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ḥasb حَسْب 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 reckoning, computing, calculation; 2 thinking, opinion, view; 3 sufficiency – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ One of the vn.s of ↗ḥasaba ‘to compute, reckon, calculate; to count; to charge, debit, or credit (ʕalà to s.o., to s.o.’s account)’. The value ‘sufficiency, satiety’ seems to have developed from ‘taking into account’, particularly *‘to content o.s. with, or resign in, what God has decreed to be one’s lot, in this way adding a pious deed to one’s account with God’. This religious connotation is prominent, e.g., in vb. VIII, ĭḥtasaba, which, among other things, can mean ‘to anticipate a reward in the hereafter by resigning in God’s will at the death of a relative’, hence ĭḥtasaba waladan ‘to give a son, be bereaved of a son’. It seems that also a now obsol. value of ḥasb, namely ‘burial, to bury’ (listed as a separate value in DRS: #ḤŠB-3), is nothing else but a synecdochical use of ‘to content o.s. with one’s lot, regard it as sufficient’ (name the lot of being bereaved of a beloved person). – The neutral, not necessarily religiously connotated expr. ḥasbu-ka \ bi-ḥasbi-ka …x is enough for you’ is still common in literary MSA. Another “frozen” expr., the adverbial fa-ḥasb ‘only, and no more’ even forms part of the MSA core vocabulary (no. #1538 in BuckwalterParkinson’s frequency list).
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤŠB-1 Akk ḥašābu, ḫašābu ‘compter’, Phoen Pun ḥšb, Hbr ḥāšab ‘compter, tenir compte de, faire attention, penser’, Aram ḥᵃšeb, Nab ḥšb ‘compter, imputer, penser’, Syr ḥᵊšab, Mnd hšb ‘penser’; Ar ḥasaba ‘compter’, ḥasiba ‘estimer, supposer’, ḥasb ‘suffisance’, ḥasab ‘mérite’, ḥisāb ‘compte, calcul’, ḥisbān ‘conjecture’; Sab ḥtšb ‘prendre en compte’, Mhr ḥəsūb, Ḥrs ḥəsōb, Jib ḥsɔ́b, Soq ḥoseb, ‘compter; compter sur’, Mhr Ḥrs ḥəsōb, Jib ḥsɔ́b ‘compte’; Gz hasaba ‘estimer, croire’, ḥassaba ‘compter’, Tña hasäbä, Te ḥasba, Har ḥēsäba, Amh assäbä, Gur asäbä ‘penser, réfléchir’. – Ug ḥṯbn [Tropper2008: /ḥi/uṯbānu/], Hbr ḥešbôn, EmpAram Palm hšbn, JP ḥešbānā, Syr Mnd ḥūšbānā, Ar ḥusbān ‘compte’; ḥusbān ‘peine, calamité’, Jib oḥōsub ‘tourmenter; rembarrer en permanence’. -2 […]. -3 ḥasb ‘inhumation d’un mort’. -4 […].
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▪ For the semantics of [v3] ʻsufficiency, satiety’, cf. also ClassAr ḥassaba, vb. II, ʻto give s.o. food and drink to satiety’, and ʔaḥsaba, vb. IV, ʻto satisfy s.o.; to satiate s.o.’, as well as the expr. ʔaʕṭà fa-ʔaḥsaba ʻhe gave bountifully’.
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ḥasbu-ka \ bi-ḥasbi-ka dirhamun, expr., one dirham is enough for you
ḥasbu-ka ʔanna, expr., 1 it suffices to say that …; 2 you know enough when you hear that …; 3 you need only …
bi-ḥasbi-ka muqniʕan ʔanna, expr., it will be enough to convince you if …
wa-ḥasbu-ka bi-hāḏā kullih šarran, expr., but enough of all these negative aspects!
BP#1538fa-ḥasb, adv., and that’s all, and no more, only (interchangeable with faqaṭ)

ĭḥtasaba, vb. VIII, 1a to debit or credit; b to take into account, take into consideration (bi‑ or; c to reckon (bi‑ or with); d (to anticipate a reward in the hereafter by adding a pious deed to one’s account with God — such as resigning in God’s will at the death of a relative; hence:) ~ waladan, to give a son, be bereaved of a son; ~ ʕinda ’llāhi ’l-šayʔ, to sacrifice in anticipation of God’s reward in the hereafter; e to charge (ʕalà for); 2ḥasiba; 3a to be content, content o.s. (bi‑ with); b to disapprove (ʕalà of in s.o.), take exception (ʕalà to in s.o.), reject (ʕalà in s.o.); c to call (ʕalà s.o.) to account, ask (ʕalà s.o.) for an accounting: Gt-stem, self-ref.

ḥasbī: maǧlis ḥasbī, pl. maǧālis ḥasbiyyaẗ, n., guardianship court, probate court (Eg.)
muḥtasab, n., that for which one can expect reward in the hereafter (e.g., suffering, loss, etc.): vn. VIII.

For other values of the root, cf. ↗ḥasaba, ↗ḥasiba, ↗ḥasuba, ↗ḥasab, ↗ḥisāb, ↗ḥāsūb, ↗muḥāsabaẗ, ↗maḥsūb, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗ḤSB. 
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