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ǧaḥīm جَحِيم 
ID 132 • Sw – • BP 3067 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 12Jan2023
fire, hellfire, hell – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ According to DRS 2 (1994) is Sem GḤM a little attested (cognates only in Te and Amh!) doublet of Sem GḤL (not realized in Ar). – Cf. also Sem GHM (> Ar ↗ǧahuma ‘to frown, glower’, ↗ǧahām ‘clouds’), GḤR (no relevant items in MSA), GMR (> Ar ↗ǧamara ‘to roast’), and PḤM (> Ar ↗faḥm ‘coal’).
▪ It is not totally clear whether other meanings, now obsolete, that all have to do with “burning” eyes (see ↗ǦḤM_2), are simply fig. use of the values connected to ‘fire’ or whether the latter is dependent on the former. But both seem to belong together. DRS even groups ǧaḥama ‘allumer et attiser le feu’, ǧaḥīm ‘feu ardent’, etc. together with ǧuḥām ‘inflammation (de l’œil)’ as forming one semantic unit.
▪ For another word for ‘hell’ see ↗ǧahannamnᵘ.
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▪ (Hava1899) ǧaḥama (a, ǧaḥm) ‘to light and stir up (the fire)’, ǧaḥima (a, ǧaḥm, ǧaḥam, ǧuḥūm) and ǧaḥuma (u, ǧuḥūm) ‘to be intense (fire)’, ǧāḥim ‘burning (coal); (fig.) affray; thick of a fight; hot (place)’, taǧaḥḥama (vb. V) ‘to burn with desires; to be in pangs (heart)’
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DRS 2 (1994) #GḤM-1 Ar ǧaḥama ‘allumer et attiser le feu’, ǧaḥīm ‘feu ardent’, ǧuḥām ‘inflammation (de l’œil)’; Te gäḥam ‘charbon’, gäḥamä ‘réduire en charbon; perdre la vue’; Amh gamä ‘être chaud, chauffé’. -2-3 […].
▪ Zammit2002 : Aram gaḥᵃmūn ‘burn them’,1 Ar ǧaḥīm ‘Hell, hell-fire, fiercely burning fire’
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ǧaḥīmī, adj., hellish, infernal: nsb-adj.

ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
"2-cons. nucleus" 
DRS 2 (2012)#GD: *trancher, couper, etc.; (souvent connotation de violence:) arracher; frapper, broyer, etc.
▪ Ehret1995#295 ‘to cut, lop, prune’ 
A bi-consonantal nucleus that is at the basis of several 3-consonantal themes, cf. section DERIV below. Etymologically, there also seems to be a relation with ↗*ǦḎ- and ↗*ǦZ-. 
DRS 2 (1994)#GD: De nombreuses racines contenant la séquence ‘G (et aussi K, Q) + dentale’. Voir GDʔ, GḎʔ/ʕ, GDY, GDGD, GDD, GDʕ, GD/ḎP. Voir aussi à leurs places les séquences avec d’autres dentales.
For the most common representations of (some of) the ǦD+x roots in Ar, cf. the items given below in the DERIV section. 
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ǦDː (ǦDD): ↗ǧadda ‘to be serious’.
ǦDʕ: ↗ǧadaʕa ‘to cut off, amputate’; cf. also ↗taǧazzaʕa ‘to break apart, break, snap’.
ǦDF: ↗ǧadafa ‘to row (a boat)’.

