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ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ) حطّ/حطط 
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√ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ) 
▪ ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ)_1 ʻto put\take\set\lay (down); to lower, reduce’ ↗ḥaṭṭa; ʻstopping place, stop; post, (railroad, broadcasting, radio) station’ ↗maḥaṭṭaẗ; ʻdecline, decay; inferiority’ ↗ĭnḥiṭāṭ
▪ ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ)_2 ʻforgiveness, repentance’ ↗ḥiṭṭaẗ
▪ ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ)_3 ʻpapule; pimple, pustule, vesicle’ ↗ḥaṭāṭaẗ

Other values, now obsolete or dialectal only, include (Wahrmund1886, Hava1899, BadawiHinds1986):

ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ)_4 ʻto polish, figure (leather)’ : ḥaṭṭa, u (ḥaṭṭ)
ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ)_5 ʻshort; dwarf’ : ḥaṭīṭ, ḥuṭāʔiṭ; cf. also ḥuṭayyiṭaẗ ʻshipworm, teredo navalis
ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ)_6 ʻstink’ : ḥuṭāṭ
ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ)_7 ʻto become exhausted, become weak, collapse’ : EgAr ḥaṭṭ, u (vb. I, intr.)
ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ)_ ʻ…’ :

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to take down, to reduce, alleviation, reduction, relief’. – ḥiṭṭaẗ, classified by philologists under this root, is variously described as being of Hbr, Nabatean, Syr or of unknown origin. 
▪ [v1] The basic value ʻto put\set\lay\take down’ and its intr. counterpart, ʻto sink, descend, go down, alight (bird), land (airplane), drop (price)’, seem to be attested only in Ar and modSAr. – In Ar, a caus. meaning ʻto lower, decrease, diminish, reduce’ has developed, whence also the figurative ʻto depreciate’ (cf. ḥiṭṭaẗ ʻdegradation, debasement, disgrace, humiliation’1 ) and, perhaps, the Qur’ānic [v2] ʻforgiveness, repentance’ (< *ʻunloading, putting off [sins], relief’?); but cf. notes on [v2].
▪ [v2] For some scholars, the value ʻforgiveness, repentance’ of the Qur’ānic (Q 2:58) ḥiṭṭaẗ is a borrowing from Hbr ḥēṭəʔ ʻsin’ or Syr ḥṭītā (see details s.v. ↗ḥiṭṭaẗ); cf. also BabAram ḥiṭʔā ʻsin; offering in reparation for a sin’ (Pennacchio2014). Should such an etymology be correct, the Qur’ānic ḥiṭṭaẗ would be akin to Ar ↗√ḪṬʔ ʻto make a mistake, commit a sin’. However, it is not unconceivable that ʻforgiveness, repentance’ is just a special use of ʻalleviation, relief, mitigation’, a *ʻputting off, unloading [of sins]’. Obviously sharing this latter view, DRS groups ʻexoneration’ together with [v1] (their #ḤṬṬ-1). Note, however, the strange variant of ḥiṭṭaẗ, ḥiṭṭīṭà, given e.g. by Wahrmund1887 and Hava1899 (ʻNachlassung der Sünden, Steuern etc. / unloading, relief’) – almost certainly an Aramaism.
