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BNː (BNN) بنّ / بنن 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√BNː (BNN) 
▪ BNː (BNN)_1 ‘coffee’ ↗bunn
▪ BNː (BNN)_2 ‘finger tips’ ↗banān
▪ … 
DRS 2 (1994) #BNN-1 Ar banna ‘faire halte, se fixer (dans un lieu)’; Tham bn ‘rester’. -2 Ar binn ‘graisse’. -3 bannaẗ ‘odeur’; SAr banna ‘saveur, goût’. -4 Ar bunān ‘extrémité(s) des doigts’; dial S Ar bannaẗ, bunnaẗ ‘doigt, orteil; longueur ou largeur d’un doigt’. -5 Ar YemAr bunn, Te Tña Amh bun ‘café’. -6 Amh bännänä ‘voleter ci et là (poussière, fumée)’; Tña bänänä ‘s’évaporer’. -7 Akk benn- : peut-être ‘l’ainé d’une famille?’. -8 benn- ‘épilepsie?’.
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banān بنان , var. bunān 
ID 096 • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√BNː (BNN) 
finger tips – WehrCowan1979 
Etymology unclear. 
▪ eC7 Q 8:12 fa-’ḍribū fawqa l-ʔaʕnāqi wa-’ḍribū min-hum kulla banānin ‘Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger’; 75:4 qādirīna ʕalā ʔan nusawwiya banāna-hū ‘We are able to restore his very fingers!’ 
DRS#BNN-4 gives bunān (with u) and the “dial. mér.” forms bannaẗ, bunnaẗ ‘doigt, orteil; longueur ou largeur d’un doigt’. 
Probably unrelated to other items of the root as given by DRS (of which only ↗bunn‑ ‘coffee beans, (unground) coffee’ is still known in MSA), cf. ↗BNN
yušāru ʕalay-hī l-banān, expr., lit.: he is pointed at with fingers, i.e., he is a famous man;
anā ṭawʕᵃ banānika, expr., I am at your disposal, I am at your service
bunn بُنّ , var. būn 
ID 097 • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√BNː (BNN) 
coffee beans, (unground) coffee – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Outside Sem, Borg2021 #57 (b-n-n³) compares Eg bnn (MK) ‘bead, pellet’; ‘boulette, pilule’; ‘Kügelchen der "Myrrhe" als Medikament; kleine Perle aus Stein’ (Faulkner 1962: 83; Lacau 1972: 339; Wb II 460) ~ Dem bnn.t ‘Kugel’ (DG 118).
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DRS#bnn-5 Te Tña Amh bun ‘coffee’ 
Probably unrelated to other items of the root as given by DRS (of which only ↗banān‑ ‘finger tips’ is still known in MSA), cf. ↗BNN
▪ Engl (coffee‑) beans 
bunnī, adj., coffee-coloured, brown: nsb-adj. 
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