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ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ) حجّ / حجج 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ)_1 ‘hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca’ ↗ḥaǧǧ
▪ ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ)_2 ‘to dispute, debate, argue, reason’ ↗ḥaǧǧa
▪ ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ)_3 ‘circumorbital ring (anat.)’ ↗ḥaǧāǧ

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘head fracture, to test the depth of a head fracture; proof, argument, to argue, to defeat in an argument; to visit, to make a pilgrimage – particularly to the Holy Mosque in Mecca, pilgrim; a year’s work, year’. 
▪ [v1] From CSem *√ḤGG ‘to make a pilgrimage’ – Huehnergard2011.
▪ [v1] DRS 9 (2010) #ḤGG-1 protSem *ḤaGG ‘fête religieuse’.
▪ The primary value may have been ‘to danse\move around in a circle’, as already suggested by Nöldeke ZDMG 41: 719 (qtd in Landberg1920: 353).
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤGG-1 Hbr ḥāgag ‘danser, tournoyer’, ḥāg, JP ḥᵃgag ‘décrire un cercle’, Ar ḥaǧāǧ ‘os de l’orbite’. – protSem *ḤaGG ‘fête religieuse’: Hbr ḥāg, ḥag(g‑), Nab ḥgg ‘faire un pèlerinage’, Palm ḥᵃgīgā ‘fête religieuse (avec pèlerinage)’, Syr ḥaggā ‘ fête; réunion’, Ar ḥaǧǧ ‘pèlerinage à la Mecque ou à Jérusalem’, ḥaǧǧa ‘marcher, aller, se rendre à, ou vers qc de révéré, faire le pèlerinage’, maḥaǧǧaẗ ‘route, partie (de la route sur laquelle on marche)’, Ṣaf ḥg ‘se porter vers’, Sab Qat ḥg, Mhr ḥag, Ḥrs ḥəg, Jib ḥegg, Soq ḥgg ‘aller au pèlerinage’; Mhr Soq ḥag, Jib ḥagg, EJib ḥag ‘pèlerinage’; Mhr ḥəggōg, Jib ḥag, EJib ḥɔ́gɔ́g ‘pèlerin’, Mhr ḥəjōjī ‘derviche’; – Syr ḥaggā ‘retranchement, confluent’. -2 Ar ḥaǧǧa ‘l’emporter dans la dispute, réfuter par des arguments’, ḥuǧǧaẗ ‘preuve, argument’, SudAr ĭḥtažž ‘s’opposer’, ḥužža ‘querelle’, Sab Min ḥg ‘ordonnance, droit, titre’, Mhr ḥag, Ḥrs ḥəg, Jib ḥegg ‘empêcher une/sa femme d’épouser un autre homme’; Gz ḥaggaga ‘faire des lois, décréter, ordonner’, Tña ḥəggi ‘loi, règlement, coutume’, Iḥaggägä ‘faire une loi’, Te ḥagga ‘être fixé, sûr’, ḥaggägä ‘délimiter’, Amh Gur ḥəgg ‘loi, coutume’; Sab Qat ḥg, bḥg, ḥgn, ḥngn, Gz ḥəgga ‘comme, selon’. -3 Ar ḥaǧǧa ‘explorer, sonder (une blessure à la tête); trépaner’, ĭḥtaǧǧa ‘être dur, solide (crâne)’. – ḥiǧǧaẗ, ḥaǧǧaẗ ‘trou (au lobe de l’oreille), pendant d’oreille’. -4 Tña ḥagägä ‘exhaler une odeur forte’. -5 ḥagəg: locution exprimant grondement et menaces, ḥagəg bälä ‘gronder, grogner (chien)’. -6 ḥagʷägʷä ‘être échaudé par le soleil ou la gelée, roussir, dépérir, être stérile; oublier par inadvertance; importuner’.
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▪ Engl Dhu'l-Hijjah, hajḥaǧǧ
ḥaǧǧ‑ / ḥaǧaǧ‑ حَجّ , u 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ) 
vb., I 
1a to overcome, defeat (s.o., with arguments, with evidence), confute (s.o.); b to convince (s.o.); – 2ḥaǧǧ – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Originally *‘to circulate around’? Cf. Hbr ḥāgag ‘danser, tournoyer’, ḥāg, JP ḥᵃgag ‘décrire un cercle’, Ar ḥaǧāǧ ‘os de l’orbite’ (DRS #ḤGG-1).
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤGG-2 Ar ḥaǧǧa ‘l’emporter dans la dispute, réfuter par des arguments’, ḥuǧǧaẗ ‘preuve, argument’, SudAr ĭḥtažž ‘s’opposer’, ḥužža ‘querelle’, Sab Min ḥg ‘ordonnance, droit, titre’, Mhr ḥag, Ḥrs ḥəg, Jib ḥegg ‘empêcher une/sa femme d’épouser un autre homme’; Gz ḥaggaga ‘faire des lois, décréter, ordonner’, Tña ḥəggi ‘loi, règlement, coutume’, Iḥaggägä ‘faire une loi’, Te ḥagga ‘être fixé, sûr’, ḥaggägä ‘délimiter’, Amh Gur ḥəgg ‘loi, coutume’; Sab Qat ḥg, bḥg, ḥgn, ḥngn, Gz ḥəgga ‘comme, selon’. -3-6 […].
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ḥāǧǧa, vb. III, to dispute, debate, argue, reason (with s.o.): L-stem, associative.
ʔaḥaǧǧa, vb. IV, 1 to argue against each other, carry on a dispute, to debate; 2 to take counsel: *Š-stem, denom.
ĭḥtaǧǧa, vb. VIII, 1 to advance (bi‑ as an argument, plea, excuse, or pretext; 2 to allege in support or vindication, plead (bi‑; 3 to vindicate, justify (li‑; 4 to protest, remonstrate (ʕalà against), object, raise objections (ʕalà to): Gt-stem, self-refer.