▪ According to Ehret1995#295, extensions from the same pre-protSem root *√GD ‘to cut’ are:
  • ↗√ǦDʕ: extension in "partive" *
  • ↗√ǦDF: extension in "intensive" *-P
  • ↗√ǦDM: extension in "fortative" *-M
ǦDː (ǦDD) جدّ / جدد 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 9Nov2022
√ǦDː (ǦDD) 
▪ ǦDː (ǦDD)_1 ‘grandfather’ ↗¹ǧadd
▪ ǦDː (ǦDD)_2 ‘good luck, good fortune’ ↗²ǧadd
▪ ǦDː (ǦDD)_3 ‘seriousness’ ↗ǧidd
▪ ǦDː (ǦDD)_4 ‘to be new, recent’ ↗ǧadda
▪ ǦDː (ǦDD)_5 ‘Jidda (seaport in Saudi Arabia)’ ↗Ǧuddaẗᵘ
▪ ǦDː (ǦDD)_6 ‘main street’ ↗ǧāddaẗ

Other values, now obsolete, include (BK1860, Hava1899):

ǦDː (ǦDD)_7 I.a ‘couper (se dit du fabricant qui coupe d’une pièce d’étoffe autant qu’il en faut pour une robe); couper, séparer, retrancher en coupant | to cut out (a garment), cut off (a fruit); tailler un palmier, enlever les épines des branches’: ǧadda (u, ǧadd); cf. also b (ṯiyāb) ǧudād ‘coupons; pièces coupées sur le métier: chaque pièce pour faire une robe’; c ǧadīd (pl. ǧudud) ‘cut, cut off | coupé, séparé de son tout; pièce d’étoffe, coupon suffisant pour une pièce de vêtement’; d ʔaǧaddᵘ (f. ǧaddāʔᵘ) ‘having some part(s) cut, or cut off (e.g., ear, teats, udder), lop-eared (ewe)’: hence also
  • II.a ǧadād ‘taille de palmiers, action de les tailler’, ǧidād ‘époque, saison à laquelle on taille les palmiers’, ǧuddād ‘petits arbres (palmiers ou autres)’
  • b ʔaǧaddᵘ (f. ǧaddāʔᵘ) ‘dry (breast, udder, road), small-breasted (female)’; ǧadūd (pl. ǧadāʔidᵘ) ‘having little milk (L) | brebis ou chamelle qui ne donne que fort peu ou point de lait’, taǧaddada, vb. V, ‘to dry out (udder)’;
  • c ǧaddāʔᵘ ‘waterless, cut off from the water (desert)’; ǧadda (i, ǧadd) ‘dégoutter d’eau, de pluie (se dit d’une maison ou d’une tente où l’eau dégoutte des toits) | to drip, let fall drops (a house, tent, etc.)’ (L), ǧudd ‘abundant, or scanty (well) | eau aux confins du désert’;
  • d ʔaǧaddᵘ (f. ǧaddāʔᵘ) ‘hard, more easy to walk/ride upon, plain, level (road); ǧadad (pl. ʔaǧdād), also ǧadǧad (L), ‘hard level ground; thin sand’, ǧadd (pl. ǧudūd; BK), ǧudd (BK), ǧadīd (Hava, BK) , ‘surface of the earth | terrain uni et dur’; ǧadīd al-turāb ‘sol dur, neuf’; ʔaǧadda (vb. IV) ‘to become smooth (road) [prob.: hard, hence easy to walk/ride upon; see above]’
ǦDː (ǦDD)_8 ‘mark, dividing line’: a ǧuddaẗ (pl. ǧudad) ‘stripe/streak on the back of an ass, differing from his general colour (L); b streak in anything (as in a mountain) differing in colour from the rest, line, mark, sign | ligne d’une nuance différente, et telle, qu’elle paraît de loin, le long d’une plaine ou sur le versant d’une montagne; c signe, marque de route; d tracé d’une route, raie | beaten way, marked with lines (cut by the feet of the men and beasts that have travelled along it), road, way, path, track, forming lines upon the ground’
ǦDː (ǦDD)_9 ‘way, manner | manière, façon, moyen’: ǧuddaẗ; cf. also rakiba ǧuddaẗan min al-ʔamr ‘he set upon a way, or manner, of performing the affair, he formed an opinion respecting the affair, or case’
ǦDː (ǦDD)_10 ‘shore, bank/side of a river’: ǧudd (also ǧadd and ǧidd (pl. ǧudūd), (BK: ‘côté, bord (de toute chose); littoral, côte, littoral du Hedjaz, de la Mecque’), ǧiddaẗ (pl. ǧudad; H)
