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buhr بُهْر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
difficult respiration, labored breathing – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ BHR_2 ‘to gasp for air, pant, be exhausted’: an extension in ‑r going back, ultimately, to AfrAs *‑bâh‑ ‘to go secretively’? 
▪ … 
DRS 2 (1994) lists Ar bahira ‘haleter, être exténué’ as an item distinct from #BHR-1 ‘to glitter, shine’. No reasons given.
▪ But isn’t BHR_2 simply a semantic extension of BHR_1, showing the effect/result or a similarity (‘to be exhausted, to gasp for air, pant’ because one is, or like s.o. who is, dazzled, overcome, or overwhelmed by the glittering of Form VII, ĭnbahara, can have both meanings: 1. to be dazzled, blinded; to be smitten with blindness; 2. to be out of breath – are we dealing with a root merger here, or is ‘panting’ a resultative extension of ‘dazzlement’?
▪ Ehret1995#5 (bahr astonishment): an extension in »diffusive« *‑r 1 from a bi-consonantal »pre-Proto-Semitic« (pPS, i.e. preSem) root *bh ‘to sneak up on and surprise’ < AfrAs *‑bâh‑ ‘to go secretively’. – Other extensions from the same pre-Sem root: ↗√BHT • premodSAr bhɮ
Cf. also
buhira, vb. I, pass., to be out of breath, to pant.
ĭnbahara, vb. VII, to be dazzled, blinded; to be smitten with blindness; to be out of breath:.
mabhūr, adj., breathless, out of breath, panting: PP I. 
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