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ǦBː (ǦBB) جبّ/جبب 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 16Oct2022, last updated 20Oct2022
√ǦBː (ǦBB) 
▪ ǦBː (ǦBB)_1 (≙ DRS #GBB-2) ‘well, cistern, pit’ ↗¹ǧubb
▪ ǦBː (ǦBB)_2 (≙ DRS #GBB-7) ‘long outer garment, jubbah’ ↗¹ǧubbaẗ

Other values, now obsolete, include (BK1860, Lane II 1865, Hava1899):

ǦBː (ǦBB)_3 (cf. DRS #GBB-1) ‘déchet, rebut’ : ¹ǧubāb
ǦBː (ǦBB)_4 (cf. DRS #GBB-2) ‘eye-bone, bone that surrounds the cavity of the eye’ : ²ǧubbaẗ, meaning also ‘poignet; cheville, point où le sabot se joint au tibia | joint between the hind shank and the thigh, shank-joint; part of a spearhead into which the shaft enters’
ǦBː (ǦBB)_5 (cf. DRS #GBB-3) ‘to cut off; to emasculate’ : ǧabba (u, ǧabb) (vb. I); cf. also ¹ĭǧtabba (vb. VIII) ‘couper | trancher (la bosse du chameau); châtrer (par ablation totale), supprimer, retrancher’, maǧbūb ‘eunuch’, ʔaǧabbᵘ ‘having its hump cut off or eroded by the saddle, or having no hump (camel), having no buttocks or thighs (woman); qui n’a pas de fesses; qui a la peau usée, consumée par les pustules’; ? cf. also ³ǧubbaẗ ‘bourrelet du sabot (du cheval)’
ǦBː (ǦBB)_6 (cf. DRS #GBB-4) ‘dearth | sécheresse, disette’ : ǧabāb, ²ǧubāb
ǦBː (ǦBB)_7 (cf. DRS #GBB-5) ‘plain, open space, field, desert’: ¹ǧabābaẗ; cf. also ǧabūb ‘earth (in general); hard, rugged land’, ǧabūbaẗ ‘morceau, motte de terre, de boue’, maǧabbaẗ (pl. āt) ‘grand chemin, grande route, route (frayée) | middle, or main part (of a road)’
ǦBː (ǦBB)_8 (cf. DRS #GBB-6) ‘to impregnate, fecundate (palmtrees, with the pollen of the male trees)’: ǧabba (u, ǧabāb) (vb. I)
ǦBː (ǦBB)_9 (≙ DRS #GBB-8) ‘to overcome’: ǧabba (u, ǧabb) (vb. I); cf. also ǧābba (vb. III) ‘l’emporter sur | to vie, contend with s.o. for superiority in goodliness, beauty, etc.’, ǧibāb, n., ‘lutte, dispute, émulation’; (?) also related: taǧābba (vb. VI) ‘to marry one another’s sister (two men)’
ǦBː (ǦBB)_10 ‘white hair from the feet to the knees of a horse’: ǧabab, taǧbīb; cf. also ¹ǧabbaba (vb. II) ‘to be white-footed (horse)’, muǧabbab ‘having white hair from his feet to his knees (horse)’; cf. perh. also ³ǧubbaẗ ‘bourrelet de sabot (du cheval)
ǦBː (ǦBB)_11 (cf. DRS #GBB-1?) ‘se couvrir d’écume’: ʔaǧabba (vb. IV); cf. also ³ǧubāb ‘crème (de lait de chamelle) | butter, or what is produced by churning, of camels’ milk’
ǦBː (ǦBB)_12 ‘bush, shrub’: ²ǧubb
ǦBː (ǦBB)_13 ‘to shrink, be averse, withdraw; to escape, fly’: ²ǧabbaba (vb. II)
ǦBː (ǦBB)_14 ‘parcourir et visiter (des pays, des villes)’: ²ĭǧtabba (vb. VIII)
ǦBː (ǦBB)_15 ‘portion, partie, quantité déterminée payable à l’échéance’: ²ǧabābaẗ
ǦBː (ǦBB)_ ‘…’ :

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to cut, sever; the crust of the earth; hard rocky land; any kind of well, a large-mouthed well, well containing much water, deep well, also well that is not deep’ 
▪ ǦBː (ǦBB)_1 (cf. DRS #GBB-2): from WSem1 *gibb- ‘pit, well’ – Kogan2015 117#7. Cf., however, DRS where the authors “without doubt” assume that not only the Akk but also Ar word is dependent on Aram (so also already Jeffery1938).
