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ǧīd جيد , pl. ʔaǧyād , ǧuyūd 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
neck – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: prob. related (with a meaning shift) to protSem *gīd‑ ‘nerve, tendon, sinew’.
▪ The Sem form goes perhaps back, via contraction (*gīd‑ < *giy˅d‑), to AfrAs *giyad‑ / *giHad‑
▪ … 
DRS 2 (1994)#GYD: Akk gīd‑ ‘tendon, muscle de l’animal’, Ug *gd, Hbr gīd, JP Syr gᵉyādā, Mand giada ‘nerf, tendon’, nWAram gyoḏa ‘artère’; Syr gyādānā ‘nerveux, musculeux’, Mand gaiid ‘atteindre’, Soq žīd, Śḥr giyod ‘nerf’.1
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#924: Akk gīdu ‘tendon; muscle’, Hbr gīd, Aram gᵉyādā ‘tendon; nerve’, Ar jīd ‘neck’, Soq žid ‘nerve’. – Outside Sem there are forms like ngiḍo, ngirya ‘neck’ in some WCh languages, as well as gaaḍya, geer, ger‑, get-im, gere ‘neck’ in ECh. Perhaps is also Som gaaddo ‘breast’ related.
▪ Kogan2011: Akk gīdu, Ug gd, Hbr gīd, Syr gyādā, Jib z˜éd, Soq žid
DRS 2 (1994) reconstructs Sem *gīd‑ ‘nerf, tendon’.
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#924 reconstruct Sem *gīd‑ ‘tendon; muscle; nerve; neck’, WCh *n˅-giḍ‑ < *n˅-giH˅d‑ (prefix!) ‘neck’, ECh *giHad‑ ‘neck’ (Som gaaddo, if cognate, from LEC *gaHad‑ ‘breast’), all from AfrAs *giHad‑ / *giyad‑ ‘neck’. Sem *gīd‑ would be a contraction of *giy˅d‑ from the AfrAs *giyad‑. – The authors do not explain why they reduce the meaning of the AfrAs ancestor to ‘neck’ only (probably on account of the WCh and ECh evidence); however, they add that »[t]he semantic variety of Sem makes the whole comparison dubious«.
▪ Kogan2011 reconstructs Sem *gīd‑ ‘tendon, sinew’ and thinks that the value ‘neck’ in Ar is the result of a meaning shift. 
ǦYR جير 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ǦYR_1 ‘lime’ ↗¹ǧīr
▪ ǦYR_2 ‘surely, truly, verily (adv.)’ ↗ǧayri
▪ ǦYR_3 ‘gear’ ↗ (EgAr) ²gīr
▪ ǦYR_4 ‘neighbourhood’ : ǧīraẗ ǧār (√ǦWR)
▪ ǦYR_5 ‘endorsement (fin.)’ ↗ǧīrū
▪ Out of the 4 values DRS registers for Sem GYR, only the first two are represented in Ar (corresponding to ǦYR_1 and ǦYR_2). The first has perh. entered Ar via Aram, while the second prob. has gone the other way, from Ar to Aram. ǦYR_3 and ǦYR_5 are loan words from Engl and It, respectively, while ǦYR_4 actually belongs to ǦWR. 
DRS 2 (1994)#GYR-1 Hbr gīr, BiblAram JudPal gīrā, Ar ǧīr ‘chaux’, SAr gyr ‘chaux’; ‘crépir’; Gz gayyara ‘enduire de chaux’. -2 Syr gēr, Ar ǧayri, ǧayriⁿ ‘assurément, certainement’. -3 JudPal gīr, gīrā, girᵉrā, Syr gērā ‘flèche, lance, projectile’. -4 PehlAram gyry ‘myrte’.  
▪ ǦYR_1 ǧīr ‘lime’ : prob. from Aram gīrā ‘id.’, perh. akin to Akk kīru (kēru) ‘kiln (for lime and bitumen’. For details cf. ↗ǧīr.
▪ ǦYR_2 ǧayri ‘surely, truly, verily (adv.)’ : etymology obscure.
▪ ǦYR_3 EgAr gīr ‘gear’ : < Engl gear.
▪ ǦYR_4 ǧīraẗ ‘neighbourhood’ : < *ǧiwraẗ (√ǦWR), akin to ↗ǧār ‘neighbour, protected stranger’.
▪ ǦYR_5 ǧīrū ‘endorsement (fin.)’ : < It giro . For details cf. ↗ǧīrū
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