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ǧabal جَبَل , pl. ǧibāl, ʔaǧbāl 
ID 129 • Sw 86/98 • BP 830 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 15Oct2022
1a mountain; b mountains, mountain range – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Etymology obscure, but perh. based on protWSem *gbl ‘to be massive, solid’ (see ↗ǧabala) – Kogan2015 426 n.1223.
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DRS 2 (1994) #GBL-1-2 […]. -3 Ar ǧabal ‘montagne’, ǧubulaẗ ‘bosse’; SAr gblt ‘région montagneuse’; nSyr ǧabāl ‘montagne; forêt naturelle; lit de roseaux’. -?4 Hbr gᵊbūl, gᵊbūlā ‘frontière’, gōbel ‘lisière de champ’; Phoen gbl, Pun gubulim (?); oYaAram gbl ‘frontière’, ‘territoire’. -?5 Te gobal ‘côté’. -6-7 […].
▪ Zammit2002: Akk gablu ‘Hügel’, Ug gbl ‘Berg, Fels’, Hbr gᵊbūl ‘border, boundary, territory’, Phoen gbl ‘boundary; territory with boundary’, Aram gbwl ‘territory, border, district’, SAr gblt ‘(hill) country; territory, district; cultivated land (surrounding village or dwelling)’, Ar ǧabal ‘mountain’
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▪ Kogan2011 : There is no common Sem designation of ‘mountain’. Ar ǧabal is etymologically obscure (cf., however, Huehnergard2011: From CSem *√GBL, appearing in various n.s denoting ‘border,’ ‘frontier,’ ‘mountain’). At the same time, a few common terms for landscape elevations can be detected, e.g, protSem *k˅rm‑ ‘hill, mound’ > protCSem *karm- ‘vineyard’ > Ar karm.
▪ Kogan2015 426 n.1223 : The value ‘territory, border’ (oAram Hbr Phoen) has no obvious cognates outside Can, except perh. Sab gblt ‘cultivated land surrounding village or dwelling’. Comparison with Ar ǧabal ‘mountain’, widely accepted in Semitological literature, must remain hypothetical because of the semantic difference (cf. DRS where ‘mountain’ and ‘border’ are carefully separated). If it is nevertheless accepted, one cannot exclude an eventual connection with protWSem *gbl ‘to be massive, solid’.
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▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl javelina, from Ar (ḫinzīr) ǧabalī ‘mountain (swine)’, from ǧabal ‘mountain’. 
ǧibāl al-ʔalb, n. pl., the Alps;
ǧibāl al-ʔawrās, n. pl., the Awes Mountains (in E Algeria);
ǧabal ǧalīd, n., iceberg;
ǧabal Sīnā, n., Mount Sinai;
ǧabal Ṭāriq, n., Gibraltar;
ǧabal nār, n., volcano

ǧabalī, 1 adj., a mountainous, hilly; b mountain (adj.); c montane; 2 n., pl. -ūn, highlander, mountaineer: nsb-formation
EgAr ǧabalāwī, n., highlander, mountaineer: extended nsb-formation
EgAr ǧabalāyaẗ, pl. -āt, n.f., grotto, cave

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ǧabala as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ǦBL.
ǦBN جبن 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 30Oct2022
▪ ǦBN_1 ‘cowardice’ ↗¹ǧubn
▪ ǦBN_2 ‘cheese’ ↗²ǧubn
▪ ǦBN_3 ‘forehead; facade, front’ ↗ǧabīn
▪ ǦBN_4 ‘cemetry’ ↗ǧabbānaẗ
▪ ǦBN_ ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘forehead, the two sides of the forehead; to be cowardly; to be flat; cheese; cemetery’ 
▪ All values may have developed from the basic idea of a *‘shrinking together, forming a bumpy surface’, from a Sem *√GBN ‘to be curved, bowed, hunchback’ (SED I #67 Sem *gVb(V)b-, *gVb(b)-an- ‘hump, hunch’), itself prob. an extension in -N from the 2-rad. root nucleus ↗*ǦB- with the basic value ‘difference in altitude, elevation, level’ (see, however, below, section DISC).
▪ ǦBN_1 (≙ DRS #GBN-3): ‘cowardice’ is separated from the other values in DRS, but may easily be fig. use of ǦBN_2, likening a coward to s.o. who is *‘contracting, shrinking’, like cheese. – Cf., however, also ↗ǦBʔ_2.
▪ ǦBN_2 (≙ DRS #GBN-4): from protCSem *g˅bn-at- ‘cheese’ – Kogan2015. – Prob. lit. *‘shrinking substance, showing wrinkles, furrows’.
▪ ǦBN_3 : etymology problematic (see below, section DISC), but perh. from CSem *g˅b(b)īn- ‘eyebrow, front’. Jeffery1938 considered it a borrowing from Aram gbynʔ (Syr gᵊbīnā) ‘brow, eyebrow’. In any case, also these regions of the face show ‘wrinkles, furrows’ and are thus *‘contracting’ parts, showing wrinkles.
