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ḤQː (ḤQQ) حقّ/حقق 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
▪ ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_1 ʻtruth, true, authentic; correctness, rightness, correct, sound, valid, real; right, fair and reasonable; rightful possession, property, right, title, (legal) claim, one’s due; duty, proper manner; law, jurisprudence, legal science’ ↗ḥaqq; ʻtruth, reality; fact; the facts, true nature, essence; real meaning, true sense’ ↗ḥaqīqaẗ; ʻto achieve; to investigate’ ↗ḥaqqaqa; ʻto deserve, merit’ ↗ĭstaḥaqqa
▪ ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_2 ʻhollow, cavity; socket of a joint (anat.)’ ↗ḥuqq
▪ ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_3 ʻsmall box, case, pot or jar; receptacle, container’ ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ
▪ ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_4 ʻhuqqa/okka, a weight (Syr., Pal.)’ ↗LevAr ²ḥuqqaẗ

Other values, now obsolete, include:

ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_5 ʻspider’s web’ : ḥuqq
ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_6 ʻto strike s.o. on the back of the neck’ : ḥaqqa
ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_7 ʻupper part of the arm’ : ḥuqq
ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_8 ʻmature, three years-old camel’ : ḥiqq; cf. also ĭḥtaqqa ʻto become fat (cattle)’
ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_9 ʻcalamity, resurrection’ : ḥāqqaẗ
ḤQ: (ḤQQ)_10 ʻto be tightened (knot)’ : ĭnḥaqqa; cf. also ĭḥtaqqa ʻto be slender (horse)’

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘the socket into which the head of the thigh bone fits; (of camels) to reach maturity; centre; truth, to be sure; to verify, to give s.o. their dues, to deserve; calamity, affliction; to dispute, to prove a point, an argument’ 
▪ While [v4] seems to be, ultimately, of Grk origin (see s.v. in section DISC, below), all others are prob. based on protWSem *ḤQQ ‘to cut into, level, make correct, decree’ (Huehnergard2011). The two basic elements in this complex are ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’ (DRS as #ḤQQ-1) and ʻright, rule, obligation, duty’ (#ḤQQ-2), the latter perh. having developed from the former: *ʻcut in stone, engraved on a tablet > binding statement, decree, law > due, right, obligation’, or, as the evidence of the Ar √ḤQː (ḤQQ) could suggest, *ʻhollow, cavity > to fit into the hole\cavity like a bone fits into the socket of a joint > to fit, be suitable > to be suitable, correct, right, true’. It is not clear whether Ar [v2] ʻhollow, cavity; socket of a joint’ is secondary, a reflex of an earlier *ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’, or whether it is the other way round, i.e., ʻdigging, carving, engraving, cutting into’ being denom. from a primary *ʻcavity’.
▪ [v1] (DRS #ḤQQ-2) ʻright, rule, obligation, duty’ is either an original *ʻcut in stone, engraved on a tablet’ (cf. DRS#ḤQQ-1) or based on [v2] as *ʻfitting neatly\exactly\precisely, being suitable’, like a bone fits into (the hole\cavity of) a socket. The notion of *ʻsuitableness, correctness, accuracy, perfection, exactitude’ may be the basis on which also several other values are built, see [v5]–[v6] and [v8]–[v10].
▪ [v2] : Ar ḥuqq ʻhollow, cavity; socket of a joint (anat.)’ is perh. a reflex of protWSem *ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’ (DRS #ḤQQ-1). Or does ʻ(cavity of a) socket’ represent the etymon proper from which *ʻcavity (in general)’ (> denom. vb. *ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’) is a semantic expansion?
▪ [v3] (DRS #ḤQQ-4) ʻsmall box, case, pot or jar; receptacle, container’: prob. from [v2] ʻhollow, cavity’.
▪ [v4] : LevAr ²ḥuqqaẗ ʻhuqqa/okka, a weight (Syr., Pal.)’ seems to be a variant of ↗ʔuqqaẗ, which, accord. to Rolland2014, is from Grk ὄγκος ógkos ʻmass, weight’.
[v5] (DRS #ḤQQ-6) ʻspider’s web’: perh. orig. *ʻaccurately\perfectly woven’, thus dependent on [v1] *ʻcorrectness, accuracy, perfection, exactitude’.
[v6] (DRS #ḤQQ-7) ʻto strike s.o. on the back of the neck’: perh. orig. *‘to hit s.o. properly (i.e., exactly where intended)’, or ʻ… in the middle of…’, both dependent on [v1] *ʻcorrectness, accuracy, perfection, exactitude’.
[v7] (DRS #ḤQQ-8) ʻupper part of the arm’: perh. from [v2] ʻsocket of a joint (anat.)’.
[v8] ʻmature, three years-old camel’: prob. a specialisation, developed from the basic idea of [v1] *ʻsuitableness, perfection, etc.’, maturity understood here as *ʻsuitableness, perfection, exactly as it should be’.
[v9] ʻcalamity, resurrection’: Qur’ānic value, orig. *ʻdecisive moment, inevitable hour’, from [v1] ʻto be suitable, correct, right’.
