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ḤLM حلم 
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▪ ḤLM_1 ‘dream, to dream’ ↗ḥulm
▪ ḤLM_2 ‘to have wet dreams, nightly pollutions’ ↗ĭḥtalama
▪ ḤLM_3 ‘sexual maturity, puberty, to attain puberty’ ↗ḥulum
▪ ḤLM_4 ‘gentleness, clemency, patience’ ↗ḥilm
▪ ḤLM_5 ‘tick; mite; nipple, mammilla’ ↗ḥalam
▪ ḤLM_6 ‘haloomi (a kind of cheese)’ ↗ḥalūm

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘dream, to dream, to have wet dreams, to attain puberty; to gain wisdom, to be patient, clemency; a sensible person; nipple, a young goat’ 
▪ With the exception of [v6] ‘haloomi cheese’, all other values may be related – though [v5] ‘tick; mite; nipple, mammilla’ remains slightly difficult to connect. For the remaining items, however, one could imagine a development along the line *[v1] ‘dream, to dream’ > [v2] ‘to have wet dreams, nightly pollutions’ > [v3] ‘sexual maturity, puberty, to attain puberty’ > [v4] 4 ‘gentleness, clemency, patience’.
▪ [v1] Kogan2015, 82 #21 reconstructs protWSem *ḥlm ‘to dream’ (SED I #25ᵥ).
▪ [v3] Kogan2015, 190 #25 reconstructs protCSem *ḥlm ‘to be mature, fat, vigorous.’
▪ …
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM–1 Hbr ḥālam, Aram ḥᵃlam, Syr ḥᵊlmā, Ar ḥalama, Soq ḥlm, Mhr Ḥrs ḥáyləm, Jib ḥélm, Gz Te ḥalma, Tña ḥalama, Amh allämä ‘rêver’; Ug ḥlm, Phn ḥlm, Hbr ḥalōm, oEmpAram ḥlm, JP Syr ḥelmā, Sab ḥlm, Mhr ḥāləm, ḥām, Ḥrs ḥāləm, Jib ḥum ‘rêve’; Gz ḥəlm, Amh ʔəlm ‘songe’; Sab ḥlmt ‘prophétesse, voyante’; Ar ĭḥtalama, Te täḥallämä, Mhr əḥtəlūm, Jib aḥtélím ‘avoir une pollution nocture’, Sab mḥtlm ‘qui a eu une pollution nocture’. –2 Ug ḥlm, Hbr *ḥālam ‘être fort (jeune animal)’, hęḥᵊlīm ‘rendre bien portant’, Syr ḥᵉlīmā ‘sain, en bonne santé’, Ar ĭḥtalama ‘arriver à l’âge de puberté’, ḥalīm ‘gras (animal)’; ? Mhr ḥəlūm ‘enfler (blessure)’; – Ar ḥaluma ‘être doux, indulgent, intelligent’, ḥilm ‘indulgence, tranquillité. –3 Ar ḥalima ‘avoir la peau infestée de parasites’, ḥalamaẗ ‘tique’. –4 Syr ḥᵃlametā, Ar ḥalamaẗ, Soq ḥálmeh ‘bout du sein’. – [5.-7. not relevant for Ar]. –8 Ar ḥālūm : sorte de fromage blanc. –9 Ar ḥullām ‘agneau, chevreau’.
▪ Badawi/AbdelHaleem2008 groups: 1 dream, to dream, to have wet dreams, to attain puberty; 2 to gain wisdom, be patient, clemency; 3 a sensible person; 4 nipple, a young goat.
▪ [v1] Kogan2015: 82 #21: Ug ḥlm, Hbr ḥlm, Syr ḥlam, Ar ḥlm, Sab ḥlm, Gz ḥalama, Mhr ḥáyləm, Jib ḥélm, Soq ḥᵃḷem ‘to dream’.
▪ [v3] Kogan2015, 190 #25: (Ug ḥlm ‘mature animal’1 ), Hbr ḥlm ‘to be healthy, strong’2 , Syr ḥallimā ‘sanus, integer, validus’, Ar ḥlm ‘to become fat’, ḥalīm ‘fat’.
