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ḥall‑ / ḥalil‑ حلَّ / حَلِلْـ , i (ḥill
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḤLː (ḤLL) 
vb., I 
to be allowed, permitted, permissible, lawful; to be due, payable (debt) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ … 
▪ eC7 ḥalla i (to be(come) religiously lawful, permissible, allowable) Q 4:19 yā ʔayyuhā ’llaḏīna ʔāmanū lā yaḥillu lakum ʔan tariṯū ’l-nisāʔa karhan ‘you who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit women against their will’. – ḥalāl: Q 16:116 wa-lā taqūlū li-mā taṣifu ʔalsinatu-kumu ’l-kaḏiba hāḏā ḥalālun wa-hāḏā ḥarāmun li-taftarū ʕalà ’ḷḷāhi ’l-kaḏiba ‘do not describe the falsehood your tongues utter, [saying], “This is lawful and that is forbidden”, inventing a lie about God’. – ḥalīl(aẗ) (lawful wife or husband) Q 4:23 wa-ḥalāʔilu ʔabnāʔi-kumu ’llaḏīna min ʔaṣlābi-kum ‘and the wives of your begotten sons who are of your loins’. – maḥill (place and/or time where becomes lawful, permissible, the correct place/time) Q 22:33 ṯumma maḥillu-hā ʔilà ’l-bayti ’l-ʕatīqi ‘then their correct place of sacrifice is near the ancient House’. – ḥalla u (to become free of religious obligations of the pilgrimage) Q 5:2 wa-ʔiḏā ḥalaltum fa-'ṣṭādū ‘but when you have quitted [the state of] the pilgrimage sanctity, you may hunt’. 
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLL-1: Akk ell ‘pur’, elēlu ‘être pur, libre’, mullil officiant du culte, ‘purificateur’, Ug ḥll ‘être désacralisé’, mḥll ‘officiant (?)’, Can ḥol, ḥālāl ‘profane, non sacré’, ḥillel ‘rendre profane, profaner; détacher, ouvrir, donner accès à; jeter bas, détruire’, Aram ḥallel ‘tenir pour permis, purifier’, Ar ḥalla ‘être permis, licite; être obligatoire’, ḥill, ḥalāl ‘chose permise, licite’; – ḥalla ‘dénouer, déplier, résoudre’, dial. ḥall ‘ouvrir’; Sab ḥll ‘être à la merci de, être sans protection contre’, Qat ḥll ‘annuler, mettre fin, perdre’, ḥtll ‘trouver du secours, être secouru’, mḥllt (pl.) ‘vannes d’écluse’; ? Sab mḥlt : paiement d’une taxe; Mhr ḥlūl ‘déclarer licite’, Jib aḥlél ‘rendre licite, pardonner’, Mhr ḥáttəl ‘être résolu; être purgé’, Jib ḥɔ́ttəl ‘disparaître’, Mhr ḥəláwl, Jib ḥálúl ‘purge’; – ? Mhr šəḥlūl, Jib s̃ḥɛlél ‘prendre le repas du soir en mois de ramadan’; Tña ḥalal ‘brave homme; profitable, avantageux; légitime (épouse, enfant)’, Amh halal ‘licite (pour les Musulmans)’.
▪ As is clear from the cognates given in DRS, the value ‘to be allowed, permissible’, etc., is assumed to be akin to that of ‘to untie, release, open, set free; to be pure, free (from a debt)’, treated under ↗ḥalla (ḥall); for the whole picture, cf. ↗ḤLː (ḤLL). To the same complex belongs, with all probability, also the idea of ‘to stop, rest, settle down; place’ (from *‘to untie the saddle, unload, alight’), cf. ↗ḥalla (ḥulūl). In this spirit, Zammit2002 puts together Akk elēlu ‘to be(come) pure; to be free [from a debt]’, Ug ḥl(l) ‘to free, releave (from a ban)’, Hbr ḥālal (Hif.) ‘to begin’ (lit. ‘untie, loosen, open’), Aram ḥᵃlal ‘to wash, rinse [i.e., to “dissolve” in water?]; to degrade, profane [i.e., make permissible against religious norms]’, Syr ḥalel ‘to purify’, Ar ḥalla ‘to untie (a knot); to be lawful; to alight, settle in a place’, SAr ḥll ‘to encamp; to be unprotected (against)’, Gz ḥalala ‘to be gathered, come in’.
▪ Accord. to DRS (quoting Palache), Ar ḥalla ‘to be allowed, permitted, permissible, lawful’ belongs together with Ar ↗ḥalla (ḥall) ‘to untie, release, set free; to exonerate, exculpate, absolve (from sins) [i.e., releave from a debt, a duty, a load]’ and the notions of ‘purity, purification’ (as in Akk) and ‘profanity, desacralisation’ (as in Ug and Hbr). It is difficult to say what was first—‘to be pure, free (from debt)’ or ‘to untie, release’. Huehnergard2011 gives ‘to be(come) clean, pure, holy’ as the basic value of Sem *ḤLL, while Palache (accord. to DRS) regards ‘to untie, release’. Whatever may be the case, the notion of ‘to be allowed, permissible’ seems to depend on either of the two; a derivation from ‘to untie, release’, though, is looks more natural than from ‘to be pure, free (from debts)’.
▪ For the wider context, to which also belongs the notion of ‘to stop, rest, settle down; place’ as well as ‘windpipe, milking canal, opening of the urethrea, etc.’, cf. ↗ḤLː (ḤLL), ↗ḥalla (ḥulūl), ↗ʔiḥlīl.
▪ It may seem a bit paradoxical that the meaning ‘to be due, payable’ (i.e., an obligation) goes together with the idea of ‘to be allowed’ (i.e., a permission, or a freedom). According to Lane (ii 1865), ClassAr lexicographers explain it as ‘the debt’s appointed term, or period, ended, so that the payment of it became due’. 
▪ Engl halal : from Ar ḥalāl, from ḥalla (ḥill) ‘to be allowed, permissable’.
ḥallala, vb. II, to make permissible or lawful, legitimate, sanction, justify, warrant; to declare permissible or lawful, allow, permit: caus. of I. (or denom. from ḥalāl ?). – For other values, see ↗ḥalla (ḥall, ḥill).
ʔaḥalla, vb. IV, to declare ( lawful, legally permissible, permit, allow: caus. of I. – For other values see ↗ḥalla (ḥall, ḥill) and ↗ḥalla (ḥulūl).
ĭstaḥalla, vb. X, to regard as permissible or lawful, think that one may do; to regard as fair game, as easy prey, seize unlawfully, misappropriate, usurp: autobenef.

ḥill: kāna fī kulli ~in min (ʕan), vb., he was free to…, he was at liberty to…; he had free disposal of…; ʔanta fī kulli ~in min, you’re free to…, you may readily…: vn. I.
BP#2397ḥalāl, n., that which is allowed, permitted or permissible; allowed, permitted, permissible, allowable, admissible, lawful, legal, licit, legitimate; lawful possession:… | ibn ~, n., legitimate son; respectable man, decent fellow.
ḥalīl, pl. ʔaḥillāʔᵘ, n., husband: quasi-PP I (lit., ‘legitimate’ one, lawful partner).
ḥalīlaẗ, pl. ḥalāʔilᵘ, n., wife: f. of the preceding.
maḥill, n., due date; date of delivery: n.loc.
munḥall, permitted, allowed: PA VII. – For other values see ↗ḥalla (ḥall, ḥill). 
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