[v10] ʻto be tightened (knot); to be slender (horse)’: prob. *ʻcorrect, right, as it should be’, thus essentially = [v1].
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤQQ-1 Hbr ḥāqaq ‘creuser, tailler (une tombe dans un rocher), graver sur une tablette’, Phoen ḥq ‘graver’, mḥq ‘graveur’; JP ḥᵃqaq ‘tailler, creuser’. – ? 2 Hbr ḥāqaq, YaAram *ḥq ‘établir, régler, déterminer’, Hbr ḥōq ‘chose fixée, borne, but; coutume, droit’, Syr ḥuqqā ‘ligne, règle’, Ar ḥiqq, ḥaqq ‘droit, vérité, devoir’, ḥaqqa ‘être sûr’, YemAr ḥagg ‘appartenant à, de’; Sab ḥqq ‘valide, qui a force de loi’, Soq ḥaq ‘jugement’, Mhr ḥəḳ ‘ajuster, égaliser, limer’, Mhr Jib ḥaḳ ‘droit (n.)’, Ḥrs ḥəḳ ‘droit, vérité’, Mhr ḥəḳáyḳ, Jib ḥáḳíḳ ‘qui rétribue justement’; – Jib aḥḳéḳ ‘interroger’, Mhr šəḥḳáwḳ ‘être certain’, Jib s̃ḥɛḳéḳ ‘mériter’; Gz ḥaqqaqa ‘égaliser, lier, fixer’, Tña ḥaqqi ‘vérité, certitude’, Amh ḥəgg ‘loi religieuse, mariage, virginité’. -3 Tña ḥaqäqä ‘fondre, se liquéfier’. -4 Ar ḥuqqaẗ ‘petite boîte’, Mhr ḥəḳḳāt, Ḥrs ḥəḳét, Jib ḥéḳɛ́t ‘boîte (en fer blanc, bois); récipient’. -5 Ar ḥaqqa, ʔaḥaqqa ‘venir chez qn’. -6 ḥuqq ‘toile d’araignée’, ḥaqqaqa ‘tisser solidement’. -7 ḥaqq: point précis à l’arrière de la tête, ḥaqqa: frapper à la tête en ce point. -8 ḥuqq ‘haut du bras, haut de la hanche’.
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DRS distinguishes 8 values of the root ḤQQ in Sem, 6 of them with representatives in Ar. According to the authors, #ḤQQ-1 ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’ and #ḤQQ-2 ʻright, rule, duty’ may be related, but the authors remain reluctant to accept this. In contrast, Huehnergard2011 posits a protWSem *ḤQQ ‘to cut into, level, make correct, decree’ where ‘to cut into’ and ‘to make correct, decree’ figure as one value. Semantic dependence of #ḤQQ-2 on #ḤQQ-1 could be explained as *ʻcut in stone, engraved on a tablet > law, decree > right, obligation’. – Strangely enough, DRS does not mention [v2] ʻhollow, cavity; socket of a joint (anat.)’ (Ar ḥuqq) in their list, although this seems to be a reflex of, or akin to, their #ḤQQ-1 ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’, nor do they mention a possible dependence of [v3] (their #ḤQQ-4) ʻsmall box, receptable’ on ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’. The circumscription of ḥaqq in ClassAr lexica as ʻsuitableness to the requirements of wisdom, [etc.] or to the exigencies of the case, as the suitableness of the foot of a door in respect of its socket, for turning round rightly’ (Lane ii 1865) may be an ex-post explanation; but if there is some etymological truth about it, then [v1] ḥaqq ʻrightness, correctness, [etc.]’ could be imagined to be derived from [v2] ḥuqq ʻcavity; socket of a joint’, as *ʻfitting neatly/exactly into the socket’.
▪ [v1] : As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the semantic field ʻright, rule, duty’ may depend on ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’ (DRS#ḤQQ-1), as carved in stone can be understood as binding, obligatory, a rule, decree, duty, or as fitting neatly into a socket, etc. – DRS does not mention any other dependencies, but it does not seem unlikely that the obsol. values [v5]–[v6] and [v8]–[v10] all are derived from the idea of *ʻcorrectness, accuracy, perfection, exactitude, suitableness’ – see suggestions below, s.v.
▪ [v2] : Ar ḥuqq ʻhollow, cavity; socket of a joint (anat.)’ is not mentioned in DRS, but it may well be a reflex of DRS #ḤQQ-1 ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’, as cavities are the result of digging, carving, etc., and the socket of a joint can be regarded as such a cavity. It could, however, also be the other way round, with ʻsocket’ representing the etymon proper and ʻcavity’ being a generalization; in this case, however, Ar would be the only Sem language to have preserved the primary value.
▪ [v3] (DRS #ḤQQ-4) : Given that, morphologically, ḥuqqaẗ is nothing but a f. form of ḥuqq, it seems likely that [v3] ʻsmall box, case, pot or jar; receptacle, container’ depends on [v2] ʻhollow, cavity’, with the latter having become functional as receptable and/or container of; cf. also obsol. values of ḥuqqaẗ (pl. ḥuqq, ḥuqūq, ḥuqaq, ʔaḥqāq, ḥiqāq), such as ʻink-bottle; cup of a juggler; compass; vessel of water through which the tobacco-smoke passes’, all of which share the notion of ʻcontainer, receptable’.