▪ ...
▪ [v1] Kogan2015, 82 #21: There is no trace of *ḥlm ‘to dream’ in Akk, where the nominal concept *‘dream’ is expressed by šuttu, a secondary formation from protSem *šin‑at‑ ‘sleep’. (Conversely, such a usage is totally alien to WSem, where *šin‑at‑ and *wšn are strictly reserved for the concept *‘(to) sleep’.)
▪ [v2]: DRS 9 (2010) regards ḤLM_2 ‘to have wet dreams, nightly pollutions’ (↗ĭḥtalama) as a specialisation of ‘dream, to dream’. So also Badawi/AbdelHaleem2008, who, following Lane and some ClassAr lexicographers, also interprets ‘sexual maturity, puberty’ (ḤLM_3 ↗ḥulum) as the age that starts with having nightly pollutions. Semantically, one could even think of the idea of ‘insight, wisdom’ etc. (↗ḥilm) as being dependent on having reached ‘maturity’. Etymologically, however, this is not necessarily true.
▪ [v3]: ḤLM_3 ‘sexual maturity, puberty’ may be based on ḤLM_2 ‘to have nightly pollutions’ and thus, ultimately, perhaps on ḤLM_1 ‘dream, to dream’. Another etymology connects it to the idea of ‘strength, healthiness’ as attached to the root in Hbr and Aram.
▪ [v4]: ḤLM_4 ‘gentleness, clemency, patience’ is seen by DRS as a function of having reached ‘sexual maturity’ and, thus, akin to the ‘strength, healthiness’ of Hbr and Aram. In contrast, Zammit2002 regards Hbr ḥāmal ‘to spare, have compassion’ as a cognate (Ar showing metathesis). Should this be right, then ḤLM_4 would ultimately be akin to ↗ḥamala ‘to bear’.
▪ [v5]: DRS lists ‘tick, mite’ and ‘nipple, mammilla’ as distinct items but adds that the latter may be derived from the former. Badawi/AbdelHaleem2008 connect also the value ‘young goat’ (obsolete) to ‘nipple’, while DRS makes it an item in its own right.
▪ [v6]: ‘haloomi cheese’ is likely not to be connected to any of the above values. Youssef2003 suggested a Copt < Eg etymology, see s.v.
▪ ...
ĭḥtalam‑ اِحْتَلَمَ , ‑ḥtalim‑ (ĭḥtilām
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vb., VIII 
to attain puberty – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Prob. developed from a basic *‘to dream’ along the line *‘dream, to dream’ (↗ḥulm) > ‘to have wet dreams, nightly pollutions’ > ‘sexual maturity, puberty, to attain puberty’ (↗ḥulum).
▪ Kogan2015 reconstructs protWSem *ḥlm ‘to dream’ (SED I #25ᵥ) (82 #21) and protCSem *ḥlm ‘to be mature, fat, vigorous’ (190 #25).
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▪ Usually seen as a from VIII vb. derived from ↗ḥulum ‘puberty’ and/or ↗ḥulm ‘dream’. For the common view is that ‘puberty’ is the age where men start to have ‘wet dreams, nightly pollutions’. Cf. however a different view in DRS:
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM–1 Hbr ḥālam, Aram ḥᵃlam, Syr ḥᵊlmā, Ar ḥalama, Soq ḥlm, Mhr Ḥrs ḥáyləm, Jib ḥélm, Gz Te ḥalma, Tña ḥalama, Amh allämä ‘rêver’; Ug ḥlm, Phn ḥlm, Hbr ḥalōm, oEmpAram ḥlm, JP Syr ḥelmā, Sab ḥlm, Mhr ḥāləm, ḥām, Ḥrs ḥāləm, Jib ḥum ‘rêve’; Gz ḥəlm, Amh ʔəlm ‘songe’; Sab ḥlmt ‘prophétesse, voyante’; Ar ĭḥtalama, Te täḥallämä, Mhr əḥtəlūm, Jib aḥtélím ‘avoir une pollution nocture’, Sab mḥtlm ‘qui a eu une pollution nocture’. – ▪ DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM–2 Ug ḥlm, Hbr *ḥālam ‘être fort (jeune animal)’, hęḥᵊlīm ‘rendre bien portant’, Syr ḥᵉlīmā ‘sain, en bonne santé’, Ar ĭḥtalama ‘arriver à l’âge de puberté’, ḥalīm ‘gras (animal)’; ? Mhr ḥəlūm ‘enfler (blessure)’; – Ar ḥaluma ‘être doux, indulgent, intelligent’, ḥilm ‘indulgence, tranquillité’. 