▪ ǦBː (ǦBB)_2 (cf. DRS #GBB-7) ‘long outer garment, jubbah’: …
ǦBː (ǦBB)_3 (cf. DRS #GBB-1) ‘déchet, rebut’ : prob. same as [v6].
ǦBː (ǦBB)_4 (cf. DRS #GBB-2) ‘eye-bone’: prob. related to [v1], sharing with ‘pit, well’ the idea of surrounding the cavity of; dto. the ‘part of a spearhead into which the shaft enters’
ǦBː (ǦBB)_5 (cf. DRS #GBB-3) ‘to cut off, castrate, emasculate, eunuch; having no hump etc.’: … – Cf., however Kogan2011: Ar ǧabab ‘erosion of the hump of a camel’ from protWSem *gbb, *gbn ‘hump, hunchback’.
ǦBː (ǦBB)_6 : prob. identical with [v3].
ǦBː (ǦBB)_7 (cf. DRS #GBB-5) ‘plain, open space, field, desert’: …
ǦBː (ǦBB)_8 (≙ DRS #GBB-6) ‘to impregnate, fecundate (palmtrees, with the pollen of the male trees)’: related to [v5] ‘to cut off’?
ǦBː (ǦBB)_9 (cf. DRS #GBB-8) ‘to overcome’: …?
ǦBː (ǦBB)_10 ‘white hair from the feet to the knees of a horse’: …
ǦBː (ǦBB)_11) : According to DRS, comm. ad #GBB-1, the value ‘se couvrir d’écume; crème (de lait de chamelle) | butter, or what is produced by churning, of camels’ milk’ should perh. be seen as related to DRS #GBB-1, due to the frequent association ‘to pile up – coagulate’.
ǦBː (ǦBB)_12 ‘bush, shrub’: …
ǦBː (ǦBB)_13 ‘to shrink, be averse, withdraw; to escape, fly’: according to DRS, comm. on #GBB-3, Ar ǧabbaba (as also Hbr gaband Gz gäbbo ‘côté, côte’) depend on Sem √GNB (see Ar ↗ǧanb ‘side’), with assimilation *nb > bb.
ǦBː (ǦBB)_14 ‘parcourir et visiter (des pays, des villes)’: …
ǦBː (ǦBB)_15 ‘portion, partie, quantité déterminée payable à l’échéance’: …
ǦBː (ǦBB)_ ‘…’ :  
▪ …
▪ …
DRS #GBB-1 nHbr gibbēb, JudPalAram gᵊbab, gabbēb ‘entasser, rassembler, ratisser’; PhlvAram gbb ‘foin’, TalmAram gᵊbābā ‘herbes sèches, ramilles, flocons de laine’, Mnd *gbaba, *gababa ‘écheveau, pelote de fil’; Ar ǧubāb ‘déchet, rebut’?, Te gabäbä ‘tresser les cheveux’. -2 Akk gubb‑ ‘citerne, puits’, Hbr gēb, Aram gubbā ‘fosse, citerne’, Ar ǧubb ‘puits naturel et permanent; bassin-citerne’, Gz Te gəbb ‘fosse’, Amh gubbät ‘golfe’, Syr gūbᵃtā ‘jonc creux avec lequel on éteint les chandelles’, Ar ǧubbaẗ ‘encoche dans le fer où s’enfonce le bois de la lance’, Hbr gab ‘arcade sourcillière’, Ar ǧubbaẗ ‘os qui entoure l’œil, orbite’, Hbr gab ‘jante de roue’?, nWAram gappōnā ‘mur’. -3 Hbr gab, PhlvAram gb (?), JudPalAram gabbā ‘dos, corps’, nWAram guppōtā ‘croupe, derrière’, JudPalAram gab, gabbē ‘vers, avec’, nWAram gapp ‘près de’, nSyr gībā ‘côté’, Hbr gab ‘hauteur’, JudPalAram gibᵊbā ‘ sommet’, Syr gᵊbibā ‘bossu’, Mnd ɛtg’b’b ‘être courbé’, Amh gʷäbbäbä, Te gäb belä ‘être courbé, s’incliner’, gobäbb alä ‘avoir le dos vouté’, Hbr gab ‘bosses de bouclier’, Ar ʔagabbᵘ ‘(chameau) amputé de la bosse, blessé par le bât; castré’, ĭǧtabba ‘trancher (la bosse du chameau); châtrer (par ablation totale), supprimer, retrancher’; ? Ar ǧubbaẗ ‘bourrelet du sabot (?)’