ḥiǧāǧ, n., argument, dispute, debate.
taḥaǧǧuǧ, n., argumentation, pleading, offering of a pretext, pretence, excuse: vn. V, from an obsol. Dt-stem, denom., self-ref. (<*‘to make use of as an argument, ḥuǧǧaẗ, for o.s.’).
BP#2662ĭḥtiǧāǧ, pl. ‑āt, n., 1 argumentation; 2 pretext, excuse, plea, pretence; 3 protest, remonstrance (ʕalà against), objection, exception (ʕalà to): vn. VIII.
BP#1851ḥuǧǧaẗ, pl. ḥuǧaǧ, n.f., 1 argument; 2 pretence, pretext, plea; 3 proof, evidence; 4 document, writ, deed, record; 5 authoritative source, competent authority | bi‑~ ʔanna, expr., under the pretence that…, on the plea…, on the pretext of…: perh. the etymon proper from which the vb. I ḥaǧǧa is derived.

For other values of the root, see ↗ḥaǧǧ and ↗ḥaǧāǧ as well as, for the overall picture, ↗√ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ). 
ḥaǧǧ حَجّ 
ID 191 • Sw – • BP 2463 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ) 
the official Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca – WehrCowan1979. 
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤGG-1 protSem *ḤaGG ‘fête religieuse’.
▪ From an original *‘to form a circle round’?
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤGG-1 Hbr ḥāgag ‘danser, tournoyer’, ḥāg, JP ḥᵃgag ‘décrire un cercle’, Ar ḥaǧāǧ ‘os de l’orbite’. – protSem *ḤaGG ‘fête religieuse’: Hbr ḥāg, ḥag(g‑), Nab ḥgg ‘faire un pèlerinage’, Palm ḥᵃgīgā ‘fête religieuse (avec pèlerinage)’, Syr ḥaggā ‘ fête; réunion’, Ar ḥaǧǧ ‘pèlerinage à la Mecque ou à Jérusalem’, ḥaǧǧa ‘marcher, aller, se rendre à, ou vers qc de révéré, faire le pèlerinage’, maḥaǧǧaẗ ‘route, partie (de la route sur laquelle on marche)’, Ṣaf ḥg ‘se porter vers’, Sab Qat ḥg, Mhr ḥag, Ḥrs ḥəg, Jib ḥegg, Soq ḥgg ‘aller au pèlerinage’; Mhr Soq ḥag, Jib ḥagg, EJib ḥag ‘pèlerinage’; Mhr ḥəggōg, Jib ḥag, EJib ḥɔ́gɔ́g ‘pèlerin’, Mhr ḥəjōjī ‘derviche’; – Syr ḥaggā ‘retranchement, confluent’.
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▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl Dhu'l-Hijjah, from Ar ḏū ’l-ḥiǧǧaẗ ‘the one of the pilgrimage’; haj, from Ar ḥaǧǧ ‘pilgrimage’; both from Ar ḥaǧǧa, vb. I, ‘to make a pilgrimage’; haji, from Ar ḥāǧǧ ‘pilgrim’, PA of ḥaǧǧa (see above). 
ḥaǧǧa, u, vb. I, 1ḥaǧǧa; – 2 (ḥaǧǧ) to make the pilgrimage (to Mecca), perform the hadj: denom.

maḥaǧǧ, n., destination (of a journey): n.loc.,lit., *‘destination of pilgrimage’ (?).
maḥaǧǧaẗ, pl. maḥāǧǧ, n.f., 1a destination of a pilgrimage, object of pilgrimage, shrine; b destination (of a journey); c goal; 2a road; b way; 3 procedure, method: n.loc. | ~ al-ṣawāb, n.f., the Right Way, the Straight Path; ~ al-ḥadīd, n.f., railroad
BP#1155ḥāǧǧ, pl. ḥuǧǧāǧ, var. ḥaǧīǧ, n., hadji, Mecca pilgrim, honorific title of one who has performed the pilgrimage to Mecca: PA I.
ḥaǧāǧ, pl. ʔaḥiǧǧaẗ, n., circumorbital ring (anat.)

For other values of the root, see ↗ḥaǧǧa and ↗ḥaǧāǧ as well as, for the overall picture, ↗√ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ). 
ḥaǧāǧ حَجاج , pl. ʔaḥiǧǧaẗ 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ) 
circumorbital ring (anat.) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Based on an original *‘to form a circle round’?
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤGG-1 Hbr ḥāgag ‘danser, tournoyer’, ḥāg, JP ḥᵃgag ‘décrire un cercle’, Ar ḥaǧāǧ ‘os de l’orbite’. […]. -2-6 […].
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For other values of the root, see ↗ḥaǧǧa and ↗ḥaǧǧ, as well as, for the overall picture, ↗√ḤǦː (ḤǦǦ). 
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