ǦDː (ǦDD)_11 ‘collier au cou du chien’: ǧidd(aẗ)
ǦDː (ǦDD)_12 ‘fat(ness), obesity’: ǧadīd ‘fat (she-ass)’ (H), ǧadūd (pl. ǧidād) ‘anesse grasse’, ǧudd ‘obésité, corpulence; homme puissant’ (BK)
ǦDː (ǦDD)_13 ‘marchand de vin; vigneron, celui qui fait le vin’: ǧaddād
ǦDː (ǦDD)_14 a ‘intertwisted boughs | branches entrelacées, fils embrouillés, mêlés, b [fig.] chemins battus; c rags (Pers) | vêtements usés’: ǧuddād

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘ancestor, grandparent; luck, good fortune; greatness, glory, majesty; hard work, seriousness; new, to renew; middle of the road, main road, straight, correct path, level land’ 
▪ With the exception of [v2] ‘good luck, fortune’, values [v1] through [v11] may all be based on [v7] ‘to cut, cut off’. – In contrast, Kogan2015: 33 thinks that »[t]here is hardly any immediate connection betw. [v7] *‘to cut, cut off’, [v3] *‘to be great; serious’, or [v2] *‘fortune, success, luck’.« – For values [v12]–[v14] see below.
▪ [v1] ‘grandfather’: etymology uncertain, but prob. either related to [v3] ‘great, serious’ or [v2] ‘good luck, fortune’ and corresponding Can names of divinities (and tribes) (see next paragraph).
▪ [v2] (≙ DRS #GDD-3) ‘good luck, good fortune’: from protSem *gadd- ‘fortune, chance’. – Accord. to Kogan2015: 33, there is hardly any immediate connection betw. this value and [v3] *‘to be great; serious’ or [v7] *‘to cut, cut off’, a relation that is not excluded by DRS, however. ¬– Perh. the value can also be linked to [v1] ‘grandfather’ and to Can names of divinities (and tribes), such as Hbr Gad ‘Gad’, a god of fortune as well as a personal name and name of a tribe. – It is possibly also underlying Ar ↗maǧd ‘glory, honor, dignity, nobility’ (< ma- + protWSem *GD ‘to be good, lucky, excellent’; cf. also ↗ǦWD ‘to be good, approvable, excellent’).
▪ [v3] ‘to be great; seriousness’: Accord. to DRS to be analyzed, ultimately, as belonging to the complex of derivations from [v7] ‘to cut, cut off’ (> [v8] ‘mark, dividing line’ > *‘standing out, prominent, marking o.s. as different from the surroundings, “cutting edge”’ > greatness, “majesty”, seriousness etc.’). Against this assumption, Kogan2015: 33 thinks there is hardly any immediate connection betw. this value and [v7] *‘to cut, cut off’ (nor [v2] *‘fortune, success, luck’). – Related to [v1] ‘grandfather, ancestor’ (*‘the great, serious one, “majesty”)?
▪ [v4] ‘(to be) new, recent’: Accord. to Kogan2015: 33 (and of uncertain origin, but »[a]n ultimate derivation from [v7] protSem *gdd ‘to cut, make an incision’ is not improbable« (so also DRS and ClassAr lexicographers, though differing in the details/ways of derivation).
▪ [v5] ‘Jidda’: accord. to ClassAr authors, the name refers either to the city’s location at the coast (< [v10] ‘shore, bank/side of a river’, seen as as [v8] ‘mark, dividing line’ < [v7] ‘to cut, cut off’) or to the [v1] ‘grandmother’ (whose tomb was said to be situated close to the city wall). However, given the city’s environment, the origin of its name may also be [v7-II.c] *‘scarcity of water’ (< [v7-I] ‘to be cut off (sc. from water supply), dryness, scarcity of water’).
