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ṮNY ثني 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ṮNY_1 ‘to fold, bend, turn; during (prep.); turn away, divert; to except, exclude’ ↗ṯanà
▪ ṮNY_2 ‘two; second’ ↗iṯnān
▪ ṮNY_3 ‘to praise’ ↗ṯanāʔ
▪ ṮNY_4 ‘lowest, most ignoble, meanest’: ṯinyaẗ
▪ ṮNY_5 ‘long mountain lying across the road; high road’: ṯaniyyaẗ

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘two, to make two, to double; to bend, to twist, to fold up; incisor teeth; to do in twos; to praise; to insult; to exclude, to except’ 
▪ ṮNY_1 and ṮNY_2 may be connected: either is ‘doubling’ produced by ‘folding’, i.e., by turning one side/edge of on the other, or ‘folding’ is seen as a result of ‘doubling’. The fact that both ‘to turn away, divert’ and ‘doubling, twofold’ can be imagined as deriving from ‘to fold, bend, turn’ (‘diverting’ = *to turn away, make s.o.’s path ‘bend’), would suggest ‘to fold’ to be the original value. – In ClassAr, ṯanà can also mean ‘to tie together (with the two ends of a rope)’ (cf. also ṯināʔ ‘cord, rope, with which the camel’s fore shank and his arm are bound together […] consisting of a folded, or doubled, cord, or rope’1 ), so that it is difficult to decide which value was first.
Given however that ‘two’ can be traced back to AfrAs, it may be older, and thus the ancestor of ‘folding’ and ‘tying’, and only then ‘diverting’. – A ClassAr ṯinyaẗ ‘lowest, most ignoble, meanest’ is difficult to attach to either ṮNY_1, ṮNY_2, or ṮNY_3.
▪ ṮNY_3 ‘to praise’ is difficult to link up to any of the other values. 
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ṯanà ثنى , ṯanay‑, ī (ṯany
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1 a) to double, b) double up, c) fold, fold up, fold under. – 2 to bend, flex. – 3 to turn away, dissuade, keep, prevent, divert (ʕan from) – WehrCowan1979. 
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ṯannà, vb. II, 1 a) to double, make double; b) to do twice, repeat; 2 to pleat, plait; 3 to form the dual (of a word); 4 to provide with two diacritical dots (a letter): caus.
taṯannà, vb. V, 1 a) to double, become double; to be doubled; b) to be repeated; 2 to bend, fold; to be bent, be folded, be folded up or under:: pseudopass. from II; 3 to walk with a swinging gait: metaph.
ĭnṯanà, vb. VII, 1 a) to bend, bend up, down or over, lean, incline, bow; b) to fold, be foldable, be folded back: pass. of I; 2 a) to turn away (ʕan from), give up, renounce (ʕan; b) to turn, face (ʔilà toward); to apply o.s., turn (ʔilà to refl. of I; 3 (with foll. imperf.) to set out, prepare (to do
ĭstaṯnà, vb. X, to except, exclude (min from), make an exception: from ṯanà (3) ‘to turn away, divert’?