▪ The reason why ĭḥtalama has an entry in its own right in EtymArab is the fact that DRS attaches to the vb. two values that not necessarily are connected: ‘to have nightly pollutions’ (now obsolete) and ‘to attain sexual maturity, reach the age of puberty’. While ‘nightly pollutions’, accord. to DRS, is ‘to have wet dreams’ and, thus, a specialisation of ‘to dream’ (↗ḥulm), ‘sexual maturity, puberty’ is seen to be cognate to Hbr and Aram words designating physical ‘strength, healthiness’ and the ability to bear loads. On reaching maturity and the ability to ‘bear’ is based, accord. to DRS, also the notion of ‘mildness, indulgence, patience; understanding, intelligence, reason’ (↗ḥilm). 
ḥulum, n., sexual maturity, puberty: not a derivative but rather the basis on which the vb. VIII is dependent; but cf. DISC above.

muḥtalim, adj., sexually mature, pubescent, marriageable: PA VIII. 
ḥulm حُلْم , pl. ʔaḥlām 
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daydream, dream; pl. irreality, utopia – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: from protWSem *ḥlm ‘to dream’.
▪ … 
▪ eC7 Q 12:44 mā naḥnu bi-taʔwīli ’l-ʔaḥlāmi bi-ʕālimīn ‘we are not knowledgeable in the interpretation of dreams’ 
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM–1 Hbr ḥālam, Aram ḥᵃlam, Syr ḥᵊlmā, Ar ḥalama, Soq ḥlm, Mhr Ḥrs ḥáyləm, Jib ḥélm, Gz Te ḥalma, Tña ḥalama, Amh allämä ‘rêver’; Ug ḥlm, Phn ḥlm, Hbr ḥalōm, oEmpAram ḥlm, JP Syr ḥelmā, Sab ḥlm, Mhr ḥāləm, ḥām, Ḥrs ḥāləm, Jib ḥum ‘rêve’; Gz ḥəlm, Amh ʔəlm ‘songe’; Sab ḥlmt ‘prophétesse, voyante’; Ar ĭḥtalama, Te täḥallämä, Mhr əḥtəlūm, Jib aḥtélím ‘avoir une pollution nocture’, Sab mḥtlm ‘qui a eu une pollution nocture’.
▪ [v2]: DRS 9 (2010) regards ‘to have wet dreams, nightly pollutions’ (↗ĭḥtalama) as a specialisation of ‘dream, to dream’. So also Badawi/AbdelHaleem2008, who, following Lane and some ClassAr lexicographers, also interpret ‘sexual maturity, puberty’ (↗ḥulum) as the age that starts with having nightly pollutions. Semantically, one could even think of the idea of ‘insight, wisdom’ etc. (↗ḥilm) as being dependent on having reached ‘maturity’. Etymologically, however, this is not necessarily true.
ḥulm al-yaqẓaẗ, n., daydream.

BP#1895ḥalama, u, vb. I, 1a to dream (bi‑ or ʕan of; fī ʔan of being, becoming, doing, etc., in the future); b to muse, reflect, meditate (bi‑ on denom.?; 2 to attain puberty: perhaps from, or belonging to, ↗ḥulum rather than to ḥulm.
ḥulmī, adj., dream (in compounds), of or pertaining to dreams: nsb-adj.