▪ [v6] ‘main street’: accord. to Rolland2014a a borrowing from oPers ǧadd ‘road’, related to Av yātem and Skr yātam ‘id.’ – Cf., however, [v8] below, with the extended meaning of ‘track, beaten way, path, road’ (prob. < [v7] ‘to cut’, thus orig. a path *“cut” by the feet of men and hoofs of animals)’; if this etymology should be valid, ǧāddaẗ may be genuine Ar (and, hence, a loan in Pers?), a PA I signifying a main axis in a town/city, *‘cutting’ it into clearly distinct sectors/quarters.
[v7] (≙ DRS #GDD-1) I.a ‘to cut, cut off, cut out (a garment)’: from protSem *GDD ‘to cut, make an incision’ – Kogan2015: 33 #59; cf. also Ehret1995#295, who thinks Ar ǦDː (ǦDD) (in ǧadd ‘to cut, lop, prune’) reflects a “pre-Proto-Semitic” bi-consonantal root *√GD ‘to cut’, from AfrAs *-gʷad-/*-gʷad- ‘to cut’. | Derivations: b ‘cut-out piece’ c ‘cut, cut off’, d ‘having some part(s) cut, or cut off (ear, teats, udder), lop-eared (ewe)’; hence also II semantic extensions: a ‘taille de palmiers, action de les tailler; époque, saison à laquelle on taille les palmiers; petits arbres (palmiers ou autres)’, b ‘dry (breast, udder, road), small-breasted (female), having little milk (goat, sheep, camel), to dry out (udder)’, c ‘waterless, cut off from the water (desert); to drip, let fall drops (house, tent, etc.); abundant, or scanty (well) | eau aux confins du désert’, d [< II.c?] ‘hard, more easy to walk/ride upon, to become smooth (road), plain and hard level ground; surface of the earth | terrain uni et dur, sol dur, neuf’. – Both DRS and Kogan2015 would not exclude a derivation of [v4] ‘to be new, recent’ from [v7] ‘to cut’ (‘new’ as *‘unusual, cutting, breaking the usual’?). – [v6] ǧāddaẗ ‘main street, boulevard’ is considered a loanword from Pers by some, but could also be a PA I, orig. meaning the *‘(clearly) dividing, “cutting” one (line, track, street)’.
[v8] ‘mark, dividing line’: likely from [v7], a ‘dividing line’ (?< ‘stripe/streak on the back of an ass; streak in anything differing in colour from the rest’) being conceived as a distinguishing *‘cut’. From this, the more general meaning ‘sign, road mark’ is easy to derive. Hence also ‘track, beaten way, path, road’ (< *‘“cut” by the feet of men and beasts that have travelled along it’). – For [v6] ǧāddaẗ ‘main street, boulevard’, see preceding paragraph.
[v9] ‘way, manner’: prob. fig. use of [v8] in the sense of ‘path, track’.
[v10] (≙ DRS #GDD-1) ‘shore, bank/side of a river’: accord. to ClassAr lexicographers »so called because cut off from the river, or because cut by the water« (Lane), thus special use of [v8] ‘dividing line, mark’ (< [v7] ‘to cut, cut out’). – A special use of this value may be [v5] ‘Jidda’ (see above).
[v11] ‘collier au cou du chien’: listed as distinct item in DRS (#GDD-4), but perh. simply special use of [v8], the collar around a dog’s neck being termed a *‘dividing line’.
[v12] ‘fat(ness), obesity (?> mighty man)’: related to, or dependent on, [v2] ‘good luck, good fortune’?
[v13] ‘marchand de vin; vigneron, celui qui fait le vin’: etymology obscure. – Steingass1892 gives a Pers ǧaddād ‘seller or producer of wine’ but marks this as a loan from Ar rather than into it.
[v14] : Accord. to Rolland2014a, ǧuddād ‘intertwisted boughs, ravelled threads, entangled branches, [fig.] chemins battus; rags, worn garments’ is from Pers ǧudād ‘vêtement usé, rapiécé’. For the latter, however, Steingass1892 gives also ‘short trees; low mountains’, i.e., values that could be related to [v7-II.a].
