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ḥaqq حَقّ 
ID 220 • Sw – • BP 84 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤQː (ḤQQ) 
I n., 1a truth; b (al-ḥaqq) attribute of God; 2 correctness, rightness; 3a rightful possession, property; b one’s due; 4 duty; 5 proper manner; 6 (pl. ḥuqūq) right, title, claim, legal claim ( to); 7 al-ḥuqūq, n. pl., law, jurisprudence, legal science; II adj., 1a true, authentic, real; b right, fair and reasonable; c correct, sound, valid – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Accord. to Huehnergard2011, ḥaqq and related items go back to what can be reconstructed as protWSem *ḤQQ ‘to cut into, level, make correct, decree’, in which ʻright, rule, obligation, duty’ (DRS #ḤQQ-2) may be secondary, derived from a primary ʻto dig, carve, engrave, cut into’ (DRS #ḤQQ-1), as cut in stone or engraved on a tablet was taken to be binding, a decree, or law, hence also due to s.o., a right, or incumbent on s.o., an obligation, duty. The notion of ʻdigging, encarving, cutting into’ is not attested in Ar, however. Inner-Ar evidence alone would suggest a dependence of ʻright, obligation, duty’ on a basic ʻhollow, cavity’, along the line *ʻhollow, cavity > to fit into the hole\cavity like a bone fits into the socket of a joint (↗ḥuqq) > to fit, be suitable > to be correct, right, true’, so that ʻright, rule, obligation, duty’ would not be an original *ʻcut in stone, engraved on a tablet’ but rather *ʻfitting neatly\exactly\precisely, being suitable’.
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DRS 9 (2010) #ḤQQ-1 Hbr ḥāqaq ‘creuser, tailler (une tombe dans un rocher), graver sur une tablette’, Phoen ḥq ‘graver’, mḥq ‘graveur’; JP ḥᵃqaq ‘tailler, creuser’. – ? 2 Hbr ḥāqaq, YaAram *ḥq ‘établir, régler, déterminer’, Hbr ḥōq ‘chose fixée, borne, but; coutume, droit’, Syr ḥuqqā ‘ligne, règle’, Ar ḥiqq, ḥaqq ‘droit, vérité, devoir’, ḥaqqa ‘être sûr’, YemAr ḥagg ‘appartenant à, de’; Sab ḥqq ‘valide, qui a force de loi’, Soq ḥaq ‘jugement’, Mhr ḥəḳ ‘ajuster, égaliser, limer’, Mhr Jib ḥaḳ ‘droit (n.)’, Ḥrs ḥəḳ ‘droit, vérité’, Mhr ḥəḳáyḳ, Jib ḥáḳíḳ ‘qui rétribue justement’; – Jib aḥḳéḳ ‘interroger’, Mhr šəḥḳáwḳ ‘être certain’, Jib s̃ḥɛḳéḳ ‘mériter’; Gz ḥaqqaqa ‘égaliser, lier, fixer’, Tña ḥaqqi ‘vérité, certitude’, Amh ḥəgg ‘loi religieuse, mariage, virginité’. -3-5 […]. -6 ḥuqq ‘toile d’araignée’, ḥaqqaqa ‘tisser solidement’. -7 ḥaqq: point précis à l’arrière de la tête, ḥaqqa: frapper à la tête en ce point. -8 […].
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▪ The notion of *ʻsuitableness, correctness, accuracy, perfection, exactitude’ may be the etymological background of several values that have become obsolete in MSA, such as ʻspider’s web’ (DRS #ḤQQ-6, perh. orig. *ʻaccurately\perfectly woven’), ʻto strike s.o. on the back of the neck’ (DRS #ḤQQ-7, perh. orig. *‘to hit s.o. properly, exactly where intended’, or ʻ… right in the middle of…’); ʻmature, three years-old camel’ (< *ʻsuitable, having reached the right stage’), ʻcalamity, resurrection’ (Qur’ānic value, < *ʻdecisive moment, inevitable hour’), or ʻto be tightened (knot); to be slender (horse)’: prob. *ʻcorrect, right, as it should be’, thus essentially = [v1]. – For more details, see root entry ↗√ḤQː (ḤQQ).