▪ [v4] : see above, section CONC.
[v5] (DRS #ḤQQ-6) : The obsol. word for a ʻspider’s web’, ḥuqq, looks identical to the one for [v2] ʻhollow, cavity’ and [v7] ʻupper part of the arm’, but semantics can hardly be connected (unless a spider’s web were considered to be, essentially, a *ʻcavity, hollow thing’). Should we instead assume dependence on [v1] *ʻcorrectness, accuracy, perfection, exactitude’, as a spider’s web is an *ʻaccurately\perfectly woven’ thing? Cf. also [v6] and [v8]–[v10], below.
[v6] (DRS #ḤQQ-7): In ClassAr lexica, the meaning ʻto strike s.o. on the back of the neck’ of the vb. I, ḥaqqa, is described in more detail as ʻto beat\strike s.o. in\upon the ḥāqq of one’s head, i.e., the middle of it; or in\upon the ḥuqq of his katif, i.e., the small hollow upon the head of his shoulder-blade, or, as some say, the head of the upper arm […]’ (Lane ii 1865). Thus, the lexicographers derive the value either from [v1] – hitting the middle of understood as ‘hitting precisely, accurately’ (from *ʻcorrectness, accuracy, perfection, exactitude’, as also prob. in [v5] and [v8]–[v10]), or from [v2] ʻhollow, cavity; socket of a joint’, or from [v7] ʻupper part of the arm’. The basic notion seems to be *‘to hit s.o. properly (i.e., exactly where intended)’ or *‘to hit s.o. right in the middle of x’.
[v7] (DRS #ḤQQ-8) : ḥuqq for ʻupper part of the arm’ looks conspicuously similar to [v2] ḥuqq ʻhollow, cavity; socket of a joint (anat.)’; DRS lists it as a value in its own right, but in the light of the explanations given for the vb. ḥaqqa (see preceding paragraph), it is well not unconceivable that the meaning ʻupper part of the arm’ developed from ʻsocket of a joint’, in this case the cavity where the arm bone fits into the cavity of the shoulderblade’. If this is correct, this value, too, is ultimately dependent on [v2] ʻcavity’.
[v8] : The items ḥiqq (n.m./f., f. also ḥiqqaẗ; pl. ḥiqaq, ḥiqāq, ḥuquq, ḥaqāʔiqᵘ) ʻmature, three years-old camel’ and the corresponding (denom.?) vb. VIII (Gt-stem), ĭḥtaqqa ʻto become fat (cattle)’, do not appear on the list of cognates given in DRS, but are attested quite widely. Unless we are dealing with a lexeme belonging to totally different, though homonymous root, it is likely that ʻmaturity, fatness’ is a special meaning of [v1] *ʻsuitableness, perfection, etc.’, likely reflected also in [v5]–[v6] and [v9]–[v10]
[v9] : The meaning ʻcalamity, resurrection’ of the PA I.f., (al-) ḥāqqaẗ, is, lit., *ʻthat which sorts out truth from falsehood; the decisive one; that which is inevitable (reality)’, thus built on [v1]. Use in this sense goes back to Qur’ān 69:3 wa-mā ʔadrā-ka mā ’l-ḥāqqaẗᵘ ʻwhat will explain to you what the reality/decisive moment/inevitable Hour is?’, hence also epithet of the Day of Judgement. al-ḥāqqaẗ is also the name of the whole (Meccan) Sura 69.
[v10] : ĭnḥaqqa, vb. VII, ʻto be tightened (knot)’, and ĭḥtaqqa, vb. VIII, ʻto be slender (horse)’, are prob. another example of specific use of ʻcorrect, right, as it should be’, thus essentially = [v1]; cf. also [v5]–[v6] and [v8]–[v9].
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▪ Engl hookah ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ
ḥaqq حَقّ 
ID 220 • Sw – • BP 84 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
I n., 1a truth; b (al-ḥaqq) attribute of God; 2 correctness, rightness; 3a rightful possession, property; b one’s due; 4 duty; 5 proper manner; 6 (pl. ḥuqūq) right, title, claim, legal claim ( to); 7 al-ḥuqūq, n. pl., law, jurisprudence, legal science; II adj., 1a true, authentic, real; b right, fair and reasonable; c correct, sound, valid – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Accord. to Huehnergard2011, ḥaqq and related items go back to what can be reconstructed as protWSem *ḤQQ ‘to cut into, level, make correct, decree’, in which ʻright, rule, obligation, duty’ (DRS #ḤQQ-2) may be secondary, derived from a primary ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’ (DRS #ḤQQ-1), as cut in stone or engraved on a tablet was taken to be binding, a decree, or law, hence also due to s.o., a right, or incumbent on s.o., an obligation, duty. The notion of ʻdigging, encarving, cutting into’ is not attested in Ar, however. Inner-Ar evidence alone would suggest a dependence of ʻright, obligation, duty’ on a basic ʻhollow, cavity’, along the line *ʻhollow, cavity > to fit into the hole\cavity like a bone fits into the socket of a joint (↗ḥuqq) > to fit, be suitable > to be correct, right, true’, so that ʻright, rule, obligation, duty’ would not be an original *ʻcut in stone, engraved on a tablet’ but rather *ʻfitting neatly\exactly\precisely, being suitable’.
