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ṯariy‑/ṯarī‑ ثَرِي , a (ṯarāʔ
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 5Feb2023
vb., I 
to become wealthy – WehrCowan1976
▪ The idea of ‘fortune, wealth, riches’ is based on that of a more general *‘plentitude’, as is evidenced by earlier stages of the language (see below, section HIST) when ṯarā (u, ṯarāⁿ) mainly meant ‘1a être nombreux (se dit des hommes, des bestiaux, etc.); b être plus riche en troupeaux (qu’une autre tribu); c (vn. ṯarw) rendre nombreux’ (BK1860). The two values ‘plentitude’ and ‘richness, wealth’ exist alongside each other also in Akk, the only close/direct relative of the Ar vb. in Sem (see below, section COGN).
▪ Ultimately, ‘plentitude, richness’ etc., may be related (via *‘fertility’?) to the notion of ‘moisture, soaking’ etc (cf. ↗ṯaràⁿ ‘moist earth; soil’, here treated s.r. ↗√ṮRY), a value that is well attested in NWSem (see ↗√ṮRY). However, given that a transitional stage between ‘moist earth’ and ‘plentitude, richness’ is not attested, it remains a mere hypothesis. Therefore, rather than to *‘plentitude’, NWSem *‘moisture, moist earth’ etc. may be akin to protWSem *√ṬRY ‘to be fresh, raw’ (cf. Ar ↗ṭaruwa/ṭariya ‘to be\come fresh, succulent, moist, tender, soft, mild’).
▪ From *‘multitude, plentitude’, the Ar term for the cluster of stars in the constellation of Taurus called ‘Pleiades’, ↗ṯurayyā, is derived. Literally, ṯurayyā signifies a *‘little cluster, small group of many (stars)’. – The modern meaning ‘lustre, chandelier’ indicates, figuratively, a kind of “Pleiades” suspending from the ceiling and sparkling as brightly as the star cluster.
▪ …
▪ BK1860: ṯarā (u, ṯarāⁿ) ‘1a être nombreux (se dit des hommes, des bestiaux, etc.); b être plus riche en troupeaux (qu’une autre tribu); c (vn. ṯarw) rendre nombreux.
▪ …
▪ vonSoden ii 1974, CAD: Akk šarû ‘rich, prosperous; copious, luxuriant | reich sein/werden’, mašrū ‘wealth, prosperity, riches’, Ar ṯariya, ʔaṯrà ‘reich sein’
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
ʔaṯrà, vb. IV, 1a intr., to become or be rich, wealthy (bi­‑ or min through; b tr., to make rich, enrich: *Š-stem, ¹ᵃdenom., ¹ᵇcaus.

ṯarīy, pl. ʔaṯriyāʔᵘ, adj., wealthy, rich: adj. formation | ṯarīy al-ḥarb, adj./n., war profiteer, nouveau riche
BP#1743ṯarwaẗ, n.f., and ṯarāʔ, n., fortune, wealth, riches: (quasi-)vn. I | ʔahl al-ṯarwaẗ, the rich, the wealthy; ṯarwaẗ qawmiyyaẗ, national wealth; ṯarwaẗ māʔiyyaẗ, abundance of water, abundant supply of water (of a region)
ṯurayyā, n.f., 1 Pleiades; 2 (also ṯariyyaẗ), pl. ṯurayyāt, chandelier: dimin. of ṯarwà, f. of ṯarwān, ints. formation in ‑ān, from ṯarīy ‘nombreux (troupeau, biens)’; see also s.v.; [v2] is due to transfer of meaning from the cluster of stars to the similarly sparkling chandelier
muṯrīⁿ, adj., wealthy, rich: PA IV

For other values attached to the root, cf. also root entry ↗√ṮRW/Y as well as ↗√ṮRY (with ↗ṯaràⁿ).
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