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ǧady جدْي 
ID 135 • Sw – • BP 7607 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 kid, young billy goat; 2a Capricorn (astron.); b al‑~, the North Star – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: from protCSem *gady‑ ‘kid’.
DRS 2 (1994) #GDY-1: from protSem *gady‑ ‘chevreau’, (SED II #76:) from AfrAs *ga/uday/w(-m/n)- ‘kind of ungulate’.
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▪ Kogan2015:184-5 #12: Ug gdy, Hbr gədī, Syr gadyā, Ar ǧady.
DRS 2 (1994) #GDY-1 protSem *gady- ‘chevreau’: Akk gadū ‘jeune bouc’; Ug gdy, Pun gdʔ, Hbr gᵊdī, Aram gadyā, oAram gdh, Pehl gdy, nWAram gaḏya ‘bouquetin’; Ar ǧady ‘chevreau’. -2-4 […].
SED II #76: Ug gdy (gd) ‘kid’, Phoen gdʔ ‘goať, Hbr gədī ‘kid (of goat or sheep)’, gədiyyā ‘kid’, postBiblHbr ‘kid; young animal’, gədiyyā ‘she-kid’; oAram gdh ‘goať (context fragmentary), EmpAram gdy ‘kid’, JudAram gədī (det. gadyā) ‘kid, in gen. young animal; the Capricorn’, gədī (det. gdyyh) ‘kid’, gadyā ‘young goat, kid’, Syr gadyā ‘hoedus’, Mnd gadia ‘kid, young goat, Capricorn’, Maʕl γaḏya ‘Böckchen’, nSyr gidyâ ‘a kid’ […], Ar ǧady ‘chevreau; capricorne (signe du Zodiaque)’, ǧadāyaẗ ‘gazelle; petit de gazelle’. – Gz gadəy ‘Capricorn’ (sign of the Zodiac) and Amh žädi, žäǧi ‘kid (young goat)’ are obvious Ar loans. Akk gadû ‘male kid’, widely attested in late economic texts […] is rightly thought to be borrowed from WSem. – Outside Sem *gady-: CHAD (WChad) Ha gàdáa ‘antelope (duiker sp.)’, Kariya gudam, Miya gudən-zāku, Paʔa gudan-cəka ‘Western kob’, Ngizim gádùwà ‘duiker’; (CChad) Zime-Batna gódày ‘buck’; CUSH (ECush) Oromo gadam-sa ‘greater kudu’, Darasa gadansa ‘buffalo’, Sid goda ‘deer, gazelle’, Burji gadám-a ‘greater kudu’ (prob. < Oromo); (SCush) Iraqw gwanda ‘ram’, Alagwa gwando id., Burunge gondi ‘old ram’ (< *gʷand- with an inserted -n- or metathesis < *gʷad-n-); Omot: (NOmot) Zaysse gaaiddé ‘cattle’, gaidé-endo ‘buffalo’
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▪ Kogan2015:184-5 #12 The origin of protCSem *gady- ‘kid’ is uncertain. For a tentative comparison with the verbal root *gdy ‘to cut’ v. DRS 100‒101. For a possible connection with protIE *gʰaid- v. Gamkrelidze–Ivanov 1984: 872. Related terms outside CSem are borrowed from Aram or Ar: Akk gadu ‘kid’,1 Gz gadəy ‘capricorn’.
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ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
"2-cons. nucleus" 
▪ *to cut off, chop, devide, set apart 
A bi-consonantal nucleus that is at the basis of several 3-consonantal themes, cf. section DERIV below. Etymologically, there also seems to be a relation with also ↗*ǦD- and ↗*ǦZ-. 
In DRS 2 (1994)#GḎ: Sur certaines des racines comportant la séquence ‘G + dentale’, v.s. GD [Ar ↗ǦD-]. Comp. les valeurs de GḎḎ, GḎʕ, GḎR; peut-être aussi GḎY, GḎL (et GḎW?). For the most common representations of (some of) the ǦḎ+x roots, cf. the items given below in the DERIV section. 
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ǦḎː (ǦḎḎ): ↗ǧaḏḏa ‘to cut off, clip’; cf. also ↗ǧazza ‘to cut off, clip; to shear, shear off’.
ǦḎʕ: ↗ǧaḏaʕa ‘to cut off, amputate’; cf. also ↗taǧazzaʕa ‘to break apart, break, snap’.
ǦḎM: ↗ǧaḏama ‘to cut off, chop off, excise’; cf. also ↗ǧazama ‘to off, cut short, clip; to judge, decide’. 
*GR- جرـ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD© SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 15Jan2023
2-cons. root nucleus 
▪ See below, section CONC.