ḥālim, adj., dreamy, dreamlike; (pl. ‑ūn) dreamer.

For ‘sexual maturity, puberty’ see ↗ḥulum
ḥulum حُلُم 
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sexual maturity, puberty – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Prob. developed from a basic *‘to dream’ along the line *‘dream, to dream’ (↗ḥulm) > ‘to have wet dreams, nightly pollutions’ > ‘sexual maturity, puberty, to attain puberty’ (ḥulum, ↗ĭḥtalama).
▪ Kogan2015 reconstructs protWSem *ḥlm ‘to dream’ (SED I #25ᵥ) (82 #21) and protCSem *ḥlm ‘to be mature, fat, vigorous’ (190 #25).
▪ …
▪ eC7 Q 24:58 allaḏīna lam yabluġū ’l-ḥuluma ‘those who have not reached or attained puberty’ 
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM–2 Ug ḥlm, Hbr *ḥālam ‘être fort (jeune animal)’, hęḥᵊlīm ‘rendre bien portant’, Syr ḥᵉlīmā ‘sain, en bonne santé’, Ar ĭḥtalama ‘arriver à l’âge de puberté’, ḥalīm ‘gras (animal)’; ? Mhr ḥəlūm ‘enfler (blessure)’; – Ar ḥaluma ‘être doux, indulgent, intelligent’, ḥilm ‘indulgence, tranquillité.
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM connects the notion of ‘gentleness, clemency; insight, discernment, reason, wisdom’ etc. (↗ḥilm) as being dependent on having reached ‘puberty, sexual maturity’. This sounds not impossible; etymologically, however, it is not necessarily correct.
DRS separates ‘puberty’ from ‘to have wet dreams, nightly pollutions’ (↗ĭḥtalama, which is seen as a specialisation of ‘dream, to dream’, see ↗ḥulm) and rather connects it to the idea of ‘strength, healthiness’ as attached to √ḤLM in Hbr and Aram.
▪ In contrast, Badawi/AbdelHaleem2008follow Lane and some ClassAr lexicographers in interpreting ‘sexual maturity, puberty’ as a function of ‘to have wet dreams, nightly pollutions’ (↗ĭḥtalama), from ‘dream, to dream’ (↗ḥulm).
▪ Semantically, one could even think of the idea of ‘insight, wisdom’ etc. (↗ḥilm) as being dependent on having reached ‘maturity’. Etymologically, however, this is not necessarily true.
ĭḥtalama, vb. VIII, to attain puberty: denom. from ḥulum (?). See also s.v..

muḥtalim, adj., sexually mature, pubescent, marriageable: PA VIII.

For ‘dream, wet dream, nightly pollution’ etc., cf. ↗ḥulm and ↗ĭḥtalama. – For ‘gentleness, clemency; insight, discernment, reason’ ↗ḥilm
ḥilm حِلْم , pl. ḥulūm , ʔaḥlām 
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gentleness, clemency, mildness; forbearance, indulgence; patience; insight, discernment, understanding, intelligence, reason – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Prob. developed from a basic *‘to dream’ along the line *‘dream, to dream’ (↗ḥulm) > ‘to have wet dreams, nightly pollutions’ > ‘sexual maturity, puberty, to attain puberty’ (↗ḥulum, ↗ĭḥtalama) > ‘gentleness, clemency, patience’.
▪ Kogan2015 reconstructs protWSem *ḥlm ‘to dream’ (SED I #25ᵥ) (82 #21) and protCSem *ḥlm ‘to be mature, fat, vigorous’ (190 #25).
ḥilm is a key concept of Arab-Islamic ethics, »a complex and delicate notion which includes a certain number of qualities of character or moral attitudes, ranging from serene justice and moderation to forbearance and leniency, with self-mastery and dignity of bearing standing between these extremes.«1 It is contrasted in particular with ↗ǧahl, »the fundamental characteristic of the ↗ǧāhiliyyaẗ, and ↗safah or safāhaẗ«.2 For related concepts, cf., among others, cf. ↗karam, ↗muruwwaẗ, ↗ṣabr; see also ↗ʔadab, ↗ʔaḫlāq, ↗ḍiyāfaẗ, ↗faḫr, ↗ḥamāsaẗ, ↗ʕirḍ.