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤQQ-1 Hbr ḥāqaq ‘creuser, tailler (une tombe dans un rocher), graver sur une tablette’, Phoen ḥq ‘graver’, mḥq ‘graveur’; JP ḥᵃqaq ‘tailler, creuser’. – ? 2 Hbr ḥāqaq, YaAram *ḥq ‘établir, régler, déterminer’, Hbr ḥōq ‘chose fixée, borne, but; coutume, droit’, Syr ḥuqqā ‘ligne, règle’, Ar ḥiqq, ḥaqq ‘droit, vérité, devoir’, ḥaqqa ‘être sûr’, YemAr ḥagg ‘appartenant à, de’; Sab ḥqq ‘valide, qui a force de loi’, Soq ḥaq ‘jugement’, Mhr ḥəḳ ‘ajuster, égaliser, limer’, Mhr Jib ḥaḳ ‘droit (n.)’, Ḥrs ḥəḳ ‘droit, vérité’, Mhr ḥəḳáyḳ, Jib ḥáḳíḳ ‘qui rétribue justement’; – Jib aḥḳéḳ ‘interroger’, Mhr šəḥḳáwḳ ‘être certain’, Jib s̃ḥɛḳéḳ ‘mériter’; Gz ḥaqqaqa ‘égaliser, lier, fixer’, Tña ḥaqqi ‘vérité, certitude’, Amh ḥəgg ‘loi religieuse, mariage, virginité’. -3-5 […]. -6 ḥuqq ‘toile d’araignée’, ḥaqqaqa ‘tisser solidement’. -7 ḥaqq: point précis à l’arrière de la tête, ḥaqqa: frapper à la tête en ce point. -8 […].
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▪ The notion of *ʻsuitableness, correctness, accuracy, perfection, exactitude’ may be the etymological background of several values that have become obsolete in MSA, such as ʻspider’s web’ (DRS #ḤQQ-6, perh. orig. *ʻaccurately\perfectly woven’), ʻto strike s.o. on the back of the neck’ (DRS #ḤQQ-7, perh. orig. *‘to hit s.o. properly, exactly where intended’, or ʻ… right in the middle of…’); ʻmature, three years-old camel’ (< *ʻsuitable, having reached the right stage’), ʻcalamity, resurrection’ (Qur’ānic value, < *ʻdecisive moment, inevitable hour’), or ʻto be tightened (knot); to be slender (horse)’: prob. *ʻcorrect, right, as it should be’, thus essentially = [v1]. – For more details, see root entry ↗√ḤQː (ḤQQ).
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ḥaqqan, adv., 1 really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth; 2 justly, rightly, by rights; ʔa-ḥaqqan ḏalika?, expr., is that (really) so? really?;
bi ḥaqqin, adv., justly, rightly, by rights;
bi’l ḥaqqⁱ, adv., 1 truly, in reality, actually; 2 properly, appropriately, in a suitable manner;
bi ḥaqqⁱ … and fī ḥaqqⁱ …, prep., as to …, as for …, with respect to, concerning, regarding;
huwa ʕalà ḥaqqin, expr., he is in the right;
al ḥaqqᵘ maʕa-ki, expr., you are right;
al ḥaqqᵘ ʕalay-ki, expr., you are wrong;
huwa ḥaqqun ʕalay-ki, expr., it is your duty;
hāḏā ḥaqq-ī ʕalay-kum, expr., you owe this to me;
ʕirfānan li ḥaqqi-hā ʕalay-h, expr., in recognition of what he owed her;
min ḥaqqi-h, expr., he is entitled to it, it is his due;
ḥaqqu-hū ʔan he should have…, he ought to have…;
la-hū ’l ḥaqqᵘ fī, expr., he is entitled to …;
wa’l ḥaqqᵘ yuqālᵘ, expr., one may say, it must be admitted, it’s only fair to say, say what you will…, …though (as a parenthetical phrase);
ʕarafa ḥaqqᵃ ’l-maʕrifaẗ, vb. I, to know exactly, know for certain, know very well, also ʕalima ḥaqqᵃ ’l-ʕilm; fahima ḥaqqᵃ ’l-fahm, vb., to understand precisely, comprehend thoroughly, be fully aware;
al-saʕādaẗ al-ḥaqqaẗ, n.f., true happiness;
kulliyyaẗ al-ḥuqūq, n.f., law school, faculty of law.

BP#2728ḥaqqa, i, u, 1 to be true, turn out to be true, be confirmed; 2 to be right, correct; 3 (also pass. ḥuqqa) to be necessary, obligatory, requisite, imperative (ʕalà for s.o.), be incumbent (ʕalà upon s.o.); 4 to be adequate, suitable, fitting, appropriate (ʕalà for s.o.); 5 to be due (li‑ s.o.); 6 ~ la-hū, expr., he is entitled to it, he has a right to it; 7 ~ ʕalay-hi, expr., he deserved it (punishment); – 8 ḥaqqa, u, to ascertain (, make sure, be sure (of; 9 to recognize, identify (s.o.): denom.?
