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ǦRḤ جرح 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last update 15Jan2023
▪ ǦRḤ_1 ‘wound’ ↗ġurḥ, ‘surgery’ ↗ǧirāḥaẗ, ‘surgeon’ ↗ǧarrāḥ
▪ ǦRḤ_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to wound, to injure; to defame, to invalidate, deficiency; to strive to earn one’s living; birds and animals of prey’ 
▪ [v1] : According to DRS 3 (1994), the Ar root √ǦRḤ (with ↗ǧaraḥa ‘blesser’, etc., ↗ǧarrāḥ ‘chirurgien’, ↗ǧāriḥaẗ ‘bête de proie’) is an extension from a 2-cons. root nucleus ↗*ǦR- with the basic meaning (among others) of *‘couper’ > *‘enlever’, *‘arracher’, *‘casser’, etc. – See also ↗ǦRǦM, ↗ǦRD, ↗ǦRDM, ↗ǦRM.
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DRS 3 (1993) #GRḤ-1 Syr garāḥā ‘blessure’, Ar ǧaraḥa ‘blesser’, ǧurḥ ‘blessure’, ǧarīḥ ‘blessé’, ǧarrāḥ ‘chirurgien’, ǧāriḥat ‘bête de proie’, Sab grḥ ‘blessé’, Jib géraḥ, egórḥ ‘faire une coupure’, egórḥ ‘insulter’, gerḥún ‘blessé, insulté’, Soq gorḥ ‘blessure’, Te (tə)gärräḥa ‘être blessé’. -2 Gz garḥ ‘cheval dressé’, Te gärḥa ‘être bien dressé (cheval)’, Tña gärḥe, gärhe, Amh gärra, Arg gärräha, Gur gärra ‘domestiquer, dompter’. -3 Aram gūrḥā ‘grenier’. -?4 Ar ǧaraḥa ‘gagner, acquérir’, Jib géraḥ ‘mettre du riz bien réparti sur une assiette’, s̃əgraḥ ‘être nourri’, Soq gáraḥ ‘ramasser’. – ? Gz garḥ, garoḥ ‘marchandise’. -5 Ḥrs gerḥét ‘dune de sable’.
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ǧurḥ جُرْح 
ID 138 • Sw – • BP 1011 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
wound, injury, lesion – WehrCowan1979. 
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DRS 3 (1993) #GRḤ-1 Syr garāḥā ‘blessure’, Ar ǧaraḥa ‘blesser’, ǧurḥ ‘blessure’, ǧarīḥ ‘blessé’, ǧarrāḥ ‘chirurgien’, ǧāriḥat ‘bête de proie’, Sab grḥ ‘blessé’, Jib géraḥ, egórḥ ‘faire une coupure’, egórḥ ‘insulter’, gerḥún ‘blessé, insulté’, Soq gorḥ ‘blessure’, Te (tə)gärräḥa ‘être blessé’. -2-5 […].
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ǧarrāḥ جرّاح 
ID 136 • Sw – • BP 5724 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
surgeon – WehrCowan1979. 
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▪ See ↗ǧurḥ.
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ǧirāḥaẗ جِراحَة 
ID 137 • Sw – • BP 3490 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
surgery – WehrCowan1979. 
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▪ See ↗ǧurḥ
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