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DRS 2 (1994) #GDD-1 Akk gadādu ‘découdre? taillader?’; Hbr *hitgōded ‘se faire des incisions’; nHbr gādad ‘couper, inciser’; Aram gᵊdad ‘couper autour, rogner’; Talm ‘couper, partager’; Syr gadd ‘amputer, retrancher’; Mnd ʕgadad ‘être coupé, raccourci’; Qat šgdd ‘répartir, accorder’; Ar ǧadda ‘couper, retrancher’; Ar ǧudd ‘puits intermittent’, ǧadda ‘être décidé, paraître sérieux (événement, fait)’, ǧidd ‘zèle, effort’; SAr gdd ‘grand’, Sab hgdd ‘magnifier’; Gz gədud ‘sérieux’; Te gäddä ‘être plus grand, surpasser, étonner’, gäddo, gado, Tña gado, Amh (way)gud: interj. admirative ‘oh! étonnant!’. – Akk gudūd- ‘bande, troupe’; Hbr gᵊdūd ‘bande de brigands’; Phoen (bʕl)ʔgddm ‘(chef de) bandes’; Syr gūddā ‘bataillon, chœur’; Mnd gud, guda ‘bande, groupe’; Talm giddūdā ‘troupe, bande’; Gz gədud, Te gäda ‘brigand’. – Gz gadada ‘empirer’; Amh gʷädda ‘endommager, nuire’, gʷäddada ‘endommager par places (comme font les sauterelles)’; Hbr *gādad, *gād ‘se précipiter ensemble contre, attaquer’; Te ʔagdoda ‘se précipiter aveuglément’, gəd ‘contrainte, force’; Amh (as)gäddädä ‘obliger, contraindre’, (a)gäddädä ‘refuser, résister’, gäddädä ‘manquer, être nécessaire’. – Hbr gᵊdūd (?), JP Syr guddā ‘mur, rempart’; Ar ǧadd, ǧudd ‘remblai (délimitant un champ)’. – Hbr giddūd ‘précipice’; Aram giddūdā ‘précipice escarpé, bord élevé’; Mnd gada, g(a)dada, gida ‘bord d’un fleuve’. – Ar ǧadad ‘terrain uni et dur; surface du sol’. -?2 Syr gaddūdā ‘adolescent’; Ar ǧadīd ‘nouveau’, ǧadda ‘être neuf’; SAr gdd ‘assignation, distribution’. -?3 Hbr gad, Aram gaddā, Ar ǧadd, Te gäd, Tña gäddi ‘fortune, chance’; Amh gäd ‘augure’, gäddam ‘qui porte chance’. -4 Ar ǧidd ‘collier (de chien)’; Amh gädda ‘entraver, enchaîner’; ?Te godädä ‘se tenir tranquille; ne pas bouger’. -5 nHbr gad, gādād ‘âpre, amer’; JP giddā, Syr geddē, Mnd g(a)dida, gida ‘absinthe’; Syr gadīdā ‘amer’. -6 Ug gdm (pl.?) – Pun goid, Hbr gad, nHbr gīd, JP giddā ‘coriandre’. -7 Akk giddē: boisson? aliment?
▪ [v1] ‘grandfather’: no immediate cognates, but cf. sections CONC and DISC.
▪ [v2] ‘good luck, good fortune’: Hbr gad ‘fortune’, JudPalAram gaddā ‘luck’, Syr gaddā ‘fortuna, sors’, Mnd gada ‘fortune, success, luck’ (MD, Ar ǧdd ‘to be fortunate’, ǧadd ‘fortune’, Te gäd ‘luck, fortune’, Tña gäddi ‘luck, good luck or good fortune’, Amh gädd ‘luck’ – Kogan2015: 33 #59 n.64.