▪ [v3] ʻpapule; pimple, pustule, blister, vesicle, bleb’ does not figure in WehrCowan1979, but is registered in Baalbaki1995 (al-Mawrid). In ClassAr, also ḥaṭāṭ ʻcarbuncled face; hence also: froth of milk’ and the denom. vbs. I and IV, ḥaṭṭa (u, ḥaṭāṭ) and ʔaḥaṭṭa ʻto be pimpled (face)’ are attested. – No obvious relation to [v1] or [v2]. Accordingly, DRS keeps this value (#ḤṬṬ-2) apart from the preceding ones. However, the authors point to a partial overlapping of √ḤṬṬ and √ḤTT (cf., e.g., ʕOmAr ḥiṭṭaẗ ʻpiece, bit’ ≈ EgAr ↗ḥittaẗ ʻid.’) as well as to the similarity in use and meaning between ʕOmAr ḥiṭṭaẗ and Ar ↗ḥabbaẗ ʻgrain; seed; (coffee) bean; pill; berry; pustule, pimple’. DRS includes in #ḤṬṬ-2 also ḥaṭīṭ ʻshort’, to which one may probably add [v5] ḥaṭīṭ ʻdwarf’ and ḥuṭayyiṭaẗ ʻshipworm, teredo navalis’ (Wahrmund1886) as specific interpretations of an underlying *ʻthe small\short, pustule-like one’.
[v4] : The vb. I that in ClassAr signifies ʻto polish, figure (leather)’, ḥaṭṭa (u, ḥaṭṭ), looks conspicuously identical to the ḥaṭṭa of [v1] ʻto put\set down’, but semantics are too different as to assume kinship. In Lane ii (1865), the activity of ḥaṭṭa ʻto polish, figure (leather)’ is explained as to treat leather with a miḥaṭṭ(aẗ), i.e., an ʻinstrument of iron, or of wood, prepared for the polishing\smoothing of skins, to make them soft and beautiful, and for figuring\decorating them’. Perhaps, the miḥaṭṭ(aẗ) was so called because it has to be *ʻput down’ on the leather?
[v5] : As mentioned above, the values ʻshort; dwarf’ (ḥaṭīṭ, ḥuṭāʔiṭ) and ʻshipworm’ (ḥuṭayyiṭaẗ) may belong to [v3] ʻpimple, pustule, etc.’, as *ʻthe small\short ones’.
[v6] (≙ DRS # ḤṬṬ-5) : No obvious relation between ḥuṭāṭ ʻstink’ and the other values.
[v7] : For no obvious reason, DRS (#ḤṬṬ-3) is eager to keep the value (EgAr) ʻto become exhausted, become weak, collapse’ apart from [v1] (intr.) ʻto go down, descend’. Personally, I would tend to group [v7] with [v1].
▪ … 
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤṬṬ-1 Ar ḥaṭṭa ‘poser, déposer, descendre (qc d’un point à un autre plus bas), abaisser, mettre par terre; soulager d’une charge, exonérer’, ḥaṭāṭ ‘dépression, abaissement’, Tham ḥṭ ‘descendre’, Ar maḥaṭṭ ‘endroit où on fait descendre qc, station, relais’; Mhr ḥəṭ ‘déposer’, Ḥrs ḥeṭ ‘tomber’; Jib ḥeṭṭ ‘descendre; décharger’. -2 Ar ḥaṭāṭaẗ ‘petite fille, petit objet, babiole’, ḥaṭīṭ ‘fin, mince, petit’; ḥaṭāṭ: boutons sur la peau. – ʕOmAr ḥiṭṭah, Mhr Ḥrs ḥəṭṭāt, Jib hítéṭ: (petit) morceau, grain, unité d’énumération pour graines, etc. -3 EgAr ḥaṭṭ ‘être à bout, affaibli’. -4 Tña ḥaṭäṭä ‘recueillir, ramasser (de la main ou avec une cuillère)’, ḥaṭaṭ: locution exprimant le grincement de la plume. -5 Ar ḥuṭāṭ ‘odeur fétide’, ḥiṭṭān ‘bouc’.
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▪ See above, section CONC.
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ḥaṭṭ‑ / ḥaṭaṭ‑ حَطَّ / حَطَطْـ , u (I ḥaṭṭ; II ḥaṭṭ, ḥuṭūṭ
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√ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ) 
vb., I 
I (I ḥaṭṭ), 1 to put, place, put down, set down (; 2a to take down (a load, burden); b to lower, decrease, diminish, reduce ( or min; 3 to depreciate (min qadri-h or min qīmati-h the value of