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ḥaqqan, adv., 1 really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth; 2 justly, rightly, by rights; ʔa-ḥaqqan ḏalika?, expr., is that (really) so? really?;
bi ḥaqqin, adv., justly, rightly, by rights;
bi’l ḥaqqⁱ, adv., 1 truly, in reality, actually; 2 properly, appropriately, in a suitable manner;
bi ḥaqqⁱ … and fī ḥaqqⁱ …, prep., as to …, as for …, with respect to, concerning, regarding;
huwa ʕalà ḥaqqin, expr., he is in the right;
al ḥaqqᵘ maʕa-ki, expr., you are right;
al ḥaqqᵘ ʕalay-ki, expr., you are wrong;
huwa ḥaqqun ʕalay-ki, expr., it is your duty;
hāḏā ḥaqq-ī ʕalay-kum, expr., you owe this to me;
ʕirfānan li ḥaqqi-hā ʕalay-h, expr., in recognition of what he owed her;
min ḥaqqi-h, expr., he is entitled to it, it is his due;
ḥaqqu-hū ʔan he should have…, he ought to have…;
la-hū ’l ḥaqqᵘ fī, expr., he is entitled to …;
wa’l ḥaqqᵘ yuqālᵘ, expr., one may say, it must be admitted, it’s only fair to say, say what you will…, …though (as a parenthetical phrase);
ʕarafa ḥaqqᵃ ’l-maʕrifaẗ, vb. I, to know exactly, know for certain, know very well, also ʕalima ḥaqqᵃ ’l-ʕilm; fahima ḥaqqᵃ ’l-fahm, vb., to understand precisely, comprehend thoroughly, be fully aware;
al-saʕādaẗ al-ḥaqqaẗ, n.f., true happiness;
kulliyyaẗ al-ḥuqūq, n.f., law school, faculty of law.

BP#2728ḥaqqa, i, u, 1 to be true, turn out to be true, be confirmed; 2 to be right, correct; 3 (also pass. ḥuqqa) to be necessary, obligatory, requisite, imperative (ʕalà for s.o.), be incumbent (ʕalà upon s.o.); 4 to be adequate, suitable, fitting, appropriate (ʕalà for s.o.); 5 to be due (li‑ s.o.); 6 ~ la-hū, expr., he is entitled to it, he has a right to it; 7 ~ ʕalay-hi, expr., he deserved it (punishment); – 8 ḥaqqa, u, to ascertain (, make sure, be sure (of; 9 to recognize, identify (s.o.): denom.?
BP#707ḥaqqaqa, vb. II, 1a to make come true; b to realize (, e.g., a hope), carry out (e.g., a wish), carry into effect, fulfill, put into action, consummate, effect, actualize (; c to implement (e.g., an agreement); d to produce, bring on, yield (results); 2a to determine, ascertain, find out, pinpoint, identify (; b to prove to be true, verify, establish, substantiate (; c to confirm, assert, aver, avouch, affirm (; 3a to be exact, painstaking, meticulous, careful (in doing, e.g., ~ al-naẓara, vb., to look closely; b to study, examine, investigate, explore (, look, inquire (into; c to verify, check ( or fī‑; d to investigate (; police); e to make an official inquiry (into, institute an investigation (of or into; court; jur.); f to interrogate (s.o.), conduct a hearing (maʕ of s.o.; jur.): D-stem, see s.v..
ḥāqqaqa, var. ḥāqqa, vb. III, to contend for a right (with s.o.), contest or litigate a right (against s.o.): L-stem, assoc.
ʔaḥaqqa, vb. IV, 1 to tell the truth; 2 to be right ( in; 3 to enforce (, e.g., a legal claim): *Š-stem, denom., 1-2 appell., 3 caus. (*ʻto make come true’).
BP#1313taḥaqqaqa, vb. V, 1 to prove true, turn out to be true, be confirmed, prove to be correct; 2a to materialize, become a fact; b to be realized, be effected, come into effect; 3 to be examined, be explored; 4a to ascertain (, also min), make sure, reassure o.s., gain proof, convince o.s., be convinced, be sure, be certain (of; b to check, verify (or m in; 5 to be serious (bi‑ about Dt-stem, self-ref.
BP#1459ĭstaḥaqqa, vb. X, 1a to be entitled, have a claim (to; b to deserve, merit (, be worthy (of); 2a to claim (, lay claim (to); b to require, demand, necessitate, make requisite (; 3a to fall due, become payable (sum of money), mature, become due (note); b to be due (li‑ s.o.): *Št-stem, desid. | yastaḥiqqu ’l-ḏikrᵃ, expr., worth mentioning, noteworthy; lā yastaḥiqqu ʕalay-hi ’l-rasmᵘ, expr., not subject to a fee, free of charge.
ʔaḥaqqᵘ, adj., 1 worthier, more deserving (bi‑ of; 2 more entitled (bi‑ to elat.