▪ [v3] ‘seriousness’ : Aram gaddā ‘genius, godhead’, SAr(Sab) gdd ‘great’, Ar ǧadd ‘majesty, glory’ (Zammit), ‘to be great; to be serious’ (Kogan), Gz gedūd ‘serius, gravis’ (Z) | gədud ‘serious, severe’ (K), geddat ‘vehementia, gravitas’ – Zammit2002, Kogan2015: 33 #59 n.64. – Cf. prob. also ↗ǦWD.
▪ [v4] ‘new, recent’: Ar ǧadīd ‘new’, Syr gaddudā ‘adolescens, juvenis’, Sab h-gdd ‘to enforce, validate a decree’, Qat s₁-gdd ‘to renew, validate’; for less immediate parallels see perh. [v7] – Kogan2015: 33 #59.
▪ [v4][v7][v8] Zammit2002: Akk gadādu ‘abtrennen’ (?), nHbr gīddūd ‘steep or straight embankment’, Phoen, Aram gīddūdā ‘a wady between steep embankments’, Syr gūdā ‘a hedge, mount’, Qat sgdd ‘repartir, accorder’, Ar ǧudad ‘track, way on a hill side’, ǧadīd ‘new’, Gz gadgad ‘murus, macerial ambiens, septum’
▪ [v5] ‘Jidda’: no immediate cognates, but cf. either [v1], or [v10] < [v7].
▪ [v6] ‘main street’: no immediate cognates, but cf. perh. [v8] < [v7].
▪ [v7] (≙ DRS #GDD-1) ‘to cut, cut off’ : Akk gadādu ‘to chop’, Hbr gdd ‘to make incisions upon oneself’, JudBiblAram gədad ‘to cut off’, Syr gad ‘abscidit, amputavit’, Mnd gdd ‘to cut off’, Ar ǧdd ‘to cut, cut off’, Cha Eža gädädä, Eža Muh Msq Gog Sod gäddädä, Enm gätädä, End gättädä ‘to tear, make a hole’ – Kogan2015: 33 #59 n.64. – Dependent on/derived from ‘to cut off’: ‘having some part(s) cut, or cut off (e.g., ear, teats, udder, palm twigs), trim palm trees, season of trimming palm trees; (*cut off from milk or water >) dry (breast, udder, well, road, desert region), small-breasted (female), intermittent well, to drip, let fall drops (a house, tent, etc.); (*dry >) hard, level, plain ground, more easy to walk/ride upon > surface of the earth’
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▪ According to DRS 2 (1994) #GDD, the many values they group under #GDD-1 »semblent toutes fondées sur la notion générale ‘couper, inciser, etc.«, i.e., the obsolete value listed here as [v7]. This would include also [v3] ‘(to be) great; serious’ (as < *‘making a “cutting, decisive” difference, standing out’) (and with [v3] perh. also [v1] ‘grandfather, ancestor’, as *‘the great one, “majesty”’), as well as prob. [v5] ‘Jidda’ (perh. orig. *‘region on the West coast’), which in turn may be based on [v8] ‘dividing line’, hence (?) also [v10] ‘shore, river bank’; cf. perh. also [v6] ‘main street, boulevard’ (main road that clearly “cuts” the city into quarters). [v11] ‘dog’s collar’ is treated separately in DRS (their #GDD-4); but why shouldn’t it be *‘streak/dividing line on the neck of a dog’? – Thus, with the exception of [v2] ‘good luck, fortune’, values [v1] through [v11] may all be based on [v7] ‘to cut, cut off’. – In contrast, Kogan2015: 33 #59 n.64 thinks that »[t]here is hardly any immediate connection betw. [v7] *‘to cut, cut off’, [v3] *‘to be great; serious’, or [v2] *‘fortune, success, luck’.« – For values [v12]–[v14] see below.
