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ǧayyid جَيِّد 
ID 183 • Sw 97/61 • BP 488 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1a good, perfect, faultless; b outstanding, excellent, first rate; c good (as an examination grade) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ From ↗ǧāda (ints. formation?).
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▪ ↗ǧāda.
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ǦWR جور 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ǦWR_1 ‘neighbour, to protect, grant asylum’ ↗ǧār
▪ ǦWR_2 ‘to deviate; to oppress, tyrannize, be unjust, despotic’ ↗ǧāra
▪ ǦWR_3 ‘pit, hole’ ↗ǧūraẗ
▪ ǦWR_4 ‘jury’ ↗ǧūrī (1)
▪ ǦWR_5 ‘damask rose; crimson’ ↗ǧūrī (2)

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘neighbour, adjacent; to protect, to shelter, to give refuge, to seek refuge, protege, spouse; to veer away, to tilt, to deviate; to be unjust, injustice’ 
▪ Out of the 8 values DRS registers for the root GWR in Sem, only 4 are represented in Ar. DRS #GWR-3 (Ar ‘attaquer’) does not seem to differ essentially from #GWR-2 (Ar ‘être injuste envers qn., pécher’). Given the many cognates of #GWR-1 and #GWR-2, these are without doubt genuine Sem (for #GWR-1 = ǦWR_1, Kogan 2015 reconstructs Sem *gwr ‘to dwell together, be a neighbour’). – As for #GWR-6, the obsol. ǧuwār ‘caverne’ given by DRS seems to correspond to our ǦWR_3 ǧūraẗ ‘pit, hole’, which Rolland 2014 thinks is a Pers borrowing. – ǦWR_4 and _5 are clearly non-Sem. 
▪ … 
DRS 2 (1994)#GWR-1. Ug gr [Tropper 2008: /gêru/ < *gawiru ] ‘hôte étranger’; Phoen *gr, Hbr gēr, Nab Palm gr, JP Syr gīyōrā ‘étranger, hôte public ou privé, client’; Mand guara ‘demeure temporaire’; Ar ǧār- ‘voisin, client’, ǧārat , Tham grt ‘protection’; SAr gr, Šḫ ger, Mhr ǧawīr ‘étranger’; Soq gārheten ‘voisine’; Gz gor ‘étranger, voisin’, gəyur ‘étranger, hôte’; Te Tña gor ‘voisin’; Amh gorä-bet ‘voisin’; ?Har gār ‘maison, chambre’. -?2. JP Syr Mand gār, nSyr gāir ‘commettre l’adultère’; Ar ǧāra ‘s’écarter du chemin; être injuste envers qn., pécher’, ǧīrat- ‘bord, angle, crête’; Te gorä, ǧawärä ‘être hautain, audacieux’. ? -3. Akk giāru ‘provoquer(?)’ [CAD: gerû (garû) ‘to be hostile, start a lawsuit’, gērû (gārû) ‘foe, adversary’]; Ug gr; Hbr *gār, Ar ǧāra ‘attaquer’. -4. Hbr gar ‘avoir peur’. -5. Phoen *gr ‘jeune garçon’, Moab *grn (pl.) ‘jeunes garçons’, *grt (pl.) ‘jeunes filles’, Hbr *gōr, gūr ‘petit d’animal (lion, etc.)’. -? Mhr giyór ‘croître, augmenter’. -6. nHbr mᵉgūrā ‘grange, magasin’;? Ar ǧuwār- ‘caverne’. -7. Syr gawrā ‘colonne (de livre)’. -?8. Te gar, garät ‘affaire, matière, requête’. 
▪ ǦWR_1: From Sem *gwr ‘to dwell together, be a neighbour’ (Kogan2015). For the semantic ambiguity found within this value in many languages—both ‘seeking protection’ (as a neighbour) and ‘providing protection (to a stranger, treating him as neighbour)’—cf. below, entry ↗ǧār.
▪ ǦWR_2: According to DRS (and ClassAr lexicography), ǧāra ‘to do injustice’ and ‘to attack’ are perhaps related to ǦWR_1 ‘protected stranger’: If one assumes a basic meaning of ‘s’écarter du chemin, être à côté’, we get a constellation that is similar to the one discussed in the ḌYF and ḍayf entries: the one who deviates from his path and inclines to s.o. else’s direction can become both a ‘neighbour’ and an ‘attacker’.
▪ ǦWR_3: According to Rolland2014, Ar ǧūraẗ ‘pit, hole’ is from Pers gor ‘tomb, grave’, an etymology not given in DRS (#GWR-6) where the word ǧuwār is paralleled, though not without hesitation, with nHbr mᵉgūrā ‘granary, storehouse, reservoir’, an item that for Klein 1987 is »of uncertain origin; perhaps formed from gwr (= to sojourn, dwell)’«.
▪ ǦWR_4: From Engl jury, < oFr juré ‘jury’ < oFr jurer ‘to swear, endorse law by swearing an oath’ < Lat iurare, from ius (iur-) ‘law’.
▪ ǦWR_5: After a town named Ǧur in Iran (the one in Kerman?) (Rolland2014). 
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