ṯany, n., 1 bending; folding; 2 turning away, dissuasion, keeping, prevention: vn. I.
ṯiny, pl. ʔaṯnāʔ, n., 1 fold, pleat, plait, crease (in cloth); 2 bend, twist | ṯinyan baʕda ṯinyin from time to time: perhaps the real etymon (?).
BP#706ʔaṯnāʔᵃ, prep., during; within; in; in the course of: lexicalized of ṯiny, indicating temporal use.
ṯanyaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., fold, pleat, plait, crease (in cloth); turn-up, cuff (of trousers and sleeves), hem of a garment: n.un. of ṯany (?).
ṯaniyyaẗ, pl. ṯanāyā, n., 1 middle incisor, front tooth; 2 fold, plait; crease (of trousers); 3 a) narrow pass; b) mountain trail | BP#4703fī ṯanāyā in, inside, among, between, frequently only a fuller, rhetorically more elegant expression for ‘in’; ṭallāʕ al-ṯanāyā, n., one with high-flung aspirations:.
ṯanawī, adj., dualist: nsb-adj.
ṯanawiyyaẗ, n.f., dualism: abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ.
ṯunāʔᵘ, and maṯnà, adj., two at a time; ṯunāʔᵃ, adv., as a pair or duo, two and two:.
BP#2152ṯunāʔī, adj., 1 a) twofold, double, dual, binary, bi-; b) bilateral; c) biradical (gram.); – (‑āt), n., 2 a) pair, a group of two; b) duet, duo (mus.) | ṯ. al-buʕd, adj., two-dimensional; ʕalāqāt t.iyyaẗ bilateral relations: nsb-adj from ṯunāʔ (?).
ṯunāʔiyyaẗ, n.f., 1 dualism: abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ; 2 duet, duo (mus.): short for qiṭʕaẗ ṯ. ‘(musical) piece for two’, nsb-adj in the f., lexicalized as n.
BP#653ĭṯnāni, f. ĭṯnatāni, num., two:.
ĭṯnā ʕašarᵃ, f. ĭṯnatā ʕašraẗᵃ, num., twelve:.
BP#1347(yawm) al ĭṯnayn, n., Monday:.
BP#80al-ṯānī, num.ord., 1 the second; 2 the next; 3 (coll.) the other (one) | ṯānī ĭṯnayn, n., the second of a pair, pendant, companion piece, match:.
BP#2403ṯāniyaẗ, pl. ṯawānin, det. al-ṯawānī, n.f., second (time unit): calque from Fr seconde (?).
BP#1455ṯānawī, adj., 1 secondary; 2 minor | ʔumūr ṯ.iyyaẗ matters of secondary importance, minor matters; madrasaẗ ṯ.iyyaẗ secondary school: nsb-adj from ṯānin.
BP#4147ṯānawiyyaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1 secondary school: short for madrasaẗ ṯ., nsb-adj in the f., lexicalized as n.; 2 secondary importance: abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ.
taṯniyaẗ, n.f., 1 a) repetition; b) doubling, gemination; c) (gram.) dual; d) second sequel (e.g., of a collection of short stories); 2 plaiting, pleating; 3ṯanāʔ. | t. al-ĭštirāʕ Deutoronomy: vn. II.
ĭnṯināʔ, n., 1 bending, flection; 2 flexibility, foldability: vn. VII.
ĭnṯināʔaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., bend, flexure, curve: n.un. of vn. VII ĭnṯināʔ.
BP#2093ĭstiṯnāʔ, n., exception, exclusion: vn. X.
BP#3465ĭstiṯnāʔī, adj., exceptional | ʔaḥwāl ĭ.iyyaẗ emergencies: nsb-adj from vn. X ĭstiṯnāʔ.
maṯniyy, adj., 1 a) folded; b) plaited, pleated; 2 doubled: PP I.
muṯannan, def. al-muṯannà, adj., 1 double, twofold; 2 in the dual (gram.): PP II.
mustaṯnan, def. al-mustaṯnà, adj., excepted, excluded (min from): PP X.

For other values cf. ↗ĭṯnān ‘two’ and ↗ṯanāʔ ‘praise’. 

ṯanāʔ ثناء 
ID … • Sw – • BP 4908 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
commendation, praise, eulogy; appreciation – WehrCowan1979. 
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ʔaṯnà, vb. IV, to commend, praise, laud, extol (ʕalà, s.o.), speak appreciatively of: denom.(?)
ṯanāʔī, adj., laudatory, eulogistic: nsb-adj.
taṯniyaẗ, n.f., commendation, praise, eulogy: vn. II.

For other values cf. ↗ṯanà ‘to fold, bend’ and ↗ĭṯnān ‘two’.

