation, specif., fashion creation, invention | ṯawb mubtakar, n., original design, model, dress creation.

For other items of the same root, cf. ↗bakraẗ and, for the general picture, ↗√BKR. 
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