. -4 Ar ǧabāb ‘sécheresse, disette’, Te gäbbä ‘devenir pauvre’, gεbub ‘pauvre’, gäb belä ‘être affamé’. -5 Ar ǧabūb ‘sol, terrain, glèbe, terre friable’, maǧabbaẗ ‘route (frayée)’, ? Akk gabīb- : sorte de terre de pâture. -6 Ar ǧabba ‘féconder (un palmier)’. -7 ǧubbaẗ, Te gäbbät: sorte de robe. -8 Ar ǧabba ‘surpasser’, ǧābba ‘l’emporter sur’. -9 Soq geb(b) ‘nager’. -10 Akk gabb-: partie du corps : ‘cervelle (?)’.
▪ ad ǦBː (ǦBB)_5 (DRS #GBB-3) in the value ‘having no hump etc.’ cf. also Kogan’s (2011 #7.4.3) juxtaposition: Hbr gibben ‘hunchbacked’, JudPalAram gbynth ‘hump’, Syr gbab ‘to be hunchbacked’, Ar ǧabab ‘erosion of the hump of a camel’, Amh gʷäbäbb alä ‘to be hunchbacked’, Muh gʷəbən ‘hunchbacked’; SED I #67); cf. perh. also (from protWSem *gbṯ >) Ug gbṯt ‘humps’ Te gäbəs ‘crook-backed’, Wol gumbus ‘hunchbacked’; SED I #82v).
▪ …
▪ …
▪ …
▪ For Engl jumper, see ↗ǧubbaẗ
▪ See ↗√*ǦB- .
▪ …
ǧubb جُبّ , pl. ʔaǧbāb, ǧibāb 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 16Oct2022
√ǦBː (ǦBB) 
well, cistern; pit – WehrCowan1976
▪ from WSem *gibb- ‘pit, well’ – Kogan2015 117#7.
▪ Cf., however, DRS where the authors “without doubt” assume that not only the Akk but also Ar word is dependent on Aram (so also already Jeffery1938).
▪ …
▪ …
▪ …
▪ Kogan2015 117#7 : Hbr gēb, Syr gubbā, Ar ǧubb, Gz gəbb. – Akk gubbu ‘well’ is borrowed from Aram (cf. AbrahamSokoloff2011: 31).
▪ …
▪ see above, section CONC.
▪ Earlier, Jeffery1938 had argued: »The word is usually taken as a derivation from ǧabba ‘to cut off’, though exactly how it is to be derived from this root is not clear. Rāġib, Mufradāt, 82, gives an alternative explanation, that it is so called because dug out of the ǧabūb, i.e., ‘rough ground’. / It is used only in the Joseph story, where in the OT we have bwr, but the Targums read gbʔ or gwbʔ, and the Peshitta has gwbʔ. The origin would thus be Aram and probably it was an early borrowing.1 There is a Min gwb but the meaning is uncertain (Rossini, Glossarium, 121).«
▪ …
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ǧubbaẗ as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ǦBː (ǦBB).
ǧubbaẗ جُبّة , pl. ǧubab, ǧibāb, ǧabāʔibᵘ 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 16Oct2022
√ǦBː (ǦBB) 
jubbah, a long outer garment, open in front, with wide sleeves – WehrCowan1976
▪ … 
▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl jumper, from Ar ǧubbaẗ, a long garment with wide, open sleeves, from Ar ǧabba, vb. I, ‘to cut’, cf. ↗ǦBː (ǦBB). 
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ǧubb as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ǦBː (ǦBB).
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