BP#707ḥaqqaqa, vb. II, 1a to make come true; b to realize (, e.g., a hope), carry out (e.g., a wish), carry into effect, fulfill, put into action, consummate, effect, actualize (; c to implement (e.g., an agreement); d to produce, bring on, yield (results); 2a to determine, ascertain, find out, pinpoint, identify (; b to prove to be true, verify, establish, substantiate (; c to confirm, assert, aver, avouch, affirm (; 3a to be exact, painstaking, meticulous, careful (in doing, e.g., ~ al-naẓara, vb., to look closely; b to study, examine, investigate, explore (, look, inquire (into; c to verify, check ( or fī‑; d to investigate (; police); e to make an official inquiry (into, institute an investigation (of or into; court; jur.); f to interrogate (s.o.), conduct a hearing (maʕ of s.o.; jur.): D-stem, see s.v..
ḥāqqaqa, var. ḥāqqa, vb. III, to contend for a right (with s.o.), contest or litigate a right (against s.o.): L-stem, assoc.
ʔaḥaqqa, vb. IV, 1 to tell the truth; 2 to be right ( in; 3 to enforce (, e.g., a legal claim): *Š-stem, denom., 1-2 appell., 3 caus. (*ʻto make come true’).
BP#1313taḥaqqaqa, vb. V, 1 to prove true, turn out to be true, be confirmed, prove to be correct; 2a to materialize, become a fact; b to be realized, be effected, come into effect; 3 to be examined, be explored; 4a to ascertain (, also min), make sure, reassure o.s., gain proof, convince o.s., be convinced, be sure, be certain (of; b to check, verify (or m in; 5 to be serious (bi‑ about Dt-stem, self-ref.
BP#1459ĭstaḥaqqa, vb. X, 1a to be entitled, have a claim (to; b to deserve, merit (, be worthy (of); 2a to claim (, lay claim (to); b to require, demand, necessitate, make requisite (; 3a to fall due, become payable (sum of money), mature, become due (note); b to be due (li‑ s.o.): *Št-stem, desid. | yastaḥiqqu ’l-ḏikrᵃ, expr., worth mentioning, noteworthy; lā yastaḥiqqu ʕalay-hi ’l-rasmᵘ, expr., not subject to a fee, free of charge.
ʔaḥaqqᵘ, adj., 1 worthier, more deserving (bi‑ of; 2 more entitled (bi‑ to elat.
ḥaqīq, pl. ʔaḥiqqāʔᵘ, adj., 1 worthy, deserving (bi‑ of, fit, competent, qualified; 2 entitled (bi‑ to): ints. formation.
BP#322ḥaqīqaẗ, pl. ḥaqāʔiqᵘ, n.f., 1 truth, reality (also philos..); 2 fact; 3a the true state of affairs, the facts; b true nature, essence; c real meaning, true sense: f. of ḥaqīq, used as abstr. | ḥaqīqatan, adv., really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth; raʔaytu-hū ʕalà ~-hī, expr., I saw its true nature, as it really is; fī ~ al-ʔamr, adv., in reality, really, actually; laysa la-hū ~, expr., it does not really exist, it is not real.
BP#537ḥaqīqī, adj., 1 real, true; 2 actual; 3a proper, intrinsic, essential; b genuine; c authentic; 4 positive: nisba formation, from ḥaqīqaẗ.
ḥuqūqī, 1 adj., juristic(al); 2 n., (pl. ‑ūn) jurist, jurisprudent, lawyer: nisba formation, from ḥuqūq, pl. of ḥaqq (I.2c,d)
ʔaḥaqqiyyaẗ, n.f., legal claim, title, right: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ, from ʔaḥaqqᵘ *ʻmore entitled, more deserving’, elat. of ḥaqqᵘ.
ḥaqqānī, adj., correct, right, proper, sound, valid, legitimate, legal: adj. formation in ‑ānī, from ḥaqq in the sense of ʻentitlement, legal right’ (I.2c,d).
ḥaqqāniyyaẗ, n.f., justice, law: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ, f. of ḥaqqānī. | wizāraẗ al‑~, n.f., Ministry of Justice (formerly Eg.).
BP#302taḥqīq, n., 1a realization, actualization, effectuation, implementation; b fulfillment (of a claim, of a wish, etc.); c achievement, accomplishment, execution; 2a ascertainment, determination, identification, verification; b substantiation; c assertion, affirmation, confirmation; 3a pinpointing, precise determination; b exactness, accurateness, precision; c (= ~ al-nuṭq) precise pronunciation; – d (pl. ‑āt) verification, check, checkup, investigation; e official or judicial inquiry, inquest: vn. II. | al‑~ ʔanna, expr., it is a matter of fact that …, it is certain that …; ʕalà al‑~, expr., 1 properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; 2 exactly, precisely; 3 positively, definitely; ʕinda al‑~, adv., properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; ~ al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n., identification (of a person), proof of identity; šahādaẗ ~ al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n.f., identity card; qalam ~ al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n., bureau of identification; ~ al-ḏātiyyaẗ, n., identification; qāḍī al‑~, n., examining magistrate; ~ al-ʔarbāḥ, n., realization of profits (stock market).
