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ḥaḍraẗ حَضْرة , pl. ḥaḍarāt 
ID – • Sw – • BP 1091 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 presence – WehrCowan1976 • 2 (EgAr) (pl. ‑āt, ḥuḍar) a Sufi ceremony, dhikr; b tomb of any venerated Muslim religious figure – BadawiHinds1986. 
▪ The word that originally meant, and, taken alone, still means, simply ʻpresence’, usually appears only as the first element in ʔiḍāfa constructions and as such signifies politeness in addressing somebody in a conversation or talking about a third person. Most common is prob. the respectful form of address (esp. in letters), ḥaḍratu-kum, dial. (EgAr) ḥaḍrit-ak ≈ ʻsir’, f. ḥaḍrit-ik ≈ ʻmadame’; cf. also the wish (EgAr) iṣ-ṣalā ʕalà ḥaḍriẗ in-nabī ʻblessings be upon the Prophet!’ This modern use is a good example of the popularization of formerly more exclusive, elitist concepts, where ʻpresence’ from a certain time onwards had come to mean either ʻpresence of a notable, sultan, etc. (court culture)’, or had signaled the ʻpresence of the divine’, i.e. God, esp. in Sufi ḏikr ceremonies.
ḥaḍraẗ: »If šawkaẗ represents brute force, another term, ḥaḍraẗ, represents the sacral in a sense the mystical, aspect of royalty. With the literal meaning of ʻpresence,’ from the verb ʻto be present,’ it was in common use by the high Middle Ages. Initially, it seems to refer to the physical presence or nearness of the sovereign, who by this time is secluded from the mass of the people by an army of chamberlains, courtiers, and guards. In time the word itself was, so to speak, sacralized. It no doubt derived additional force from its contemporary use in the language of the mystics, who spoke in similar terms of the presence or nearness of God [↗ḥuḍūr]. Ḥaḍraẗ is also used of holy places, notably of the tomb of the Prophet in Medina, which is also secluded and protected from general access by the guardians of the sanctuary.«1 – Lewis1988: 38.
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ ↗ḥaḍara.
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
▪ Tu hazret ‘old man, old fellow (when addressing a comrade); presence; dignity; hazret-i X title of an exalted personage; (title x) hazret-leri His excellency the x’: <1330 (ʕĀşıḳ Paşa, Ġarīb-nāme) lāyıḳ oldı ḥażretine mevlānuŋ [mevlanın huzuruna çıkmaya] – NişanyanSözlük_20Feb2020.
▪ …
fī ḥaḍraẗ…, expr., in the presence of …
al-ḥaḍraẗ al-ʕaliyyaẗ, n., His Highness (formerly, title of the Bey of Tunis)
ḥaḍratu-kum, n., a respectful form of address, esp. in letters
ḥaḍraẗ al-duktūr, cf. Fr Monsieur le docteur

For other values attached to the root, see ↗ḥaḍara, ↗ḥuḍūr, ↗ḥāḍir, ḥaḍḍara, ↗ĭḥtaḍara, ↗ḥaḍar, ↗ḥaḍāraẗ, ↗ḥaḍīraẗ, ↗maḥḍar, ↗muḥāḍaraẗ
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