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ḥifẓaẗ حِفْظة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
anger, indignation, resentment, rancor – WehrCowan1976. 
DRS keeps ḥifẓaẗ apart (as #ḤPṮ̣-2) from the complex formed by ↗ḥafiẓa and its more obvious cognates (#ḤPṮ̣-1); obviously, the two semantic fields seem too distant for the authors to assume kinship. But a look into ClassAr dictionaries can leave little doubt that ḥifẓaẗ is dependent on ḥafiẓa: the meaning ʻanger, indignation’ is (as circumscribed by Hava1899) a ʻzeal to defend s.o.\’, more precisely (as reported by Lane ii 1865, s.v. ḥafīẓaẗ, of which ḥifẓaẗ is classified as a var.), ʻindignation\anger by reason of violence\injury done to which one is bound to honour or respect, and to defend, or of wrong done to a relation, or kinsman, in one’s neighbourhood, or of the breach of a covenant; it is said in a prov., al-maqdiraẗ tuḏhibu ’l-ḥafīẓaẗ ʻpower [to revenge] dispels anger\indignation, etc.’, meaning that it is incumbent to forgive when one has power to revenge’; cf. also the var. meaning of ḥafīẓaẗ, ʻamulet\charm bearing an inscription which is hung upon a child, to charm against the evil eye, etc.’. Thus, the ʻanger, indignation’ meant by ḥifẓaẗ stems from the memory one has retained of harm done to s.o.\ one feels in charge of, honours, respects’; cf. also al-malak al-ḥafīẓ ʻthe recording angel of men’ (Hava1899), i.e., the remembering one who can become an angel of revenge if his records show a man’s misdeeds.
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤPẒ-1 Hbr ḥāpeṣ ‘être bienveillant, être propice’, Syr ḥᵉpaṭ ‘s’appliquer à’, Ar ḥafiẓa ‘garder, conserver, préserver; observer’, ĭḥtafaẓa ‘garder’, ḥifẓ ‘attention, vigilance, mémoire’, Min ḥtfẓ ‘garder aux archives’, Mhr ḥəfūẓ, Jib ḥfɔẓ ‘préserver, surveiller; donner un alibi’, Jib ḥafẓ ‘lieu sûr, (bonne) garde’. –[?]2 Ar ḥifẓaẗ ‘colère’.
▪ See above, section CONC.
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ʔaḥfaẓa, vb. IV, to vex, annoy, gall, irritate, hurt, offend (s.o.): vb. IV, caus. denom.
ḥafīẓaẗ, pl. ḥafāʔiẓᵘ, n.f., grudge, resentment, rancor: var. of ḥifẓaẗ.

For other values attached to the root, cf., ↗ḥafiẓa, ↗ḥifāẓ, ↗maḥfaẓaẗ, ↗muḥāfaẓaẗ, ↗taḥaffuẓ, ↗ḥāfiẓ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤFẒ. 
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