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¹tūt تُوت 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
mulberry tree; mulberry – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ For Fraenkel, the word is clearly of Aram origin (as direct source, at least); Klein says this is “probably” so.
▪ Rolland2014a: »Pour Rajki, le mot, qui a des cognats en Akk, en Hbr et en Aram, serait d’origine Sem, mais l’existence du Skr tuda permet d’en douter. Quant au Pers tūt ou tūṯ, il est de même difficile de savoir s’il est d’origine Skr ou Sem.« 
▪ … 
▪ Akk tuttu (CAD), pBiblHbr tūṯ (Klein1987), Aram Syr tūṯā (Klein1987, Brockelmann1895) ‘mulberry’ 
▪ Fraenkel1886: The variation tūt ~ tūṯ is a clear indication of an Aram origin. Nişanyan, too, thinks the source is Aram Syr tūṯā.
▪ CAD: Akk tuttu ‘mulberry tree’ is a foreign word (Nişanyan: from Aram).
▪ Klein1987: pBiblHbr tūṯ ‘mulberry’, probably from Aram tūṯā, whence also Ar tūt 
▪ Tu dut: 1680 Meninski, Thesaurus : tūtak ve tatlü tūt, kara tūt…, tūtı wahşī – Nişanyan_24Aug2013. – The word is also part of the composite n. ahududu ‘raspberry’: 1892 Tıngır & Sinapian, Iṣṭılaḥāt Luġāti : [Fr] framboise = [Tu] ahu tutu, böğürtlen, ağaç çileği Nişanyan_24Jun2015.1  
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