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BNDQ بندق 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ BNDQ_1 ‘hazelnut’ ↗bunduq
▪ BNDQ_2 ‘bullet’ ↗bunduq
▪ BNDQ_3 ‘rifle, gun’ ↗bunduq
▪ BNDQ_4 ‘Venice’ ↗ (al-) Bunduqiyyaẗ
▪ BNDQ_5 ‘bastard’ ↗bundūq
While BNDQ_1-4 all are from Grk pontikós ‘from the Black Sea (Pontos) region’, BNDQ_5 is of unknown origin. 
bunduq, ↗bundūq 
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ ↗bunduq
bunduq بُنْدُق , var. funduq , n.un. ‑aẗ , pl. banādiqᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 hazelnut(s), filberts; hazel, hazel tree; -aẗ, n.f., hazelnut, filbert. – 2 bullet – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ From Grk pontikón (kárion) ‘Black Sea (nut), hazelnut’ (based on Grk póntos ‘sea’).
▪ [v2] Bullets were called bunduq because they looked like hazelnuts.1
▪ From bunduqaẗ ‘bullet’ was coined ‘the weapon with which to shoot bullets’, bunduqiyyaẗ.
▪ For ‘Venice’ cf. (al-)Bunduqiyyaẗ 
▪ … 
DRS 2 (1994)#BNDQ: Syr būndᵉqā ‘boule’, Ar bunduq ‘noisette; balle de fusil’, bunduqiyyaẗ ‘arquebuse, fusil’, Soq bindūq, Mhr bəndúq, mindúq, Śḥr bendīq, endiq
DRS 2 (1994)#BNDQ: From Grk pontikón (káryion) ‘Black Sea (nut), hazelnut’ (based on Grk póntos ‘sea’), Phlv pondik. Syr < Ar (Brockelmann).
▪ The variant funduq is not to be confused with the homonymous word for ‘caravanserai, hostel; hotel’, cf. ↗funduq
▪ Tu fındık: <1410 (Ḫıżır Paşa, Münteḫab-ı Şifā) fınduk : from Ar bunduq / funduq.
▪ Span albóndiga ‘meatball’: from Ar al-bunduqaẗ ‘the hazelnut’ (because of the ‘bullet’ form). 
bunduqiyyaẗ, pl. banādiqᵘ, n., rifle, gun | ~ rašš, n., shotgun; ~ hawāʔiyyaẗ, n., airgun. 
bunduqiyyaẗ بُنْدُقيّة , pl. banādiqᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
¹n.f.; ²n.prop.loc. 
1 rifle, gun. – 2 al-~ Venice – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ [v1] is based on ↗bunduq, meaning ‘hazelnut’ and (because of the form) also ‘bullet’.
▪ [v2] Directly from Grk pontikós and, thus, ‘(town of) the Pontos people’, or based on ↗bunduq ‘hazelnut’ or bunduqiyyaẗ ‘rifle, gun’ and thus ‘(town of) those who deal with hazelnuts, or rifles’? Rolland2014 suggests ‘(town of) the people who, like the hazelnuts, were believed to stem from the Pontus region’. 
▪ … 
▪ See ↗bunduq
▪ For [v1], cf. ↗bunduq.
▪ [v2] : Rolland2014: »Les Vénitiens étaient, commes les noisettes, supposés être originaires du Pont-Euxin.«
bunduqiyyaẗ rašš, n., shotgun.
bunduqiyyaẗ hawāʔiyyaẗ, n., airgun.

bunduqī, Venetian sequin: nsb-adj from (al-) Bunduqiyyaẗ ‘Venice’.
bunduqānī, pl. ‑ūn, banādiqaẗ, n., a Venitian: extended nsb-adj, from (al-) Bunduqiyyaẗ ‘Venice’ + ‑ān suff.loc.< 

bundūq بُنْدوق , pl. banādīqᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
bastard – WehrCowan1979. 
Of unknown origin. Rolland2014 suggests that it is a contraction from ĭbn dūq ‘son of a stupidity’. Probably not related to ↗bunduq or ↗bunduqiyyaẗ
▪ … 
Rolland2014: »L’origine… reste à éclaircir. On ne voit de rapport ni avec la noisette ni avec Venise. Hasardons une hypothèse: le mot est peut-être l’altération du syntagme ĭbn dūq ‘fils d’une folie, d’une sottise’.« 
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