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ǧabhaẗ جَبْهة , pl. ǧibāh, ǧabahāt 
ID – • Sw … • BP 1447 • APD … • © SG | 21Nov2022, last updated 9Jan2023
1 forehead, brow; 2 front, face, façade; 3 frontline, battle front – WehrCowan1976
SED I #68: From Sem *g˅bh(-at)- ‘forehead, front’.
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▪ (Hava1899:) ǧabaha, a (ǧabh), vb. I, 1 to strike s.o. on the forehead; 2 to take (people) unawares (winter); 3 to come to (water) without means for drawing it; 4 to receive harshly (bi‑ s.o.); ǧabbaha, vb. II, to lower (the head); ĭǧtabaha, vb. VIII, to dislike (water); ǧabah ‘broadness and beauty of the forehead’; ǧabhaẗ, n.f., 1 forehead; 2 chief (al-qawm of a tribe); 3 insult; 4 mansion of the moon; 5 ignominy; ʔaǧbahᵘ, f. ǧabhāʔᵘ, 1 adj., who has a broad and fine forehead; 2 n., lion
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▪ Zammit2002 : Hbr gōbah ‘height’, Aram gūbhā ‘height, elevation’, Ar ǧibāh ‘forehead’
SED I #68 : (?) postBiblHbr gōbah ‘thick, fleshy part’ (?), Mhr gəbhēt ‘front’, Ḥrṣ yábheh ‘brow’ (y- < *g-), Jib gəbhɛ́t ‘front, brow’, Ar ǧabhaẗ ‘front (tant chez l’homme que chez animaux)’, ǧabah ‘front large, vaste et beau’, Te gəbbəhit ‘forehead’, gäbbah ‘broadfronted’
▪ Borg2021 #87 ǧ-b-h : Jib gǝbhέt ‘brow’ (Johnstone 1981: 69), Ar ǧabhaẗ ‘forehead’ (Hava 1982: 77). | Outside Sem, the author compares Eg (MK) gmḥt ‘forehead | Locke oder Flechte des Haares’ (Ember 1930: 80; Wb V 171).
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SED I #68 : It is not clear whether this basis [of cognates] for reconstructing a comSem protoform is sufficient since borrowing of the Te and modSAr forms from Ar is possible, while the postBiblHbr term is semantically problematic. Sometimes compared to Hbr gbh ‘to be high’, gābōᵃh ‘high’, JudArma gbh ‘to be high, elated’, which is perhaps a folk etymology (see [DRS 95]).
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ǧabaha, a, vb. I, to meet, face, confront: G-stem, prob. denom.
ǧābaha, vb. III, 1 to face, confront, oppose, defy, show a bold front to; 2 to face (a problem, a difficulty): L-stem, assoc.

muǧābahaẗ, n.f., facing, confrontation, opposition: vn. III
ǦBY جبي 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 18Oct2022, last update 22Oct2022
▪ ǦBY_1 ‘to collect, raise, levy (taxes, duties)’ ↗ǧabà
▪ ǦBY_2 ‘to prostrate o.s. (in prayer)’ ↗ǧabbà
▪ ǦBY_3 ‘pool, basin’ ↗ǧābiyaẗ
▪ ǦBY_ ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘pools; basins, cauldrons, to collect water in a basin, collected drinking water; to request; to select; to invent; to kneel down’ 
▪ Ultimately, all values in the root ǦBY may be derived from a basic *‘to gather, collect, amass, coagulate, etc.’, featuring in several extensions from ↗*ǦB- (cf., e.g., also ↗√ǦBʔ).
ǦBY_1 (≙ DRS #GBʔ/W/Y-1) : the notion of ‘collecting’ is the primary value, ‘levying taxes’ evidently being a later specialization.
ǦBY_2 : ? – perh. a folding/bringing-together of the limbs?
ǦBY_3 : Jeffery1938 reproduces Fraenkel’s view who would derive ǧābiyaẗ ‘pool, basin’ from Syr qabīṯā ‘cistern, collection of water’ (with Ar ǧ < Syr q). Against this etymology one may argue that ‘pool, basin’ can easily be linked to the basic notion of *‘collecting, gathering, amassing’ underlying both ǦBY_1 and (now extinct) ↗ǦBʔ; for the latter, cf., e.g., the obsolete ¹ǧabʔ (pl. ǧabʔaẗ, ǧibʔaẗ, ʔaǧbuʔ) ‘hollow of stagnating water’, i.e., *‘pit where water has assembled’.
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DRS #GBʔ/W/Y-1 nHbr gābā ‘encaisser’, gibbuy ‘collecte’, gabbāy ‘collecteur’; TalmAram gᵊbā ‘faire rentrer’, gabbāyā, gābōyā ‘collecteur’, cf. Palm gbʔ, gby ‘taxer, lever des impôts’, Syr gᵊbā ‘recueillir (de l’eau, les impôts), choisir, élire’, Mnd gba ‘rassembler, choisir’, nSyr gāwi ‘mendier, recueillir (des souscriptions, etc.), choisir’; (Aysor) gʸävi ‘mendier’, gʸäb ‘rassembler; fermenter, déborder’; Ar ǧabā (w/y) ‘recueillir (de l’eau, un tribut), rebrousser chemin’; MġrAr ǧbā ‘descendre; passer’, ǧtabā ‘choisir’, SAr gbʔ ‘revenir’, ʔgbyw ‘temps de la collecte des impôts’, Soq *gébe ‘trouver’, Gz gabʔa ‘revenir à, se réunir à’, tagabʔa ‘confluer’ ; Te gäbʔa, gäʔa ‘arriver, se produire’, təgabʔa ‘rencontrer’, Tña gäbʔe ‘se tourner’, Amh gäbba, čaha gäpa-m ‘entrer’, Har gäbaʔa ‘retourner’, Gz gubāʔe, Te Tña Amh gubaʔe ‘réunion’, Hbr gebē ‘étang, marais’, gēb ‘fossé, réservoir à eau’, Nab Palm gbʔ, Ar ǧabʔ ‘fosse, anfractuosité où l’eau s’amasse‘, Hbr *gēb, gōb (coll. gobay, gōbay), JudPalAram gōbā, gōbay ‘sauterelle’, Ar ǧabiʔa, ǧabaʔa ‘surgir, s’abattre sur’, ǧābiʔ ‘nuée de criquets’, Akk gabb- ‘totalité; ?Ar ǧabʔ ‘truffe’.1 -2-3 […]. -4 ǧabiʔa, ǧabaʔa ‘s’émousser (sabre), s’affaiblir (vue)’, ǧubbaʔ ‘poltron’. -5 […].
▪ Zammit2002: nHbr gābā ‘to collect (a bill, taxes)’, Aram gᵊbā ‘to collect tax’, Syr gᵊbā ‘to exact tribute’, SAr gbʔ ‘to impose tithes’, Ar ǧabā ‘to collect tribute’, Gz ʔagbeʔa ‘restituere; reddere’, ʔastagābeʔa ‘ad se recipere; cogere, colligere; congregare’
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▪ See above, section CONC, and individual sub-entries.
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