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ḥaflaẗ حَفْلَة , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP 1732 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 assembly, gathering, meeting, congregation; 2 (social or public) event; a party; b show, performance (theater, cinema); c concert; d festivity, ceremony, festival, festive event, celebration – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Singulativ of ḥafl, which can take almost identical meanings but is used more for the activity of ʻgathering, meeting, assembling’ and ʻassembly, congregation, throng, crowd’, while ḥaflaẗ is used most often in the sense of [v2]. ḥafl is the vn. of ↗¹ḥafala, vb. I, ʻto gather, assemble, congregate’.
▪ … 
▪ ↗ḥafala
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
ḥaflaẗ al-taʔbīn, n.f., commemoration, commemorative ceremony for a deceased person;
al-ḥaflaẗ al-ʔūlà, n.f., premiere;
ḥaflaẗ ḥāfilaẗ, n.f., numerous assembly;
ḥaflaẗ ḫayriyyaẗ, n.f., charity performance, charity event;
ḥaflaẗ al-dafn, n.f., funeral ceremony, obsequies;
ḥaflaẗ dīniyyaẗ, n.f., religious ceremony, Divine Service;
ḥaflaẗ sāhiraẗ and ḥaflaẗ samar, n.f., evening party, soirée;
ḥaflaẗ sīnamāʔiyyaẗ, n.f., motion-picture show;
ḥaflaẗ al-šāy, n.f., tea party;
ḥaflaẗ al-ʕurs, n.f., wedding;
ḥaflaẗ al-ĭstiqbāl, n.f., (public) reception;
ḥaflaẗ mūsīqiyyaẗ, n.f., concert.

BP#3861ĭḥtafala, vb. VIII, 1 to gather, rally, throng together; 2 to celebrate (bi‑\s.o.); 3a to concern o.s. (bi‑ or li‑ with), attend, pay attention, give one’s mind (bi‑ or li‑ to; b to honour, welcome, receive kindly (bi‑ s.o.): Gt-stem, self-ref.
BP#1556ĭḥtifāl, pl. -āt, n., celebration, ceremony, festival, festivities: vn. VIII.
muḥtafil: al-muḥtafilūn, pl., the participants in a festive event, the celebrators: PA VIII.
muḥtafal, n., assembly place, gathering place; party; muḥtafal bih, adj., celebrated: PP VIII.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥafala, ↗ḥaffala, ↗ḥafīl, ↗ḥāfilaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤFL. 
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