ʔiḥqāq: ʔiḥqāqan lil-ḥaqq, expr., (so) that truth may prevail.
BP#4704taḥaqquq, n., 1a ascertainment, making sure; b verification, check, checkup; 2 conviction, certainty, certitude: vn. V.
BP#2937ĭstiḥqāq, n., 1 worthiness, deservingness, merit; 2 one’s due or desert; 3 maturity, payability, falling due (of a sum of money); 4 re-claiming or calling in of due, demand of a right; 5 vindication (Isl. Law), replevin, detinue: vn. X. | ʕan ~, adv., deservedly, justly, by rights; bi-dūn ~, adv., undeservedly; tārīḫ al‑~, n., date of maturity (e.g., of a bond); al‑~ al-lubnānī, n., name of a Lebanese order.
maḥqūq, adj., 1 worthy, deserving (bi‑, li‑ of), fit, competent, qualifying (bi‑, li‑ for); 2 wrong, at fault, on the wrong track: PP I.
BP#3073muḥaqqiq, pl. ‑ūn, n., 1a investigator; b inquirer; c examining magistrate: PA II.
muḥaqqaq, adj., 1a sure, certain, beyond doubt, unquestionable, indubitable; b assured, established, accepted, recognized: PP II. | min al‑~ ʔanna, expr., it is certain that…, it is a fact that….
muḥiqq, adj., telling the truth, in the right, being right: PA IV.
mutaḥaqqiq, adj., convinced, sure, certain, positive: PA V.
mustaḥiqq, adj., 1 entitled; 2 claiming; 3 beneficiary (of a wakf); 4 deserving, worthy: PA X. | ~ al-dafʕ, n., due, payable (sum).

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥuqq, ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ, ↗²ḥuqqaẗ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤQ: (ḤQQ). 
ḥuqūq حُقُوق (pl.) 
Sw – • NahḍConBP ... • APD … • © SG | created 31May2023
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
▪ … 
ḥaqīqaẗ حَقيقة , pl. ḥaqāʔiqᵘ 
ID 221 • Sw – • NahḍConBP 322 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤQː QQ) 
1 truth, reality (also philos..); 2 fact; 3a the true state of affairs, the facts; b true nature, essence; c real meaning, true sense – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ f. of ḥaqīq, adj., ʻworthy, deserving, fit, competent, qualified; entitled to’, an ints. formation on the FaʕīL pattern; the f. is used as abstr. n. – As a quasi-PP I, ḥaqīq may, originally, either be *‘cut in stone, engraved on a tablet’ or *‘fitting neatly\exactly into (as a bone fits into the socket of a joint)’ – see ↗ḥaqq.
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ ↗ḥaqq.
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
ḥaqīqaẗan, adv., really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth;
raʔaytu-hū ʕalà ḥaqīqati-h, expr., I saw its true nature, as it really is;
fī ḥaqīqaẗ al-ʔamr, adv., in reality, really, actually;
laysa la-hū ḥaqīqaẗ, expr., it does not really exist, it is not real.

BP#537ḥaqīqī, adj., 1 real, true; 2 actual; 3a proper, intrinsic, essential; b genuine; c authentic; 4 positive: nisba formation, from ḥaqīqaẗ.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaqq, ↗ḥaqqaqa, ↗ĭstaḥaqqa, ↗ḥuqq, ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ, ↗²ḥuqqaẗ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤQ: (ḤQQ). 
ḥaqqaq‑ حَقَّقَ , (taḥqīq
ID – • Sw – • BP 707 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
vb., II 
1a to make come true; b to realize (, e.g., a hope), carry out (e.g., a wish), carry into effect, fulfill, put into action, consummate, effect, actualize (; c to implement (e.g., an agreement); d to produce, bring on, yield (results); 2a to determine, ascertain, find out, pinpoint, identify (; b to prove to be true, verify, establish, substantiate (; c to confirm, assert, aver, avouch, affirm (; 3a to be exact, painstaking, meticulous, careful (in doing, e.g., ~ al-naẓara, vb., to look closely; b to study, examine, investigate, explore (, look, inquire (into; c to verify, check ( or fī‑; d to investigate (; police); e to make an official inquiry (into, institute an investigation (of or into; court; jur.); f to interrogate (s.o.), conduct a hearing (maʕ of s.o.; jur.) – WehrCowan1976. 
ḥaqqaqa is a D-stem, formed either from the basic G-stem, ḥaqqa (↗ḥaqq), or from the related n.s ↗ḥaqq and\or ↗ḥaqīqaẗ (which, in essence, is a nominalized adj.). The meaning is either caus. ([v1] *‘to make come true’) or declar. ([v2] *‘to declare to be true’) or denom./desid. ([v3] *‘to check the truth of, look for its essence, etc.’).