▪ [v1] ‘grandfather’: DRS quotes Blachère (in DAFA) who maintains that Ar ¹ǧadd ‘aïeul, grand-père’ reflects a more general notion of ‘ancêtre’ underlying [v3] ‘gravité, sérieux’. In contrast, Nöldeke1904: 94 saw ‘grandfather’ connected to [v2] ‘good luck, fortune’ and corresponding Can names of divinities and tribes (see next paragraph).
▪ [v2] (≙ DRS #GDD-3) ‘good luck, good fortune’: from protSem *gadd- ‘fortune, chance’. – Accord. to Kogan2015: 33 #59 n.64, there is hardly any immediate connection betw. this value and [v3] *‘to be great; serious’ or [v7] *‘to cut, cut off’. The latter is not excluded by DRS, however, where the separation by a distinct number is preceded by a question mark. ¬– DRS further refers to Nöldeke1904: 94 who saw [v1] ‘grandfather’ connected to ‘good luck, fortune’ and the latter to Can names of divinities and, hence, also of tribes and individuals, such as Hbr Gad ‘Gad’, a god of fortune as well as a personal name (BDB1906: cf. Lat Fortunatus) and the name of a tribe (cf. also the n.prop.loc. Mᵊgiddô ‘Mageddo’). – Related is perh. also Ar ↗maǧd ‘glory, honor, dignity, nobility’ (Hbr mägäd ‘excellence (of gifts of nature)’, Syr magdā ‘fructus’, all < protCSem *magd- ‘excellence’), possibly to be analyzed as composed of an old ma-prefix derivate from the protWSem biconsonantal element *GD ‘to be good, lucky, excellent’. – Cf. also ↗ǦWD ‘to be good, approvable, excellent’.
▪ [v3] ‘to be great; seriousness’: DRS groups this value under their #GDD-1, assuming that ‘greatness, “majesty”, seriousness etc.’ are essentially a form of *‘standing out’, thus being prominent, marking o.s. as different from the surroundings, “cutting edge”, thus related to [v8] ‘mark, dividing line’, from [v7] ‘to cut, cut off’. Against this assumption, Kogan2015: 33 #59 n.64 thinks there is hardly any immediate connection betw. this value and [v7] *‘to cut, cut off’ (nor [v2] *‘fortune, success, luck’). – Perh. related to [v1] ‘grandfather, ancestor’ (as *‘the great, serious one, “majesty”).
▪ [v4] ‘(to be) new, recent’: Accord. to Kogan2015: 33 #59, the origin of Ar ǧadīd- is uncertain (immediate parallels only in Syr, Sab and Qat, see above, section COGN). However, »[a]n ultimate derivation from [v7] protSem *gdd ‘to cut, make an incision’ is not improbable« (so also DRS where the grouping of ‘to be new, recent’ as a separate value #GDD-2 is preceded by an interrogation mark, i.e., doubtful). ClassAr lexicographers suggest a semantic development along the line *‘to cut off, separate from the whole > piece of tissue sufficient to sew a garment > new garment (cf. labisa l-ǧadīd ‘he put on a new garment’) > new; youth, young age’ (BK1860).
▪ [v5] ‘Jidda’: According to U. Freitag, most ClassAr authors »agree that the correct name is Ǧuddaẗ (‘coastline’), while others mention the designation Ǧaddaẗ (‘grandmother’) or, in dialect, Ǧiddaẗ, as referring to the tomb of Eve, which, among other locales given in the traditions, was said to be situated north of what was once the city wall […]. As the city did not have any springs, rain was collected in large cisterns both inside and outside the city walls, or to be supplied from sources outside.«1 These remarks allow for three etymologies: (a) from – or actually identical with – [v10] ‘shore, bank/side of a river’, itself prob. based on [v7] ‘to cut’ (see above/below); (b) from – or actually identical with – ǧaddaẗ ‘grandmother’, f. of [v1] ǧadd; (c) from [v7-II.c] *‘scarcity of water’ (< [v7-I] ‘to be cut off (sc. from water supply), dryness’).
[v6]–[v14] : see above, section CONC.
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