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EgAr balīlaẗ بَليلة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√BLː (BLL) 
(EgAr) porridge made of wheat or maize with milk and sugar – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Does balīlaẗ belong to ↗¹balla ‘to moisten, make wet’ (perh. *‘soaked cereals’), or is it rather the *‘meal that helps to recover, or is given to s.o. recovering, from an illness’ (↗²balla)? Or perh. none of these, but rather akin to the *‘mixed offering’ of Pun bll that preserved the original idea of *‘mixture’ (see section COGN)? In any case, DRS does not mention balīlaẗ, but groups all – ‘to moisten’, ‘to recover’ and Pun bll ‘mixed offering’ – together as cognates.
▪ … 
▪ DRS 2 (1994) #BLL-1 Akk balālu ‘mélanger; allier, brasser’; Hbr bālal ‘mélanger (avec de l’huile)’; Aram bal ‘mélanger’; Ar balla ‘mouiller, tremper, humecter’;1 SAr bll ‘irriguer’; Te bälla ‘mélanger’, bällälä ‘changer la couleur’; Pun bll: espèce de sacrifice.2 – Akk ballu ‘fourrage mélangé’; Hbr bᵊlīl, TalmAram bᵊlīlā ‘méteil’; Ar balla ‘désaltérer, apaiser’, bill ‘convalescence’; Tham (*Š-stem) h-bl ‘guérison’; Ar balāl ‘bien’, bullaẗ pl. bilāl) ‘bien, bienfait’; SAr bll ‘bien (?)’. -26 […]3  
For other items of the root, cf. ↗¹balla and ↗²balla, as well as, for the overall picture, ↗√BLː (BLL). 
BLD بلد 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 5Oct2022
▪ BLD_1 ‘country’ ↗balad
▪ BLD_2 ‘to be stupid, idiotic, dull-witted’ ↗baluda
▪ BLD_ ‘steel’ ↗fūlāḏ (var. būlād)

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘a marked plot of land; an animal dwelling, an abode, to abide in a place, to stay put; a tower; city, village; density; to be lacking in intelligence’ 
▪ BLD_1 : from …
▪ BLD_2 : from …
▪ BLD_3 : see ↗fūlāḏ
▪ … 
DRS 2 (1994) #BLD-1 Ar balad ‘pays plat, terre, sol’, bilād ‘contrée’; Tham bldt ‘pays’; Soq bilād, Śḥr bilád ‘ville’; ?Har bad ‘pays, terre’. -2 Ar baluda, balida ‘être lent, stupide’, ʔablad ‘seul, délaissé’; ?Amh bolläd : singe qui vit seul; homme sans foi ni loi. -3 Ug (yn) bld (ǵll) : sorte de vin. -4 Te Tña blād, Amh bulad ‘silex’.
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