ḥaqīq, pl. ʔaḥiqqāʔᵘ, adj., 1 worthy, deserving (bi‑ of, fit, competent, qualified; 2 entitled (bi‑ to): ints. formation.
BP#322ḥaqīqaẗ, pl. ḥaqāʔiqᵘ, n.f., 1 truth, reality (also philos..); 2 fact; 3a the true state of affairs, the facts; b true nature, essence; c real meaning, true sense: f. of ḥaqīq, used as abstr. | ḥaqīqatan, adv., really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth; raʔaytu-hū ʕalà ~-hī, expr., I saw its true nature, as it really is; fī ~ al-ʔamr, adv., in reality, really, actually; laysa la-hū ~, expr., it does not really exist, it is not real.
BP#537ḥaqīqī, adj., 1 real, true; 2 actual; 3a proper, intrinsic, essential; b genuine; c authentic; 4 positive: nisba formation, from ḥaqīqaẗ.
ḥuqūqī, 1 adj., juristic(al); 2 n., (pl. ‑ūn) jurist, jurisprudent, lawyer: nisba formation, from ḥuqūq, pl. of ḥaqq (I.2c,d)
ʔaḥaqqiyyaẗ, n.f., legal claim, title, right: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ, from ʔaḥaqqᵘ *ʻmore entitled, more deserving’, elat. of ḥaqqᵘ.
ḥaqqānī, adj., correct, right, proper, sound, valid, legitimate, legal: adj. formation in ‑ānī, from ḥaqq in the sense of ʻentitlement, legal right’ (I.2c,d).
ḥaqqāniyyaẗ, n.f., justice, law: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ, f. of ḥaqqānī. | wizāraẗ al‑~, n.f., Ministry of Justice (formerly Eg.).
BP#302taḥqīq, n., 1a realization, actualization, effectuation, implementation; b fulfillment (of a claim, of a wish, etc.); c achievement, accomplishment, execution; 2a ascertainment, determination, identification, verification; b substantiation; c assertion, affirmation, confirmation; 3a pinpointing, precise determination; b exactness, accurateness, precision; c (= ~ al-nuṭq) precise pronunciation; – d (pl. ‑āt) verification, check, checkup, investigation; e official or judicial inquiry, inquest: vn. II. | al‑~ ʔanna, expr., it is a matter of fact that …, it is certain that …; ʕalà al‑~, expr., 1 properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; 2 exactly, precisely; 3 positively, definitely; ʕinda al‑~, adv., properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; ~ al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n., identification (of a person), proof of identity; šahādaẗ ~ al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n.f., identity card; qalam ~ al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n., bureau of identification; ~ al-ḏātiyyaẗ, n., identification; qāḍī al‑~, n., examining magistrate; ~ al-ʔarbāḥ, n., realization of profits (stock market).
ʔiḥqāq: ʔiḥqāqan lil-ḥaqq, expr., (so) that truth may prevail.
BP#4704taḥaqquq, n., 1a ascertainment, making sure; b verification, check, checkup; 2 conviction, certainty, certitude: vn. V.
BP#2937ĭstiḥqāq, n., 1 worthiness, deservingness, merit; 2 one’s due or desert; 3 maturity, payability, falling due (of a sum of money); 4 re-claiming or calling in of due, demand of a right; 5 vindication (Isl. Law), replevin, detinue: vn. X. | ʕan ~, adv., deservedly, justly, by rights; bi-dūn ~, adv., undeservedly; tārīḫ al‑~, n., date of maturity (e.g., of a bond); al‑~ al-lubnānī, n., name of a Lebanese order.
maḥqūq, adj., 1 worthy, deserving (bi‑, li‑ of), fit, competent, qualifying (bi‑, li‑ for); 2 wrong, at fault, on the wrong track: PP I.
BP#3073muḥaqqiq, pl. ‑ūn, n., 1a investigator; b inquirer; c examining magistrate: PA II.
muḥaqqaq, adj., 1a sure, certain, beyond doubt, unquestionable, indubitable; b assured, established, accepted, recognized: PP II. | min al‑~ ʔanna, expr., it is certain that…, it is a fact that….
muḥiqq, adj., telling the truth, in the right, being right: PA IV.
mutaḥaqqiq, adj., convinced, sure, certain, positive: PA V.
mustaḥiqq, adj., 1 entitled; 2 claiming; 3 beneficiary (of a wakf); 4 deserving, worthy: PA X. | ~ al-dafʕ, n., due, payable (sum).

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥuqq, ↗¹ḥuqqaẗ, ↗²ḥuqqaẗ, and, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤQ: (ḤQQ). 
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