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ǧamal‑ جمل , u , (ǧaml
ID 160 • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to sum up, summarize – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ … 
1865 Lane gives the value of ǧamal‑ as ‘to collect’ (and ‘to melt grease or fat’). 
Hbr gāmal ‘to wean; ripen’, nHbr gamlōn ‘large-sized’, Aram itgəmal ‘to be laden with; be bestowed’, gamlānā ‘large-sized’ – Zammit2002#ǧumlaẗ
DRS thinks ǧamal‑ ‘to assemble, collect’ and ǧamul-‑ ‘to be beautiful, pretty; be nice to, do a favour to’ are related and belong to one and the same multifacetted Sem theme, the idea of ‘wholeness, completion, perfection’ probably resulting somehow from the ‘beauty’ (which in turn may derive from ‘fatness’). See ↗√ǦML.
▪ Ehret1995 (#280) regards the verb as secondary, formed from the noun ǧumul‑ ‘troop; addition’ which he believes is in turn an ‎extension in a “noun suffix” *‑l from a bi-consonantal “pre-‎Proto-Semitic” (pPS, i.e. preSem) root *gm ‘to come together’ < AfrAs *‑gim‑ ‘to come upon, ‎meet up with’ (cf. Eg gmi‑ ‘to find’, Som ǧimee‑ ‘to [bring together in order to] compare; measure’). – Other extensions from the same pre-Sem root according to Ehret: ǧamār ‘crowd, people’ (ǧamar‑ ‘to unite for a purpose’), ↗ǧamaʕ‑ ‘to gather, assemble, keep together; unite, reconcile; crowd, assembly’, and ↗ǧamhar‑ ‘to assemble, heap up’ (ǧumhur ‘principal part or majority; totality, all; troop, crowd; people, public’, cf. ↗ǧūmhūr).
▪ Any relation to ↗ǧamal‑ ‘camel’? 
ʔaǧmala, vb. IV, to sum, total, add; to treat as a whole, mention collectively; to sum up, summarize; for other meanings ↗ǧamula.
ǧumlaẗ, n.f., pl. ǧumal totality, sum, whole; group, troop, body; crowd; wholesale; (gram.) sentence, clause
ʔiǧmāl, n., summation, summing up; summarization
ʔiǧmālī, adj., comprehensive, summary, general, overall, total, collective; the whole sum, total amount
muǧmil, n., pl. ‑ūn wholesaler, wholesale dealer: PA IV
muǧmal, n., summary, résumé, synopsis, compendium; general concept; sum, total: PP IV 
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