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ǧudarī جُدَري, var. ǧadarī
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Dec2022
smallpox – WehrCowan1976
▪ Unless a loanword (where from?), ǧudarī ‘smallpox’ is prob. a specialization derived from the more general ǧadara (u, ǧadr), ǧadura (u, ǧadāraẗ), ǧadira (a, ǧadar) ‘to sprout, shoot forth; hence also: produce pustules on the skin’ (↗ǦDR_5). Oscillation of vowel in first syllable (ǧudarī~ ǧadarī) and earlier variant ǧudrī may point to a borrowing.
▪ A relation with other ǦDR items (↗ǧadura ‘to be fit, suitable, worthy’, ǧidār ‘wall, fencing, etc.’) seems rather unlikely.
▪ Fig. use in ↗muǧaddaraẗ ‘dish with lentils within rice or bulgur’ (resembling skin *‘covered with smallpox pustules’).
▪ …
▪ (Hava1899): ǧadar (pl. ʔaǧdār) ‘natural tumour, swelling caused by a wound; bite on an animal’s neck; sprout’, ǧadara (u, ǧadr) ‘to be covered with blisters (hand)’, ǧudira, ǧuddira, taǧaddara ‘to have the smallpox’, muǧaddar ‘seized with small-pox; pock-marked (face)’, maǧdaraẗ ‘country where small-pox is raging’
▪ …
DRS 2 (1994) #GDR-1-6 […]. -7 Ar ǧadura ‘poindre, bourgeonner’, ǧadar, ǧudar ‘pustule variolique’, ǧudriyy, ǧadariyy ‘petite vérole’, Soq gīdri, Te gədri ‘petite vérole’.1
▪ …
▪ As neither ‘smallpox’ nor ‘to sprout’ can be traced back to earlier forms it is difficult to tell whether the first is a specialization derived from the verb or the latter is denominative from the former. For the time being, we may assume that in ǧudarī is a nisba ending, which would point to its being derived.
▪ …
ǧudira, vb. I (pass.), and ǧuddira, vb. II, to have smallpox: G- and D-stem, both pass., denom.
maǧdūr, and muǧaddar, adj., infected with smallpox; pock-marked: PP I and II, respectively
muǧaddaraẗ, n.f., a popular dish: see ↗s.v.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ǧadura and ↗ǧidār as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ǦDR.
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