II (ḥaṭṭ, ḥuṭūṭ) vb.intr., 1 to sink, descend, go down; 2a to alight (bird); b to land (airplane); 3 to drop (price) – WehrCowan1976.
▪ The vb. ḥaṭṭa appears with [vI] tr. as well as [vII] intr. meaning. It does not seem to be attested outside Ar and modSAr.
▪ In Ar, it has also developed the meaning [vI-2b] ʻto lower, decrease, diminish, reduce’, whence the figurative value [vI-3] ʻto depreciate’ (cf. also the n.f. ḥiṭṭaẗ ʻdegradation, debasement, disgrace, humiliation’, and the EgAr expressions dī ḥiṭṭa f-šarafak ʻthat’s an insult to your honour’, and huwwa ḥiṭṭa f-ʕelt-u ʻhe is a disgrace to his family’ – BadawiHinds1986), and, perhaps, the Qur’ānic ↗ḥiṭṭaẗ ʻforgiveness, repentance’ (< [v2a] *ʻunloading, putting off [sins], relief’?); but some scholars would regard this ḥiṭṭaẗ as a borrowing from Hbr or Syr; see s.v..
DRS keeps EgAr ḥaṭṭ, u, ʻto become exhausted, become weak, collapse’ apart (as #ḤṬṬ-3) from ḥaṭṭa ʻto go down, descend’, but does not explain this distinction. Why should ʻbecoming weak, collapsing’ not simply be a figurative resultative use of ʻsinking, descending, going down’?
▪ ClassAr knows ḥaṭṭa (u, ḥaṭṭ) also with the meaning ʻto polish, figure (leather)’. However, although this vb. and the one signifying [v1] ʻto put\set down / to descend’ look conspicuously identical, their semantics are too different as to assume kinship. In Lane ii (1865), the activity of ḥaṭṭa ʻto polish, etc.’ is explained as to treat leather with a miḥaṭṭ(aẗ), an ʻinstrument of iron, or of wood, prepared for the polishing\smoothing of skins, to make them soft and beautiful, and for figuring\decorating them’. Perhaps, the miḥaṭṭ(aẗ) was so called because it had to be *ʻput down’ on the leather?
▪ No obvious relation between ḥaṭṭa and other values to be found in the root √ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ), such as ʻpapule, pustule, vesicle’ (↗ḥaṭāṭaẗ), ʻshort; dwarf’ (ḥaṭīṭ), ʻshipworm, teredo navalis’ (ḥuṭayyiṭaẗ), and ʻstink’ (ḥuṭāṭ).
▪ Many verbs and nouns derived from ḥaṭṭa figure among the most frequently used vocabulary items of MSA, cf. the ranking numbers in Buckwalter and Parkinson’s Frequency Dictionary (see below, section DERIV). For the Arab modernist movement of the Nahḍaẗ and its successors in the 20th century, the vn. VII, ↗ĭnḥiṭāṭ, became the (in)famous denominator of the whole period spanning between the ʻGolden Age’ and the new ʻUpswing’ (↗nahḍaẗ) as the ʻEra of Decline’, ʕaṣr al-ĭnḥiṭāṭ.
▪ …
▪ … 
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤṬṬ-1 Ar ḥaṭṭa ‘poser, déposer, descendre (qc d’un point à un autre plus bas), abaisser, mettre par terre; soulager d’une charge, exonérer’, ḥaṭāṭ ‘dépression, abaissement’, Tham ḥṭ ‘descendre’, Ar maḥaṭṭ ‘endroit où on fait descendre qc, station, relais’; Mhr ḥəṭ ‘déposer’, Ḥrs ḥeṭ ‘tomber’; Jib ḥeṭṭ ‘descendre; décharger’. -2 […]. -3 EgAr ḥaṭṭ ‘être à bout, affaibli’. -4-5 […].
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
ḥaṭṭa ’l-riḥāl, vb., to halt, make a stop, dismount, encamp (while traveling on horseback, camelback, etc.)

