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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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BNW/Y بنو/ي 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 2Jun2023
▪ BNW/Y_1 ‘to build’ ↗banà, ‘builder’ ↗bannāʔ , ‘building, construction’ ↗bunyān
▪ BNW/Y_ ...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘sons and daughters, offspring; to adopt a child; building, wall, tent; to build, to form; to wed’ 
▪ From protSem *√BNY ‘to build, create’ – Huehnergard2011.
▪ …
bannāʔ بَنّاء
ID – • Sw – • BP 4854 (adj.) • APD … • © SG | 2Jun2023
n.; adj. 
builder – Jeffery1938 
▪ … 
▪ eC7 Q xxxviii, 36 – Jeffery1938.
▪ Jeffery1938: »The verb banà ‘to build’ occurs in the Qurʔān along with certain formations therefrom, e.g. bināʔ ‘ceiled roof’, and mabnīy and it would seem on the surface that bannāʔ is another such formation. Nöldeke, Mand. Gramm, 120, n., however, has a suggestion that it is a borrowing from Aramaic, whence on the other hand it passed into mPers (cf. Herzfeld, Paikuli, Glossary, p. 156). Fraenkel, Fremdw, 255, is doubtful, but thinks that if it is a loan-word it comes from the Jewish bnʔʰ rather than from the Syr bnyā. Zimmern, Akkad. Fremdw, 26, considers them all as borrowed from Akk banū ‘to build’, though the SAr bny and its derivatives might suggest that the root developed independently in SSem (Rossini, Glossarium, 115).«
bunyān بُنْيان 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 2Jun2023
a building or construction – Jeffery1938 
▪ … 
▪ eC7 Q ix, 110, 111; xvi, 28; xviii, 20; xxxvii, 95; lxi, 4 – Jeffery1938.
▪ Jeffery1938: »Again it would seem, on the surface, that this word also is from banà ‘to build’. Sprenger, Leben, i, 108, has noted that words of this form are un-Arabic, e.g. qurbān, furqān, sulṭān, subḥān, etc., and lead us to look for an Aram origin. Fraenkel, Fremdw, 27, points out that we have in Aram binyān, bînyāynāʔ beside bnyytā and bnʔytʔ, and in Syr binyānā ‘building’. In Hbr also we find binyān, but as Lagarde, Übersicht, 205, shows, this is a borrowing from Aram. [Ar] bunyān occurs in the old poetry so it was doubtless an early borrowing from Aramaic.«
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