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bakà / bakay‑ بكى / بكيْـ , ī (bukāʔ, bukaⁿ, det. bukà
ID … • Sw – • BP 1238 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1a to cry, weep; 1b to bemoan, lament, bewail, mourn – WehrCowan1976. 
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▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘to weep, cry’) Akk ibkī, Hbr bāḵā, Syr bḵā, Gz bakáya.
bakkà, vb. II, and ʔabkà, vb. IV, to make cry: D-stem and *Š-stem, respectively, caus.
ĭstabkà, vb.X, to move to tears, make cry: *Št-stem, desiderative.

bukāʔ, n., crying, weeping: vn. I .
bakkāʔ, adj., given to weeping frequently, tearful, lachrymose: ints.
ḥāʔiṭ al‑ mabkà, n., the Wailing Wall (in Jerusalem): n.loc.
bākin (det. bākī), pl. bukāẗ, 1a adj., weeping, crying: PA I; 1b n., weeper, wailer, mourner: nominalized PA I.
bākiyaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., wailing woman, hired mourner: PA I f.; – (pl. bawākin, det. bawākī; Eg. ) arch, arcade: ?
mubakkin, det. mubakkī, and mubkin, det. mubkī, adj., 1a causing tears, tearful; 1b sad, lamentable, deplorable: PA II and IV, respectively.
BLː(BLL) بللـ/ بلّ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ BLː (BLL)_1 ‘to moisten, make wet’ ↗¹balla
▪ BLː (BLL)_2 ‘to recover (from illness)’ ↗²balla
▪ BLː (BLL)_3 ‘porridge made of wheat or maize with milk and sugar’ ↗EgAr balīlaẗ

Other values, now obsolete, include:

▪ BLː (BLL)_4 ‘wicked, hypocrite, unjust’: ʔaball, f. ballāʔ, pl. bull (Hava1899)
▪ BLː (BLL)_5 ‘moan’: ball, balīl (Hava1899)
▪ BLː (BLL)_6 ‘a kind of fern’: LevAr ballān (Hava1899)
▪ BLː (BLL)_7 ‘meeting-place’: balāl~bulāl (Hava1899)
▪ BLː (BLL)_ ‘’:
▪ BLː (BLL)_1-3 : The grouping in DRS suggests that all items belong together, based on the idea of ‘mixing’. If this is correct, BLː (BLL)_1 ‘to moisten, make wet’ is originally *‘to mix with water’; BLː (BLL)_2 ‘to recover (from illness)’ may be *‘to get well again due to fresh (= wet, moistened, or mixed, variegated?) pasture/food’ (or simply refreshing coolness thanks to moisture? – cf. obsolete balīl, balīlaẗ ‘cold and damp wind’, or ballaẗ ‘freshness of youth’, given by Hava1899); and EgAr balīlaẗ may be either *‘soaked cereals’ (< ‘to moisten, make wet’), or the *‘meal that helps to recover, or is given to s.o. recovering, from an illness’, or it has preserved the basec idea of ‘mixing’ and is to be interpreted as *‘mixture, potpourri’, with this coming closest to Pun bll *‘mixed offering’.
BLː (BLL)_4 : cf. DRS 2 (1994) #BLL-2
BLː (BLL)_5 : cf. DRS 2 (1994) #BLL-4
BLː (BLL)_6 : cf. DRS 2 (1994) #BLL-5
BLː (BLL)_7 : ?
▪ ClassAr lexicographers traditionally also group under √ BLː (BLL) the particles bal ‘but; on the contrary, besides, much more, rather; no, nay’ and balà ‘(after neg.) oh yes!, but of course!, certainly!’. 
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▪ DRS 2 (1994) #BLL-1 Akk balālu ‘mélanger; allier, brasser’; Hbr bālal ‘mélanger (avec de l’huile)’; Aram bal ‘mélanger’; Ar balla ‘mouiller, tremper, humecter’;1 SAr bll ‘irriguer’; Te bälla ‘mélanger’, bällälä ‘changer la couleur’; Pun bll: espèce de sacrifice.2 – Akk ballu ‘fourrage mélangé’; Hbr bᵊlīl, TalmAram bᵊlīlā ‘méteil’; Ar balla ‘désaltérer, apaiser’, bill ‘convalescence’; Tham (*Š-stem) h-bl ‘guérison’; Ar balāl ‘bien’, bullaẗ (pl. bilāl) ‘bien, bienfait’; SAr bll ‘bien (?)’. -?2 Ar balila, balla ‘être agressif, hargneux’, balalaẗ, bulalaẗ ‘haine implacable’, bill ‘malheur’; Amh bällälä ‘se gâter, aller mal, ne pas réussir’; Te bolälä ‘se sentir mal, abhorrer’.3 -3 Akk bullu ‘emporter, arracher?’; Ar balla (fī ’l- ʔarḍ) ‘errer; aller droit devant soi’; Tña bällälä ‘voler’; Har täbāläla ‘se hâter’. -4 Ar balīl ‘gémissement, plainte douce’, ballala ‘roucouler (colombe), crier (paon)’; Amh (Gondar) bulall- ‘tourterelle’.4 -5 Ar ball (coll.) ‘fleurs, fruits (d’un épineux); sureau?’, balalaẗ: sorte d’épineux, ‘aspalathe’, ballān: sorte de plante, ‘fougère?’?; Gz ʔablalit: sorte de chardon; Te bälla ‘mauvaise herbe’.5 -6 […].
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