BP#1574ḥaṭṭa, u (ḥaṭṭ), vb. I, 1 to put, place, put down, set down (; 2a to take down (a load, burden); b to lower, decrease, diminish, reduce ( or min; 3 to depreciate (min qadri-h or min qīmati-h the value of | ḥaṭṭa ’l-riḥāl, vb., to halt, make a stop, dismount, encamp (while traveling on horseback, camelback, etc.)
BP#4145ḥaṭṭa u (ḥaṭṭ, ḥuṭūṭ), 1 to sink, descend, go down; 2a to alight (bird); b to land (airplane); 3 to drop (price)
ḥaṭṭaṭa, vb. II, to put down, set down, take off, unload (a load): Dt-stem, tr.
ĭnḥaṭṭa, vb.VII, 1 to sink, descend, go down; 2 to decrease, diminish; 3 to decline, decay, wane: N-stem, intr.
ĭḥtaṭṭa, vb. VIII, to put down, set down, take down ( Gt-stem, self-ref.
ḥaṭṭ, n., 1 (act of) putting or setting down; 2 depreciation, belittling, derogation, disparagement (min of; 3 reduction, diminution, decrease (min of
ḥiṭṭaẗ, n.f., 1 alleviation, relief, mitigation; 2a abasement, debasement, demotion, degradation (in rank, dignity, prestige); b humiliation, insult, indignity.
ʔaḥaṭṭᵘ, adj., lower: elat. formation, serving as comp./superlat. of munḥaṭṭ.
ḥaṭīṭaẗ, n.f., price reduction
maḥaṭṭ, n., 1 place at which is put down or deposited; 2 stopping place, stop; 3 pause, fermata, hold, concluding strain, cadence (mus.): n.loc. | ~ al-ʔāmāl, n., object of hope, that on which one’s hopes are pinned; kāna ~ al-ʔanẓār, vb., to attract the glances, draw attention to o.s.; ~ al-kalām, n., sense, or meaning, of one’s words.
BP#941maḥaṭṭaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1 stopping place, stop (also of public conveyances); 2 station, post; 3 railroad station; 4 broadcasting station, radio station: n.loc.f. | ~ taḥwīl al-tayyār, n.f., transformer station; ~ al-ʔiḏāʕaẗ (al-lā-silkiyyaẗ), n.f., 1 broadcasting station, radio station; 2 transmitter (station); ~ raʔīsiyyaẗ, n.f., (railroad) main station; ~ al-ʔišārāt, n.f., signal post; ~al-ʔirsāl, n.f., transmitter (station; radio); ~ lil-ʔarṣād al-ǧawwiyyaẗ, n.f., meteorological station, weather station; (Eg.) ~ al-ṣarf, n.f., 1 pump station (for drainage); 2 power plant; ~ al-ĭstiqbāl, n.f., receiving station (radio); ~ lā-silkiyyaẗ qaṣīraẗ al-ʔamwāǧ, n.f., short-wave transmitter station; ~ tawlīd al-kahrabāʔ and ~ kahrabāʔiyyaẗ, n.f., power plant.
ĭnḥiṭāṭ, n., 1decline, fall, decay, decadence; 2 inferiority: vn. VII | ʔiḥsās al‑~, n., sense of inferiority
ĭnḥiṭāṭī, n., postclassical writer: nisba formation, from ĭnḥiṭāṭ
munḥaṭṭ, adj., 1 low, base, low-level, lowgrade; 2 fallen, degraded (woman); 3 mean, vile, vulgar; 4 inferior: PA VII.

For other values attached to the root, and for the overall picture, cf. ↗√ ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ).