ĭṯnānⁱ اِثْنانِ , f. ĭṯnatānⁱ اثنتانِ 
ID 126 • Sw 12/176 • BP 653 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
two – WehrCowan1979. 
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▪ Bergsträsser1928: Akk šinā, Hbr šnáyim, Aram trēn (dissimilation!) ‘two’; cf. also Gz sānī́t ‘following day’.
▪ Blažek 20111 : Akk m./f. šinān / šittān, Ebl m. šina (Dombrowski 1994), Ug ṯnm / ṯtm [ṯināmi / ṯittēmi ], Ph šnm [šənēm ], late Pu (l)isnim, Hbr šĕnáyim / šĕttáyim, Sab ṯny / ṯnty, Qat m. ṯnw, all ‘two’. Cf. also Gz sānəy ‘the next day’, Te säno, Tña sänuy ‘Monday’), as well as Aram *təron / tarton, Mhr troh / trīt, Hob ṯro, ṯroh / ṯərīt, Har ṯərō / ṯərə́t, Jib ṯroh / ṯrət, Soq trøh / trih). – Outside Sem: Eg m./f. snwj / sntj, Copt Sahidic m./f. snau / sənte with the root vowel *i confirmed by the cuneiform record ši-na from the Amarna tablets; Berb: Siwa Ghadames sən/-ət, Kabyle sin / snat, Wargla sin / sent, Ahaggar əssin / sänât, Zenaga šinan / šenanet; Guanche of Tenerife sijn ‘two’, Gran Canaria smetti [= sinetti ] ‘two’. – Outside AfrAs: Kartvelian *č(w)en‑ > Swan išgen ‘(an)other’.
▪ Outside Sem, Borg2021 #80 (ṯ-n-y) compares Eg (i) snw (Gr) ‘the number two’; snnw ‘(ordinal number) second’ (Faulkner 1962: 230), (ii) sn (Pyr) ‘brother’; ‘Bruder’; snw ‘companion, fellow, equal’ (Faulkner 1962: 230; Wb IV 150); snsn ‘sich vereinen mit, sich gesellen; sich verbrüdern’ (Hannig 2003: 1159; Lepper 2008: 54).
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▪ Blažek 20111 : The root ṯ-n-y does not stand isolated within Sem (see “Cognates" above).2 The present data may be projected to the Proto-Sem level, where *‑ā and *‑ay‑ are the dual markers for nom. and obl. respectively, *‑at‑ is the f. marker and *‑ni is the determiner, not appearing before nouns (Table 1: m.nom. *ṯín-ā-ni, acc./gen. *ṯín-ay-ni, f.nom. *ṯín-at-ā-ni, gen./acc. *ṯín-at-ay-ni). – The Proto-Sem reconstruction is not the final limit. The Eg (see above) and Berb cognates (Berb m/f *sīn ~ *Hissīn / *sīnat) shift the age of this root to the AfrAs (= HamSem) level, [where] the starting point should be reconstructed as *čin(ay)‑. But even the AfrAs proto-language is not the ultimate limit. If there are promising parallels in language families that are possibly related to AfrAs (e.g. Indo-European, Kartvelian, Dravidian, Uralic, Altaic, all members of the so-called Nostratic macro-family), it is legitimate to admit a still deeper history of the studied root. In the case of AfrAs *čin‑ ‘two’, one could mention Kartvelian *č(w)en‑ > Swan išgen ‘(an)other’.
▪ See also ↗ṮNY
ṯanà, i (ṯany), vb. I, 1 a) to double, b) double up, c) fold, fold up, fold under. – For other values cf. ↗ṯanà ‘to fold, bend’.
ṯannà, vb. II, 1 a) to double, make double; b) to do twice, repeat; 2 to pleat, plait; 3 to form the dual (of a word); 4 to provide with two diacritical dots (a letter): caus.
taṯannà, vb. V, 1 a) to double, become double; to be doubled; b) to be repeated: pseudopass. from II. – For other values cf. ↗ṯanà ‘to fold, bend’.

ṯanawī, adj., dualist: nsb-adj.
ṯanawiyyaẗ, n.f., dualism: abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ.
ṯunāʔᵘ, and maṯnà, adj., two at a time; ṯunāʔᵃ, adv., as a pair or duo, two and two:.
BP#2152ṯunāʔī, adj., 1 a) twofold, double, dual, binary, bi-; b) bilateral; c) biradical (gram.); – (‑āt), n., 2 a) pair, a group of two; b) duet, duo (mus.) | ṯ. al-buʕd, adj., two-dimensional; ʕalāqāt t.iyyaẗ bilateral relations: nsb-adj from ṯunāʔ (?).
ṯunāʔiyyaẗ, n.f., 1 dualism: abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ; 2 duet, duo (mus.): short for qiṭʕaẗ ṯ. ‘(musical) piece for two’, nsb-adj in the f., lexicalized as n.
ĭṯnā ʕašarᵃ, f. ĭṯnatā ʕašraẗᵃ, num., twelve:.
BP#1347(yawm) al ĭṯnayn, n., Monday:.
BP#80al-ṯānī, num.ord., 1 the second; 2 the next; 3 (coll.) the other (one) | ṯānī ĭṯnayn, n., the second of a pair, pendant, companion piece, match:.
BP#2403ṯāniyaẗ, pl. ṯawānⁱⁿ, det. al-ṯawānī, n.f., second (time unit): calque from Fr seconde (?).
BP#1455ṯānawī, adj., 1 secondary; 2 minor | ʔumūr ṯ.iyyaẗ matters of secondary importance, minor matters; madrasaẗ ṯ.iyyaẗ secondary school: nsb-adj from ṯānin.
BP#4147ṯānawiyyaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1 secondary school: short for madrasaẗ ṯ., nsb-adj in the f., lexicalized as n.; 2 secondary importance: abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ.
taṯniyaẗ, n.f., 1 a) repetition; b) doubling, gemination; c) (gram.) dual; d) second sequel (e.g., of a collection of short stories) | t. al-ĭštirāʕ Deutoronomy: vn. II. – For other values cf. ↗ṯanà ‘to fold, bend’ and ↗ṯanāʔ ‘praise’.
maṯniyy, adj., doubled: PP I. – For other values cf. ↗ṯanà ‘to fold, bend’.
muṯannan, def. al-muṯannà, adj., 1 double, twofold; 2 in the dual (gram.): PP II.

– For other values cf. ↗ṯanà ‘to fold, bend’ and ↗ṯanāʔ ‘praise’. 

ṯānawī ثانَوِيّ 
Sw – • NahḍConBP 1455 • APD … • © SG | created 31May2023
▪ nsb-formation 
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