▪ For further etymology, see ↗ḥaqq and ↗ḥaqīqaẗ.
▪ … 
▪ … 
▪ ↗ḥaqq.
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
BP#1313taḥaqqaqa, vb. V, 1 to prove true, turn out to be true, be confirmed, prove to be correct; 2a to materialize, become a fact; b to be realized, be effected, come into effect; 3 to be examined, be explored; 4a to ascertain (, also min), make sure, reassure o.s., gain proof, convince o.s., be convinced, be sure, be certain (of; b to check, verify (or m in; 5 to be serious (bi‑ about Dt-stem, self-ref.

BP#302taḥqīq, n., 1a realization, actualization, effectuation, implementation; b fulfillment (of a claim, of a wish, etc.); c achievement, accomplishment, execution; 2a ascertainment, determination, identification, verification; b substantiation; c assertion, affirmation, confirmation; 3a pinpointing, precise determination; b exactness, accurateness, precision; c (= ~ al-nuṭq) precise pronunciation; – d (pl. ‑āt) verification, check, checkup, investigation; e official or judicial inquiry, inquest: vn. II. | al‑~ ʔanna, expr., it is a matter of fact that …, it is certain that …; ʕalà al‑~, expr., 1 properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; 2 exactly, precisely; 3 positively, definitely; ʕinda al‑~, adv., properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; ~ al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n., identification (of a person), proof of identity; šahādaẗ ~ al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n.f., identity card; qalam ~ al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n., bureau of identification; ~ al-ḏātiyyaẗ, n., identification; qāḍī al‑~, n., examining magistrate; ~ al-ʔarbāḥ, n., realization of profits (stock market).
BP#4704taḥaqquq, n., 1a ascertainment, making sure; b verification, check, checkup; 2 conviction, certainty, certitude: vn. V.
BP#3073muḥaqqiq, pl. ‑ūn, n., 1a investigator; b inquirer; c examining magistrate: PA II.
muḥaqqaq, adj., 1a sure, certain, beyond doubt, unquestionable, indubitable; b assured, established, accepted, recognized: PP II. | min al‑~ ʔanna, expr., it is certain that…, it is a fact that….
mutaḥaqqiq, adj., convinced, sure, certain, positive: PA V.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaqq, ↗ḥaqīqaẗ, ↗ĭstaḥaqqa, ↗ḥuqq, ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ, ↗²ḥuqqaẗ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤQ: (ḤQQ). 
ĭstaḥaqq‑ / ĭstaḥqaq‑ اِسْتَحَقَّ / اِسْتَحْقَقْـ , (ĭstiḥqāq
ID – • Sw – • BP 1459 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
vb., X 
1a to be entitled, have a claim (to; b to deserve, merit (, be worthy (of); 2a to claim (, lay claim (to); b to require, demand, necessitate, make requisite (; 3a to fall due, become payable (sum of money), mature, become due (note); b to be due (li‑ s.o.) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ *Št-stem, desid., built on ↗ḥaqq in the sense of ‘right, one is entitled to, one’s due, claim’.
▪ For further etymology, see ↗ḥaqq.
▪ … 
▪ … 
▪ ↗ḥaqq.
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
yastaḥiqqu ’l-ḏikrᵃ, expr., worth mentioning, noteworthy
lā yastaḥiqqu ʕalay-hi ’l-rasmᵘ, expr., not subject to a fee, free of charge.

BP#2937ĭstiḥqāq, n., 1 worthiness, deservingness, merit; 2 one’s due or desert; 3 maturity, payability, falling due (of a sum of money); 4 re-claiming or calling in of due, demand of a right; 5 vindication (Isl. Law), replevin, detinue: vn. X. | ʕan ~, adv., deservedly, justly, by rights; bi-dūn ~, adv., undeservedly; tārīḫ al‑~, n., date of maturity (e.g., of a bond); al‑~ al-lubnānī, n., name of a Lebanese order.
mustaḥiqq, adj., 1 entitled; 2 claiming; 3 beneficiary (of a wakf); 4 deserving, worthy: PA X. | ~ al-dafʕ, n., due, payable (sum).

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaqq, ↗ḥaqīqaẗ, ↗ḥaqqaqa, ↗ḥuqq, ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ, ↗²ḥuqqaẗ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤQ: (ḤQQ). 
ḥuqq حُقّ 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
1 hollow, cavity; 2 socket of a joint (anat.); 3 ↗²ḥuqqaẗ – WehrCowan1976.
▪ While [v3] is a var. of ʔuqqaẗ (prob. borrowed from Grk), [v1] and [v2] seem to belong to the complex of *‘digging, cutting into, engraving’ treated in DRS as #ḤQQ-1 (though not mentioned there).
▪ It is not clear which of the two values was first, [v1] or [v2], as ‘hollow, cavity’ could be a generalizing expansion of ‘socket of a joint’ or the latter a specialised use of the former.