ḥiṭṭaẗ حِطّة 
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√ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ) 
1 alleviation, relief, mitigation; 2a abasement, debasement, demotion, degradation (in rank, dignity, prestige); b humiliation, insult, indignity – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ All values can be imagined to be derived from the vb. I, ↗ḥaṭṭa.
▪ For some scholars, the obsolete value ʻforgiveness, repentance’ of the Qur’ānic (Q 2:58) ḥiṭṭaẗ is a borrowing from Hbr ḥēṭəʔ ʻsin’ or Syr ḥṭītā; cf. also BabAram ḥiṭʔā ʻsin; offering in reparation for a sin’ (Pennacchio2014). Should such an etymology be correct, the Qur’ānic ḥiṭṭaẗ would be akin to Ar ↗√ḪṬʔ ʻto make a mistake, commit a sin’ rather than to √ḪṬ:(ḤṬṬ). However, it is not unconceivable that ʻforgiveness, repentance’ is just a special use of [v1] ʻalleviation, relief, mitigation’, a *ʻputting off, unloading [of sins]’, thus still directly dependent on ↗ḥaṭṭa ʻto put\take\set\lay down’. Obviously sharing this latter view, DRS groups ʻexoneration’ together with ḥaṭṭa (their #ḤṬṬ-1), rather than singling it out as a separate value. Note, however, the strange variant of ḥiṭṭaẗ, ḥiṭṭīṭà, given e.g. by Wahrmund1887 and Hava1899 (ʻunloading, relief; exoneration’) – almost certainly an Aramaism. ḥaṭīṭaẗ ʻprice reduction’ is perh. an Arabized (and secularized) form of the Aram term.
▪ [v2] seems to be from ↗ḥaṭṭa ʻto lower, decrease, diminish, reduce’, used in the figurative sense of ʻto depreciate’, cf. also the EgAr expressions dī ḥiṭṭa f-šarafak ʻthat’s an insult to your honour’, and huwwa ḥiṭṭa f-ʕelt-u ʻhe is a disgrace to his family’ (BadawiHinds1986).
▪ … 
▪ eC7 (ʻforgiveness, putting off [of sins], unloading’) Q 2:58 wa-ʔiḏ qulnā ’dḫulū hāḏihī ’l-qaryaẗa fa-kulū min-hā ḥayṯu šiʔtum raġadan wa-’dḫulū ’l-bāba suǧǧadan wa-qūlū “ḥiṭṭaẗun” naġfiru la-kum ḫaṭāyā-kum wa-sa-nazīdu ’l-muḥsinīna ʻremember when we said, “Enter this town and eat freely there as you will, but enter its gate humbly and say, ʻ[We beg for] relief [repentance!, unload us of our sins!]’”, then We shall forgive you your sins and will increase (reward) for the right-doers’.
▪ … 
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤṬṬ-1 Ar ḥaṭṭa ‘poser, déposer, descendre (qc d’un point à un autre plus bas), abaisser, mettre par terre; soulager d’une charge, exonérer’, ḥaṭāṭ ‘dépression, abaissement’, Tham ḥṭ ‘descendre’, Ar maḥaṭṭ ‘endroit où on fait descendre qc, station, relais’; Mhr ḥəṭ ‘déposer’, Ḥrs ḥeṭ ‘tomber’; Jib ḥeṭṭ ‘descendre; décharger’. -2-5 […].
▪ … 
▪ Jeffery1938, 110: »Both passages [Q 2:58 and 7:161] are late and were a puzzle to the exegetes as we see from Bayḍawī’s comment on them. The exegetes are in general agreed that the meaning is ʻforgiveness’, and many of the early authorities admitted that it was a foreign word. TA, v, 119, quotes al-Farrāʔ as taking it to be Nab, and al-Suyūṭī’s authorities take it to be Hbr (Itq, 320, compared with Mutaw, 58). / As early as 1829 de Sacy in JA, iv, 179, pointed out that it was the Hbr חטא [ḥeṭʔ ʻsin’?], with which Geiger, 18, and Hirschfeld, Beiträge, 54 ff.; New Researches, 107, agree, though Dvořák, Fremdw, 55, suggests the Syr ḥṭītā [ʻsin’] as a possibility, and Leszynsky, Juden in Arabien, 32, a derivation from חטה. Horovitz, JPN, 198, points out that though it is clearly a foreign word, none of those suggested derivations is quite satisfactory, and the source of the word is still a puzzle.«
▪ Pennacchio2014, 159-60: »les commentateurs […] admettent qu’il pourrait s’agir d’un emprunt. Il a été consideré par al-Suyūṭī comme un emprunt à l’Hbr. D’apres Kazimirski, ḥiṭṭaẗ signifie ʻrémission des péchés, absolution’. Les orientalistes proposent une source Hbr ḥēṭəʔ ʻpéché’ [Blachère, Le Coran, 195, n.55] ou Syr ḥṭytʔ. Dans la Bible, ḥēṭəʔ ʻpéché’ derive ḤṬʔ ʻmanquer, se tromper, pécher’, que le BDB rapproche de la racine Ar ḪṬY avec un /ḫ/ à l’initiale ḫaṭà ʻse tromper’. En Akk ḫaṭū, SAr ḫṭʔ, Gz ḫaṭʔa, en BabJudAram ḥiṭʔā ʻpéché, offrande en reparation d’un péché’, PalJudAram ḥᵃṭēʔ ʻpéché’. Pour A. Geiger p. 18 et H. Hirschfeld p. 107, il s’agirait de l’Hbr ḥᵃṭēʔ. Pour A. Jeffery, aucune des solutions n’est satisfaisante. Pour J. Horovitz, il s’agirait d’une expression que les Juifs de Médine devaient prononcer afin d’obtenir le pardon divin’[Horovitz, “Jewish Proper Names”, 198.]. En effet, selon la liturgie de Yōm Kippūr, l’expression ʕal ḥeṭʔ ʻpour le péché’ correspond aux premiers mots de la ʻgrande confession des péchés’ recitée à neuf reprises dans le but d’obtenir le pardon divin. On ne connaît pas l’origine de cette formule liturgique mais on sait qu’elle apparaît pour la premiere fois au IIᵉ siècle de notre ère [DEJ, 34]. Il y a donc tout lieu de croire qu’elle était connue des Juifs de Médine. D’après le contexte coranique, l’emploi de ḥiṭṭaẗ entre bien dans le processus du pardon des péchés prescrit dans le judaïsme le jour de Yōm Kippūr, puisqu’il faut d’abord demander pardon avant d’obtenir la remission divine.«
▪ For a possible inner-Ar etymology of the Qur’ānic term, cf. above, section CONC.
▪ … 
BP#1574ḥaṭṭa, u (ḥaṭṭ), vb. I, 1s.v.; 2a to take down (a load, burden); b to lower, decrease, diminish, reduce ( or min; 3 to depreciate (min qadri-h or min qīmati-h the value of
ḥaṭṭaṭa, vb. II, to put down, set down, take off, unload (a load): Dt-stem, tr.

