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ḥaraq‑ حَرَقَ , i (ḥarq
ID 204 • Sw 84/19 • BP 3372 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1 to burn (; 2 to burn, hurt, sting, smart – WehrCowan1979. 
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤRQ-2: Ar ḥariqa ‘être brûlé’, ḥarraqa ‘brûler à grand feu, incendier’; ʔaḥraqa ‘brûler (tr.), blâmer, causer de la peine’, ḥarq, ḥaraq ‘brûlure, flamme’, SudAr ĭnḥaraq (ʕalà) ‘se mettre en colère contreʼ; Mhr Ḥrs ḥárḳ ‘chaleur, temps chaud’, Mhr Ḥrs ḥáyrəḳ, EJib ḥerḳ ‘brûler (intr.)’, Mhr ḥrūḳ, Ḥrs ḥrōḳ, Jib aḥreḳ ‘brûler (tr.)’, Jib ḥáríḳ ‘amorce pour le feu’, Mhr ḥərráwḳət ‘mégots, cendres’; Tña ḥaräqä ‘être, se mettre en colère’.
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤRQ-2 Ar ḥariqa ‘être brûlé’, ḥarraqa ‘brûler à grand feu, incendier’; ʔaḥraqa ‘brûler (tr.), blâmer, causer de la peine’, ḥarq, ḥaraq ‘brûlure, flamme’, SudAr ĭnḥaraq (ʕalà) ‘se mettre en colère contreʼ; Mhr Ḥrs ḥárḳ ‘chaleur, temps chaud’, Mhr Ḥrs ḥáyrəḳ, EJib ḥerḳ ‘brûler (intr.)’, Mhr ḥrūḳ, Ḥrs ḥrōḳ, Jib aḥreḳ ‘brûler (tr.)’, Jib ḥáríḳ ‘amorce pour le feu’, Mhr ḥərráwḳət ‘mégots, cendres’; Tña ḥaräqä ‘être, se mettre en colère’.
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ḥaraqa qalba-hū, pl. ~ qulūba-hum, vb., to vex, exasperate s.o.

ḥarraqa, vb. II, to burn ( D-stem, tr.
ʔaḥraqa, vb. IV, 1a to burn (; b to destroy by fire (; c to singe, scorch, parch (; d to scald (; e to kindle, ignite, set on fire (a *Š-stem, tr./caus./denom. | ~ faḥmaẗa laylih fī, expr., to spend the night doing (, burn the midnight oil over …
taḥarraqa, vb. V, 1 to burn, be aflame, burn up, take fire, be consumed by fire, be burned; 2 to be consumed (by an emotion), pine away (with), be pained (by), eat one’s heart out: Dt-stem, intr./pass. | ~ šawqan, vb., to be overcome with longing or nostalgia
ĭḥtaraqa, vb. VIII, to burn, be aflame, burn up, take fire, be consumed by fire, be burned: Gt-stem.

BP#4119ḥarq, n., 1 burning, incineration, combustion; 2 kindling, igniting, setting afire; 3 arson, incendiarism; 4 pl. ḥurūq, burns (med.): vn. I.

ḥaraq, n., fire, conflagration: vn. I.
ḥurqaẗ, var. ḥarqaẗ, n.f., 1 burning, incineration, combustion; 2 stinging, smarting, burning (as a physical sensation); 3 torture, torment, agony, pain, ordeal.
ḥurāq, var. ḥurrāq, n., tinder.
ḥarrāq, adj., 1a burning, aflame, afire; 1b hot: ints. formation
BP#2391ḥarīq, n., var. ḥarīqaẗ, n.f, pl. ḥarāʔiqᵘ, 1 fire; 2 conflagration: quasi PP I.
ḥarrāqaẗ, n.f., torpedo (tech.): ints. formation, f.
ḥaraqān, n., burning, stinging, smarting (as a painful sensation; e.g., of the feet)
maḥraq, pl. maḥāriqᵘ, n., focus (phys.): n.loc.; neologism (?)
EgAr taḥārīqᵘ, n., season of the Nile’s lowest water level, hottest season of the year
ʔiḥrāq, n., burning, incineration, combustion: vn. IV.
taḥarruq, n., 1 burning, combustion; 2 burning desire (ʔilà for): vn. V.
ĭḥtirāq, n., 1a burning, combustion; 1b fire, conflagration: vn. VIII | ġurfaẗ al‑~, n.f., combustion chamber (tech.); qābil al‑~, adj., combustible
ḥāriq, pl. ‑ūn, var. ḥurrāq, n., arsonist, incendiary: PA I.
maḥrūq, adj., 1 burned, charred, scorched, parched; 2 reddish, bronze-colored; 3 pl. ‑āt, n., fuel: PP I | faḫḫār al‑~, n., fired clay
muḥriq, adj., PA IV: qunbulaẗ muḥriqaẗ, n.f., incendiary bomb
muḥraq, n., crematory (tech.): n.loc.
muḥraqaẗ, n.f., burnt sacrifice: PP IV f.

For other values of the root, see ↗²ḥaraqa and, for the overall picture, ↗√ḤRQ. 
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