▪ In any case, the notion of *‘hollow, cavity’ lies at the basis of some derived values, such as ‘small box, container, receptable’ (↗¹ḥuqqaẗ) or the obsol. ʻupper part of the arm’ (ḥuqq), cf. [v7] in root entry ↗√ḤQ: (ḤQQ). Furthermore, this basic notion may be the etymon of the larger complex of *ʻsuitableness, correctness, accuracy, perfection, exactitude’, developed from it along the line *ʻhollow, cavity > to fit neatly\exactly into a hole\cavity, like a bone fits into the socket of a joint > to fit neatly, be suitable’. On this, many other values within the root ḤQː (ḤQQ) are dependent, or prob. dependent, such as the whole complex of ‘right, correct; fact(s), reality’ (↗ḥaqq) and ‘truth’ (↗ḥaqīqaẗ), but also obsol. items such as ʻspider’s web’ (< *ʻaccurately\perfectly woven’), ʻto strike s.o. on the back of the neck’ (perh. < *‘to hit s.o. properly, exactly where intended’, or ʻ… right in the middle of…’), ʻmature, three years-old camel’ (< *ʻsuitable, having reached the right stage’), ʻcalamity, resurrection’ (Qur’ānic value, < *ʻdecisive moment, inevitable hour’), or ʻto be tightened (knot); to be slender (horse)’ (prob. < *ʻcorrect, right, as it should be’) – see root entry ↗√ ḤQː (ḤQQ).
▪ …
▪ … 
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤQQ-1 Hbr ḥāqaq ‘creuser, tailler (une tombe dans un rocher), graver sur une tablette’, Phoen ḥq ‘graver’, mḥq ‘graveur’; JP ḥᵃqaq ‘tailler, creuser’. – 2-3 […]. -4 Ar ḥuqqaẗ ‘petite boîte’, Mhr ḥəḳḳāt, Ḥrs ḥəḳét, Jib ḥéḳɛ́t ‘boîte (en fer blanc, bois); récipient’. -5-7 […]. -8 ḥuqq ‘haut du bras, haut de la hanche’.
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
▪ Engl hookah ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ
ḥuqqaẗ, pl. ḥuqaq, ḥiqāq, ʔaḥqāq, n.f., 1 small box, case, pot or jar; 2 receptacle, container; 3ḥuqqaẗ (= ↗ʔuqqaẗ).

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaqq, ↗ḥaqīqaẗ, ↗ḥaqqaqa, ↗ĭstaḥaqqa, ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ, ↗²ḥuqqaẗ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤQ: (ḤQQ). 
¹ḥuqqaẗ حُقّة , pl. ḥuqaq, ḥiqāq, ʔaḥqāq 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
1 small box, case, pot or jar; 2 receptacle, container. – 3 ↗²ḥuqqaẗ – WehrCowan1976.
▪ From ↗ḥuqq ‘hollow, cavity; socket of a joint (anat.)’, the basic idea being [v2] ‘receptable, container’ (*‘hollow\cavity that can take, or into which can be put, fitting neatly’).
ḥuqqaẗ is the Ar etymon of Engl hooka(h), see below, section WEST.
▪ …
▪ … 
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤQQ-1 Hbr ḥāqaq ‘creuser, tailler (une tombe dans un rocher), graver sur une tablette’, Phoen ḥq ‘graver’, mḥq ‘graveur’; JP ḥᵃqaq ‘tailler, creuser’. 2-3 […]. -4 Ar ḥuqqaẗ ‘petite boîte’, Mhr ḥəḳḳāt, Ḥrs ḥəḳét, Jib ḥéḳɛ́t ‘boîte (en fer blanc, bois); récipient’. -5-7 […]. -8 ḥuqq ‘haut du bras, haut de la hanche’.
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
▪ Engl hookah, also hooka, 1763, via Hindi or Persian or directly from Ar ḥuqqaẗ ‘small box, pot, jar, vessel’ (through which the smoke is drawn), related to ḥuqq ‘a hollow place’. Extended in Urdu to the whole apparatus – EtymOnline, as of 6Jan2021. – For Huehnergard2011, ḥuqqaẗ is from ḥaqqa ‘to be true, suitable, fitting’. 
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaqq, ↗ḥaqīqaẗ, ↗ḥaqqaqa, ↗ĭstaḥaqqa, ↗ḥuqq, ↗²ḥuqqaẗ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤQ: (ḤQQ). 
²ḥuqqaẗ حُقّة (LevAr), pl. ‑āt, ḥuqaq 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
a weight (Syr., Pal.) = ʔuqqaẗ – WehrCowan1976.
▪ Seems to be a variant of ↗ʔuqqaẗ, which, accord. to Rolland2014, is from Grk ὄγκος ógkos ʻmass, weight’.
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ ↗ʔuqqaẗ.
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ … 
ḥuqqaẗ ĭstanbūliyyaẗ , n.f., = 1.280 kg (Ir.).

▪ For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥaqq, ↗ḥaqīqaẗ, ↗ḥaqqaqa, ↗ĭstaḥaqqa, ↗ḥuqq, ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤQ: (ḤQQ). 
taḥqīq تَحْقيق 
Sw – • NahḍConBP 302 • APD … • © SG | created 31May2023
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
▪ vn., II 
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