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ǧabà / ǧabay- جَبَى / جَبَيْـــ , i (ǧibāyaẗ
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 22Oct2022
vb., I 
to collect, raise, levy (taxes, duties) – WehrCowan1976
▪ Ultimately, all values in the root ǦBY may be derived from a basic *‘to gather, collect, amass, coagulate, etc.’, featuring in several extensions from ↗*ǦB- (cf., e.g., also ↗√ǦBʔ).
▪ Thus, ‘levying taxes’ is prob. a secondary, specialized value. This value is widespread already in early times, however. Nevertheless, the Ar term may have been borrowed from, or at least been influenced by, Syr.
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DRS #GBʔ/W/Y-1 nHbr gābā ‘encaisser’, gibbuy ‘collecte’, gabbāy ‘collecteur’; TalmAram gᵊbā ‘faire rentrer’, gabbāyā, gābōyā ‘collecteur’, cf. Palm gbʔ, gby ‘taxer, lever des impôts’, Syr gᵊbā ‘recueillir (de l’eau, les impôts), choisir, élire’, Mnd gba ‘rassembler, choisir’, nSyr gāwi ‘mendier, recueillir (des souscriptions, etc.), choisir’; (Aysor) gʸävi ‘mendier’, gʸäb ‘rassembler; fermenter, déborder’; Ar ǧabā (w/y) ‘recueillir (de l’eau, un tribut), rebrousser chemin’; MġrAr ǧbā ‘descendre; passer’, ǧtabā ‘choisir’, SAr gbʔ ‘revenir’, ʔgbyw ‘temps de la collecte des impôts’, Soq *gébe ‘trouver’, Gz gabʔa ‘revenir à, se réunir à’, tagabʔa ‘confluer’ ; Te gäbʔa, gäʔa ‘arriver, se produire’, təgabʔa ‘rencontrer’, Tña gäbʔe ‘se tourner’, Amh gäbba, čaha gäpa-m ‘entrer’, Har gäbaʔa ‘retourner’, Gz gubāʔe, Te Tña Amh gubaʔe ‘réunion’, Hbr gebē ‘étang, marais’, gēb ‘fossé, réservoir à eau’, Nab Palm gbʔ, Ar ǧabʔ ‘fosse, anfractuosité où l’eau s’amasse‘, Hbr *gēb, gōb (coll. gobay, gōbay), JudPalAram gōbā, gōbay ‘sauterelle’, Ar ǧabiʔa, ǧabaʔa ‘surgir, s’abattre sur’, ǧābiʔ ‘nuée de criquets’, Akk gabb- ‘totalité; ?Ar ǧabʔ ‘truffe’.1 -2-3 […]. -4 ǧabiʔa, ǧabaʔa ‘s’émousser (sabre), s’affaiblir (vue)’, ǧubbaʔ ‘poltron’. -5 […].
▪ Zammit2002: nHbr gābā ‘to collect (a bill, taxes)’, Aram gᵊbā ‘to collect tax’, Syr gᵊbā ‘to exact tribute’, SAr gbʔ ‘to impose tithes’, Ar ǧabā ‘to collect tribute’, Gz ʔagbeʔa ‘restituere; reddere’, ʔastagābeʔa ‘ad se recipere; cogere, colligere; congregare’
▪ Hoch1994 #209: Ug gbb (N-stem) ‘to gather together, assemble (troops)’, MishnaHbr gābāʰ ‘to collect taxes, collect debts’, (Hi) ‘to cause taxes to be collected’, gabbāyy ‘tax collector; customs collector’, gabbāyūṯ ‘the office of (Roman) tax collector’, TalmAram gəbī ‘to collect (taxes, debts); to tax’, (Af) ‘to make s.o. pay’, gabbōyāyâ ‘(tax) collector; (customs) collector’, and the by-form gḇaḇ ‘to collect; rake up’, Palm gby ‘to collect (tax, toll)’ (common), Syr gəḇā ‘to levy impost, collect tax’, gabbāyā ‘tax collector’, Ar ǧabà ‘to collect (taxes, duties)’, ǧibāyaẗ ‘tax, duty, impost’, ǧābiⁿ ‘tax collector, revenue officer’, maǧbaⁿ ‘tax, impost’. | Outside Sem: perh. Eg (NK) ma=ša=ka=ba2 */maskaba/? (sg.), */maskabayu/a/? (pl.), a ‘state official’, prob. ‘tax official’ or ‘customs officer’. See below, section DISC.
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▪ Hoch1994 #209 discusses possible relation of a late Eg word for ‘(tax-)collector’ with the Sem root: »This officer is found in connection with ships, taxes, and the military (foreign campaigns). The term also occurs in the title ḥry mškb ‘superintendent of the mškb’.« The author dismisses association, made in earlier research, with Hbr škb, since the root means ‘to lie down’. However, if the word means ‘(tax) collector’, it »may possibly be connected to the [Sem] root gby or its by-form gbb ‘to collect’. The root is not attested with this meaning in BiblHbr, but is very well attested in the languages in which it does occur […; see above, section COGN]. The form would be the Š-stem participle, with the /g/ being devoiced under the influence of the sibilant. An exact parallel is not found, however, as the words for tax/customs officials are either the G-stem participle or the ‘professional’ qattāla form.[…]«
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ĭǧtabà, vb. VIII, to pick, choose, elect (, s.o.): Gt-stem, self-ref.

ǧibāyaẗ, n.f., raising, levying (of taxes); (pl. ‑āt) tax, duty, impost: vn. I
ǧibāʔī, adj., 1a tax- (in compounds); b fiscal: nsb-formation from ǧibāyaẗ
maǧbaⁿ, pl. maǧābiⁿ, n., tax, impost: quasi-n.loc.
ǧābiⁿ, pl. ǧubāẗ, n., tax collector, revenue officer, collector; (IrAr) (bus, etc.) conductor: PA I

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ǧabbà and ↗ǧābiyaẗ as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ǦBY.
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