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EgAr gumruk ~ (MSA) ǧumruk جُمْرُك , pl. ǧamārikᵘ , var. kumruk, qumruq 
ID 156 • Sw – • BP 4318 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
customs; customhouse – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Rolland2014a: Via Tu gümrük and ByzGrk kommérkion from lLat commercium ‘branch office, merchandise, relation, exchange’, from Lat merx ‘merchandise’. 
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▪ Cf. DRS 3 (1993)#GMRK: Ar ǧumruk, Te ǧəmruk.
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▪ Sources agree on Ar gumruk, ǧumruk going back, via Tu gümrük, to lLat commercium, a derivative of Lat merx ‘merchandise’.
▪ Rolland2014a adds that this Lat merx ‘merchandise’ perhaps is from Phoen mkr ‘to do business, trade’, »mot éminemment voyageur«. If this is correct one may have to compare (CAD:) Akk makāru ‘to do business, use (silver etc.) in business transactions’, mākiru, makkāru ‘trader’, makkūru ‘valuable, treasures, property, assets, estate’, tamkāru ‘merchant, trader, money-lender’ (> Ar ↗tāǧir ‘merchant’, ↗tiǧāraẗ ‘trade, commerce, merchandise’), (Tropper2008:) Ug mkr (N-, G-, D-stems pass.) ‘to be sold’, mkr /makkāru/ ‘tradesman’), (BDB1906:) Hbr māḵar ‘to sell’, mäḵär ‘merchandise, value’, Phoen mkr ‘to sell’, Aram Syr mᵊḵar ‘to marry’ (i.e. *‘to buy as a wife’), (Tropper2008:) Ar makkara ‘to buy up (grain)’. 
▪ Cf. Engl commerce (n.), 1530 s, from mFr commerce (C14), from Lat commercium ‘trade, trafficking’, from com- ‘together’ + merx (Gen mercis) ‘merchandise’.
▪ Cf. also Engl market (n.), eC12, ‘a meeting at a fixed time for buying and selling livestock and provisions’, from oNFr market ‘marketplace, trade, commerce’ (oFr marchiet, modFr marché), from Lat mercatus ‘trading, buying and selling, trade, market’ (> It mercato, Sp mercado, Du markt, Ge Markt), past participle of mercari ‘to trade, deal in, buy’, from merx (Gen mercis) ‘wares, merchandise’, accord. to from an Ital root *merk-, possibly from Etr, referring to various aspects of economics. Meaning ‘public building or space where markets are held’ first attested mC13. Sense of ‘sales, as controlled by supply and demand’ is from 1680
rasm al-gumruk, n., customs duty, tariff

gumrukī, adj., customs, tariff (used attributively): nsb-adj. | ĭttiḥād gumrukī, n., customs union.
mugamrak, n., duty paid: nominalized PP I. 
ǦMS جمس 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ǦMS_1 ‘buffalo’ ↗ǧāmūs
▪ ǦMS_2 ‘…’ ↗
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DRS 3 (1993) #GMŠ-1 Te gämmäšä ‘être tiède (lait)’. -2 Te gämäš belä ‘tomber sur les genoux’. -3 gämmešay ‘chevelu’. -4 Syr gawmūš, gamīšā, Mnd gamušan, gamišan, gamšin, Ar ǧāmūs ‘buffle’, Gz Te gamus : tête de bétail européen sans bosse, Amh Arg goš, Har goōš, Gur gäs ‘buffle’; Gz gamas : anneau en corne de buffle, Te gamus : anneau fait d’ongle de buffle. -5 Śḥr gɛmš, Soq gamš, Mhr gamh ‘scinque (sorte de lézard)’.
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ǦMʕ جمع 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ǦMʕ_1 ‘to gather’ ↗ǧamaʕa, ‘comprehensive; collector, compiler; mosque’ ↗ǧāmiʕ, ‘university’ ↗ǧāmiʕaẗ, ‘society’ ↗muǧtamaʕ
▪ ǦMʕ_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘gathering, collection, collection point, to collect, to unite, to combine, to accumulate; to assemble, to become close together, to become united, to decide; to be compact; assembly, gathering place; to be faultless; main points, essence’ 
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DRS 3 (1993) #GMʕ-1 Syr gᵊmāʕtā ‘poignée’, Ar ǧamaʕa ‘amasser, rassembler, réunir’, ǧumʕaẗ, ǧumuʕaẗ ‘poignée, réunion’, ǧamāʕaẗ ‘groupe, foule, assemblée’, ǧumʕ ‘contraction, poing’, SAr gmʕ, Mhr gatmaʔ, Śḥr gīʕ, gotmaʕ, Ḥrs egtōma ‘réunir, rassembler’, Mhr ǧamʕ, Jib ǧīʕ, yáma, yámi, yāmʕəh ‘poing’; Te təǧämməʕa ‘être ensemble’. – Ar ǧumʕaẗ ‘rassemblement, jour de la prière communautaire, vendredi, semaine’; Mhr gemaʕt, Śḥr gəmʕat, Soq gimʕa, Te ǧəmʕat, Har gumʔa ‘vendredi’. -2 Syr gᵊmaʕ ‘plonger, enfoncer’, gūmāʕtā ‘fosse’. -3 Gz gamʕa, gamməʕa ‘arracher, déchirer, raser’, Te (tə)gämmäʕa, Tña gämʕe ‘séparer, fendre’, Te gämʕa ‘tomber (pierre d’un mur)’, gəmʕ ‘pierre’, Gur (a)gʷäma ‘être sur le point d’apparaître (fleur, champignon)’.
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