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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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ṯawr ثوْر , pl. ṯīrān 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 bull, steer; ox. – 2 al-ṯawr Taurus (sign of the zodiac; astron.). – 3 the second month of the solar year (Saudi Ar., cf. ḥamal
▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *ṯawr‑ ‘bull, ox’.
▪ … < AfrAs *čaw˅r‑ / *č˅r‑ ‘bull’)?
▪ … 
▪ … 
▪ Bergsträsser1928: Akk šūru, [Bennett1998: Ug ṯr,] Hbr šōr, Aram tawrā, Gz sōr
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#477: Akk šūru, Ug ṯr, Hbr šōr, Syr tawrā, Gz sōr, Ḥrs ṯawr). – Outside Sem: Eg šsr.
▪ Outside Sem, Borg2021 #81 (ṯ-w-r) compares Eg sr (Pyr) ‘sheep, ram’; ‘Schafbock, Widder’ (Faulkner 1962: 235; Wb III 462).
▪ … 
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#477: < Sem *ṯawr‑ ‘bull’. The authors also reconstruct AfrAs *čaw˅r‑ /*č˅r‑ ‘bull’ and say that the initial *šs‑ in Eg continues AfrAs *č‑. The Eg form may then represent the original AfrAs root while Sem reflects a secondary tension.
▪ Lipiński2001 thinks (with Diakonoff) that ṯawr can be segmented into root plus AfrAs »key consonant« ‑r for weak, tame animals, cf. also ↗ʔimmar, ↗baqar, ↗ḥimār, karr, ʕayr, ↗ʔayyil, ↗ǧamal.
▪ See also ↗√ṮWR 
▪ Dolgopolsky2012 thinks IE *tawro-s ‘bull, aurochs’ (which gave European words for the animal like Grk taûros, Lat taurus etc.) is a borrowing from Sem. 
šōrbaẗ ḏayl al-ṯ., n., oxtail soup:.

For other items of the root ↗√ṮWR

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