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ǧānib جانِب , pl. ǧawānibᵘ 
ID – • Sw – • BP 208 • APD … • © SG | 23Oct2022
1a side; b lateral portion; c sidepiece; 2a flank; b wing; c face (geom.); 3a part, portion, partial amount; b partial view, section (min of a scene, picture or panorama); 4a quantity, amount; b a certain number (min of), a few, some – WehrCowan1976 
▪ Var. of ↗ǧanb, related to ↗ǧanaba.
▪ …
▪ …
▪ ↗ǧanb.
▪ …
▪ …

min ǧānibi-h, expr., on his part; min ǧānib… min ǧānibi ʔāḫar, on the one hand… on the other hand…;
ʔilà ǧānibi-h, 1 to him, to his address; 2 at his (its) side, next to him (it);
bi-ǧānibi-h, beside him (it), next to him (it);
ʔilà ǧānibⁱ… and bi-ǧānibⁱ…, prep., 1 side by side with; 2 in addition to; 3 apart from, aside from;
waḍaʕa-hū ǧānibᵃⁿ, to put aside; to leave aside, omit;
fī ǧānibⁱ…, prep., 1 in comparison with, as compared with, as against; 2 regarding, with regard to;
mā bayna ǧawānibi-him, expr., their hearts;
ǧānibā l-fam, n.du., the corners of the mouth;
ǧānibᵘⁿ min…, 1a a considerable, or certain, degree of; b a considerable amount of, a good deal of;
ǧānibᵘⁿ kabīrᵘⁿ min, n., a great deal of, a large portion of; huwa ʕalà ǧānibⁱⁿ kabīrⁱⁿ min, expr., he is very ...; kāna ʕalà ǧānibⁱⁿ ʕaẓīmⁱⁿ min al-karam, to be very generous; ʕalà ǧānibⁱⁿ ʕaẓīmⁱⁿ min al-ʔahammiyyaẗ, of great importance; ʕalà ʔaʕẓamⁱ ǧānibⁱ l-ḫuṭūraẗ, of utmost importance, of greatest significance;
fī kullⁱ ǧānib, adv., everywhere, on all sides;
ḫafaḍa la-hū ǧānibu-h, vb., 1 to show o.s. condescending, affable or gracious to s.o.; 2 to meet s.o. on fair terms;
ʔamina ǧāniba-h, vb., to be safe from s.o.;
lam ʔuʕir-hu ǧānibᵃ ĭhtimām, expr., I paid not the least attention to him;
ḫāfa (rahiba, hāba) ǧāniba-h, vb., to fear s.o., be afraid of s.o.;
milk al-ǧānib, n., crown lands; ǧānib al-mīrī, n., fisc, treasury (EgAr);
layyin al-ǧānib, adj., 1 gentle; 2 docile, tractable, compliant; līn al-ǧānib, n., gentleness;
raḥb al-ǧānib, adj., 1 roomy; 2 spacious, unconfined;
raqīq al-ǧānib, adj., friendly, amiable, gentle;
marhūb al-ǧānib, adj., feared, dreaded;
ʕazīz al-ǧānib, adj., powerful, mighty, strong; ʕizzaẗ al-ǧānib, n.f., power;
mahīb al-ǧānib, adj., dreaded, respected;
fī ǧānib al-dār, expr., 1 about the house, all over the house; 2 often fī ǧānibi-h = fī-h

ǧanaba, u, vb. I, to avert, ward off (from s.o. G-stem, denom. from ǧanb (?)
ǧannaba, vb. II, to keep away, avert, ward off (from s.o., keep s.o. out of the way of (, spare (s.o. D-stem, ints.
ǧānaba, vb. III, 1a to be or walk by s.o.’s side; b to run alongside of (, run parallel to (, skirt, flank (; 2 to avoid ( L-stem, assoc.
taǧannaba, vb. V, 1 to avoid (, s.o.); 2 to keep away (s.o. from), steer clear, get out of the way (of): tD-stem, self-ref.
taǧānaba, vb. VI, = V: tL-stem
ĭǧtanaba, vb. VIII, 1 = V; 2 to be at the side of (, run side by side with (, run alongside of (, skirt, flank ( Gt-stem, intr., self-ref.

BP#3452ǧānibī, adj., lateral, side, by- (in compounds): nsb-adj., from ǧānib
BP#3109taǧannub, n., avoidance: vn. V
ĭǧtināb, n., avoidance: vn. VIII
muǧannibaẗ, n.f., flank, wing (of an army): PA II

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ǧanaba, ↗ǧanb, ↗ǧunub, ↗ʔaǧnabī, ↗ǧanāb, ↗ǧunāb, and ↗ǧanūb, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ǦNB.
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