▪ ǦBN_4 : Cf. DRS #GBN-1? If related, ǧabbānaẗ ‘cemetry’ may originally have been an *‘elevated plain with some hills, or bumps’, fitting into the general picture of ǦBN originally meaning a *‘shrinking, or bumpy, surface, with “wrinkles”’.
▪ ǦBN_ : …
DRS #GBN-1 Hbr gibbēn ‘bossu’, *gabnōn ‘sommet, crête (de montagne)’, JP gᵊbintā, Syr gibnā ‘bosse’, JP Syr gᵊbīn ‘bossu’, Mand gabnia ‘sommets’; Gz gʷəbən, gʷəbər ‘bossu’; ? Ar ǧabbān ‘terrain élevé de forme plate mais où on trouve des monticules’. -2 PhlvAram gbyn, JP Syr gᵊbīnā, Mand gbina, nSyr (aysor) gnīvä ‘sourcil’, Ar ǧabīn ‘côté du front, front, tempe’; Te gäbäna ‘front’. -3 Ar ǧabuna, ǧabana ‘être lâche, poltron’. -4 Akk gubnat-, Hbr gᵊbīnā; PhlvAram gbnth, JP gubnā, Syr gᵊbettā (pl. gubnē), nAram(W) gbečča, Ar ǧubn, ǧubun(n) , Gz g(ʷ)əbnat ‘fromage’; Syr gᵊban ‘contracter, coaguler’. -5 Tña Amh gäbän ‘faute, culpabilité’; ? Amh gʷäbbäññä ‘espionner’.
SED I #67 Hbr gibbēn ‘hunchbacked’,1 , JudAram gibnā, gəbintā ‘hump’; gbynh (det. gbynth) ‘hump, hill’, Syr gəbībā ‘gibbosus’, Ar ǧabab ‘plaie faite par le bât à la bosse du chameau’, ʔaǧabbᵘ ‘qui a la bosse endommagée ou coupé (chameau); qui n’a pas de bosse’ [↗ǦBː (ǦBB)]; Amh gʷäbäbb alä ‘to be hunchbacked’, also ‘to be curved, bowed, bent’, Muh gᵊbᵊn, Gog gʷäbana ‘hunchbacked’.
▪ ǦBN_2 : Kogan2015 207-8 #5 : Hbr gᵊbīnā ‘cheese’,2 Syr gbettā (pl. gubne), Ar ǧubn
▪ ǦBN_3 : SED I #69 : (?) Hbr gibbēn ‘one having defective eyebrow’; EmpAram gbyn ‘forehead’, JudAram gᵊbīnā ‘eyebrow, eyelash’, gbyn ‘eyebrow’, Syr gᵊbīnā ‘supercilia; vertex, cacumen’, gᵊbīnūtā ‘supercilia’, Mnd gbina, gbana ‘brow, eyebrow, eyelash’, mMnd gᵊḇīna ‘brow’, nAss gnīvä ‘eyebrow’ (metath.), Zkh gubʔēna ‘forehead’; Ar ǧabīn ‘front’, al-ǧabīnāni (du.) ‘les deux extremites du front, les deux parties comprises entre les sourcils et les cheveux’
▪ ǦBN_4 : See prob. above, DRS #GBN-1.
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SED I #67 (Sem *gVb(V)b-, *gVb(b)-an- ‘hump, hunch’) thinks that »the root is likely related to [Sem] *ganb- ‘side and back of torso’ (#85). – Though traditionally identified with Sem *GBB ‘to be bent’, the [it] is rather influenced by, than related to, the latter. – Note a meaning shift in Ar.«
▪ ǦBN_2 : Kogan2015 207-8 #5: protCSem *g˅bn-at- ‘cheese’ is likely connected with the root *gbn ‘to be curved, bowed, hunchback’.1 – Mhr gəbn and Jib gəbn are likely borrowed from Ar. – Akk (lBab) gubnatu is a transparent Aramaism (contra Abraham-Sokoloff2011: 33). – According to Leslau (CDG 177, 1990: 72), Gz gəbnat, gʷəbnat is borrowed from Ar ǧubn, but this question requires further study in view of several potentially early attestations listed in LLA 1168. The Ar origin is certain for modEthSem forms like Tña ǧəbäna.
▪ ǦBN_3 : SED I #69 : Problematic. CSem *g˅b(b)īn- ‘eyebrow, front’, if Hbr gibbīn is related and Ar ǧabīn is not an Aram (Syr?) borrowing. – Related to *gabb(-at)- ‘eyebrow, eye-pit, front’ (SED I #66) (cf. Ar ↗ǧubb). – Cf. Ug /gabīnu/ ‘hillock (?)’, prob. derived with a feasible meaning shift. – Te ǧäbäna ‘forehead’ prob. an Arabism.
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