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DRS 3 (1994): « séquence consonantique qui entre dans la constitution de plusieurs séries de racines dont chacune présente une ou des valeurs communes à l’ensemble de la série : 1 La désignation de la ‘gorge’, du ‘gosier’ et l’expression des notions connexes d’ ‘avaler, engloutir’, etc. v. s. GR avec renvois, v. GRGṬ, GRGY, GRDB, GRDD, GRDM, GRZ, GRZʕ, GRṬ. ‑2. La dénomination apparemment onomatopéique de bruits produits par la gorge, la bouche, v. s. GR; v. GRDM, GRMRM; v. aussi s. ĠR. -3 La notion de ‘rondeur’ > ‘rouler’, etc. v. s. GR; v. GRGB, GRGL, GRGM, GRGR, GRḎ?, GRN?, GRNP?, GRR. Comp. GL-. -4 La notion de ‘couper’ > ‘enlever’, ‘arracher’, ‘casser’, etc. v. GRB, GRBB, GRGZ, GRGM, GRD, GRDD, GRDM, GRDP, GRDŠ, GRḤ, GRM, GRMŚ. -5 La notion de ‘couler’ : GRY. »
▪ Ehret1995#285 identifies a “pre-Proto-Semitic” bi-consonantal root *GR- ‘to go down’ (< AfrAs *-GǏR- ‘to sit’) at the basis of several 4-rad. Ar roots, see ↗ǦRBZ, ↗ǦRṮM, ↗ǦRǦM, ↗ǦRDL, ↗ǦRFS (for more details, see below, section DERIV).
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▪ For reflections of 3-4-rad. root extensions in Ar according to DRS, cf. the following:
  • 1 *‘gorge’, *‘gosier’, *‘avaler, engloutir’: ↗ǦR (redupl. ǧurǧūr ‘(gorge) bruyante’, ǧurāǧir ‘qui boit à grandes gorgées’), ↗ǦRǦM (ǧarǧama ‘engloutir, dévorer’), ↗ǦRDB (ǧardaba ‘goinfrer’, ǧardabān ‘vorace’), ↗ǦRZ (ǧaraza ‘déchirer avec les dents, mordre, dévorer, ravager les cultures’, ǧaruza ‘être vorace’, ǧariza ‘être aride, dénudé, tari’), ↗ǦRʕ (↗ǧariʕa ‘boire d’un coup, avaler, ingurgiter’, with ǧurʕaẗ ~ ǧarʕaẗ ‘gorgée’; ǧaraʕ ‘terrain léger, perméable à l’eau, stérile’), ↗ǦRʕB (ǧarʕaba ‘boire’);
  • 2 onomatopéique (*‘bruits produits par la gorge, la bouche’): ↗ǦR (redupl., ↗ǧarǧara ‘murmurer, faire glouglou; grogner, blatérer, gronder (tonnerre)’), ↗ǦRDM (ǧardama ‘parler avec volubilité’);
  • 3 *‘rondeur’ > *‘rouler’, etc.: ↗ǦRː (ǦRR) (↗ǧarra ‘traîner, tirer’, ↗ǧurraẗ ‘tanière, repaire’, ǧarraẗ ‘piège, lacs’, ↗ǧirraẗ ‘rumination’, ǧārraẗ ‘chemin; bêtes de trait’, ǧārūr ‘cours d’eau, canal’), ↗ǦRǦB (TunAr gərgɛb ‘rouler’);
  • 4 *‘couper’ > *‘enlever’, *‘arracher’, *‘casser’, etc.: ↗ǦRǦM (ǧarǧama ‘terrasser qn, démolir (un mur)’), ↗ǦRḤ (↗ǧaraḥa ‘blesser’, with ǧurḥ ‘blessure’, ǧarīḥ ‘blessé’, and ǧarrāḥ ‘chirurgien’; ↗ǧāriḥaẗ ‘bête de proie’), ↗ǦRD (↗ǧarada ‘écorcer, peler, raser, racler’, with ǧarīd ‘nu, dépouillé’ and ʔaǧradᵘ ‘chauve, sans poils, dénudé’), ↗ǦRDM (ǧardama ‘dévaster’), ↗ǦRM (ǧarama ‘émonder, couper (les fruits desséchés); gagner de quoi nourrir sa famille’);
  • 5 *‘couler’: ↗ǦRY (↗ǧarà ‘courir, couler, avoir lieu’, with ǧary ‘course rapide, courant’ and ǧariyy ‘adolescent, serviteur’, as well as ↗ǧāriyaẗ ‘fillette, fille’).
▪ According to Ehret1995#285, the "pre-protSem" bi-consonantal root *GR- ‘to go down’ forms the basis of the following root extensions:
  • (unextended) > Ar ǧarr ‘foot of a mountain; valley’ (↗√ǦRː/ǦRR_9)
  • + "extendative" *-b + "intensive (manner)" *-z > Ar ǧarbaza ‘to fall’ (↗√ǦRBZ)
  • + "diffusive" * + "noun suffix" *-m > Ar ǧurṯum ‘root, origin; earth round the foot of a tree’ (↗√ǦRṮM)
  • + "finitive, fortative" *-g + *-m ("as fortative") > Ar ǧarǧama ‘to throw down’ (↗√ǦRǦM)
  • + "durative" *-d + "finitive" *-l > Ar ǧardala ‘to stumble, fall’ (↗√ǦRDL)
  • + *-p ("intensive (manner)") + *-s ("lexicalized PAA causative") > Ar ǧarfasa ‘to throw on the ground’ (↗√ǦRFS)
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ǦRː (ǦRR) جرّ / جرر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD© SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 5Mar2023
√ǦRː (ǦRR) 
▪ ǦRː (ǦRR)_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ǦRː (ǦRR)_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ǦRː (ǦRR)_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to draw, pull, drag along; track, trail, galaxy; crime, guilt; to ruminate’ 
▪ From WSem *√GRR ‘to drag, draw, pull’ – Huehnergard2011.
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▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl jar, from Ar ǧarraẗ ‘earthen jar’, from ǧarra, vb. I, ‘to draw, pull’. 
ǦRB جرب 
Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | created 31May2023
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