ḥaṭṭ, n., 1s.v.; 2 depreciation, belittling, derogation, disparagement (min of; 3 reduction, diminution, decrease (min of
ḥaṭīṭaẗ, n.f., price reduction

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaṭṭa, ↗ḥaṭāṭaẗ, ↗maḥaṭṭaẗ, ↗ĭnḥiṭāṭ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ).

ḥaṭāṭaẗ حَطاطة 
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√ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ) 
papule; pimple, pustule, blister, vesicle, bleb – Baalbaki1995. 
ḥaṭāṭaẗ does not figure in WehrCowan1979, but is registered in Baalbaki1995 (al-Mawrid). In ClassAr, also ḥaṭāṭ ʻcarbuncled face; hence also: froth of milk’ and the denom. vbs. I and IV, ḥaṭṭa (u, ḥaṭāṭ) and ʔaḥaṭṭa ʻto be pimpled (face)’, are attested. – No obvious relation to ↗ḥaṭṭa ʻto put\take\set down; to come down; to depreciate’ or ↗ḥiṭṭaẗ ʻalleviation; exoneration’. Accordingly, DRS keeps ḥaṭāṭ ʻboutons sur le peau’ apart from ʻto put\take\set down; to come down; to depreciate’ and ʻalleviation; exoneration’.
DRS includes in #ḤṬṬ-2 also ḥaṭīṭ ʻshort’, to which one may probably add ḥaṭīṭ ʻdwarf’ and ḥuṭayyiṭaẗ ʻshipworm, teredo navalis’ (Wahrmund1886) as specific interpretations of an underlying *ʻthe small\short, pustule-like one’.
▪ No obvious relation betw. ḥaṭāṭaẗ and other values to be found in the root, such as ʻto polish, figure (leather)’ (ḥaṭṭa,u, ḥaṭṭ) or the obsol. ḥuṭāṭ ʻstink’.
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤṬṬ-1 […]. -2 Ar ḥaṭāṭaẗ ‘petite fille, petit objet, babiole’, ḥaṭīṭ ‘fin, mince, petit’; ḥaṭāṭ: boutons sur la peau. – ʕOmAr ḥiṭṭaẗ, Mhr Ḥrs ḥəṭṭāt, Jib hítéṭ: (petit) morceau, grain, unité d’énumération pour graines, etc. -3-5 […].
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▪ See above, section CONC.
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For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaṭṭa, ↗ḥiṭṭaẗ, ↗maḥaṭṭaẗ, ↗ĭnḥiṭāṭ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ).

maḥaṭṭaẗ مَحَطّة , pl. ‑āt 
ID 218 • Sw – • BP 941 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ) 
1 stopping place, stop (also of public conveyances); 2 station, post; 3 railroad station; 4 broadcasting station, radio station – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Traditionally, maḥaṭṭaẗ is a n.loc.f., coined on the maFʕaLaẗ pattern from the vb. ↗ḥaṭṭa ʻto put\set\take down’. The values [v1]–[v3] still have preserved more or less the literal meaning as *ʻplace where stops\is stopped, or is dropped’. In contrast, [v4] imitates the etymology and use of Engl\Fr station (< Lat statio ʻstanding, position, post’, akin to to stare stare ʻto stand’, from protIE *steti‑, suffixed form of root *sta‑ ʻto stand, make or be firm’) in the modern sense of ʻbroadcasting\radio station’ etc., see below, section DERIV.
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▪ ↗ḥaṭṭa.
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▪ See above, section CONC.
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maḥaṭṭaẗ taḥwīl al-tayyār, n.f., transformer station;
maḥaṭṭaẗ al-ʔiḏāʕaẗ (al-lā-silkiyyaẗ), n.f., 1 broadcasting station, radio station; 2 transmitter (station);
maḥaṭṭaẗ raʔīsiyyaẗ, n.f., (railroad) main station;
maḥaṭṭaẗ al-ʔišārāt, n.f., signal post;
maḥaṭṭaẗal-ʔirsāl, n.f., transmitter (station; radio);
maḥaṭṭaẗ lil-ʔarṣād al-ǧawwiyyaẗ, n.f., meteorological station, weather station;
EgAr maḥaṭṭiẗ il-ṣarf, n.f., 1 pump station (for drainage); 2 power plant;
maḥaṭṭaẗ al-ĭstiqbāl, n.f., receiving station (radio);
maḥaṭṭaẗ lā-silkiyyaẗ qaṣīraẗ al-ʔamwāǧ, n.f., short-wave transmitter station;
maḥaṭṭaẗ tawlīd al-kahrabāʔ and maḥaṭṭaẗ kahrabāʔiyyaẗ, n.f., power plant.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaṭṭa, ↗ḥiṭṭaẗ, ↗ḥaṭāṭaẗ, ↗ĭnḥiṭāṭ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ).

ĭnḥiṭāṭ اِنْحِطاط 
ID – • Sw – • NahḍConBP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ) 
1decline, fall, decay, decadence; 2 inferiority – WehrCowan1976. 
ĭnḥiṭāṭ is the vn. of ĭnḥaṭṭa, vb. VII, ʻ1 to sink, descend, go down; 2 to decrease, diminish; 3 to decline, decay, wane’, the N-stem of ↗ḥaṭṭa, vb. I, ʻto put\set\take down’.
▪ For the Arab modernist movement of the Nahḍaẗ and its successors in the 20th century, ↗ĭnḥiṭāṭ became the (in)famous denominator of the whole period spanning between the Islamicate ʻGolden Age’ and the new ʻUpswing’ (↗nahḍaẗ) as the ʻEra of Decline’, ʕaṣr al-ĭnḥiṭāṭ.
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▪ ↗ḥaṭṭa.
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▪ See above, section CONC.
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ʔiḥsās al- ĭnḥiṭāṭ, n., sense of inferiority

ĭnḥaṭṭa, vb.VII, 1 to sink, descend, go down; 2 to decrease, diminish; 3 to decline, decay, wane: N-stem, intr.
ʔaḥaṭṭᵘ, adj., lower: elat. formation, serving as comp./superlat. of munḥaṭṭ.
ĭnḥiṭāṭī, n., postclassical writer: nisba formation, from ĭnḥiṭāṭ
munḥaṭṭ, adj., 1 low, base, low-level, lowgrade; 2 fallen, degraded (woman); 3 mean, vile, vulgar; 4 inferior: PA VII.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaṭṭa, ↗ḥiṭṭaẗ, ↗ḥaṭāṭaẗ, ↗maḥaṭṭaẗ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ ḤṬː (ḤṬṬ).

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