▪ …
▪ eC7 ḥilm Q 52:30-2 ʔam taʔmuru-hum ʔaḥlāmu-hum bi-hāḏā ʔam hum qawmun ṭāġūna ‘does their reason really tell them to do this, or are they simply insolent people?’ – ḥalīm 1 (forbearing, patient, sensible, prudent) Q 11:75 ʔinna ʔibrāhīma la-ḥalīmun ʔawwāhun munīb ‘for Abraham was forbearing, tender-hearted and devout’; 2 (an attribute of God) Q 4:12 wa-’ḷḷāhu ʕalīmun ḥalīm ‘God is All-Knowledgeable, All-Forbearing’. 
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM–2 Ug ḥlm, Hbr *ḥālam ‘être fort (jeune animal)’, hęḥᵊlīm ‘rendre bien portant’, Syr ḥᵉlīmā ‘sain, en bonne santé’, Ar ĭḥtalama ‘arriver à l’âge de puberté’, ḥalīm ‘gras (animal)’; ? Mhr ḥəlūm ‘enfler (blessure)’; – Ar ḥaluma ‘être doux, indulgent, intelligent’, ḥilm ‘indulgence, tranquillité.
▪ Zammit2002: Ar ḥalīm ‘kind, gracious; intelligent’, Hbr ḥāmal ‘to spare; to have compassion’.
▪ While DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM assumes that ḥilm ‘gentleness, clemency, patience; reason, intelligence’ etc. is a consequence of reaching maturity in puberty (↗ḥulum), Zammit2002 connects ḥilm with the notion of ‘sparing, having compassion’ as present in Hbr ḥāmal. Should this be right, then ḥilm would ultimately be akin to ↗ḥamala ‘to bear’ (with a ḤLM↔ ḤML metathesis and overlapping).
ṣiġār al-ʔaḥlām,, simpleminded people, simple souls.

ḥaluma, u, vb. I, to be gentle, mild-tempered: probably denominative.

ḥalīm, pl. ḥulamāʔᵘ, adj., mild, mild-tempered, gentle; patient: quasi-PP I.
ḥalam حَلَم (n.un. ‑aẗ
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n.coll. (n.un. ‑aẗ
tick; mite; nipple, teat, mammilla (of the female breast) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Perh. akin to the complex derived from *‘dream, to dream’ (↗ḥulm), though the precise nature of such a relationship would still have to be established.
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DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM–3 Ar ḥalima ‘avoir la peau infestée de parasites’, ḥalamaẗ ‘tique’.
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM–4 Syr ḥᵃlametā, Ar ḥalamaẗ, Soq ḥálmeh ‘bout du sein’. 
DRS 9 (2010) lists ‘tick, mite’ and ‘nipple, mammilla’ as distinct items but adds that the latter may be derived from the former. Badawi/AbdelHaleem2008 connects also the value ‘young goat’[(DRS 9 (2010)#ḤLM-9: Ar ḥullām ‘agneau, chevreau’.)], now obsolete, to ‘nipple’.
ḥalamī, adj., 1 parasitic; 2 mammillary, nipple-shaped: nsb-adj. 
ḥalūm حَلوم , var. ḥālūm 
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a kind of Egyptian cheese – WehrCowan1979. 
According to Youssef2003, the word is from Copt ḥalōm ‘cheese’.
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▪ Nişanyan_11Sep2014: Ar ḥilm ‘softness, gentleness’.
▪ Youssef2003: Copt ḥalōm ‘cheese’. 
▪ While Nişanyan thinks the haloomi cheese is so called because of its softness, the fact that there exist different spellings (esp. the common variant with long ā in the first syllable) points to a foreign origin.
▪ Accord. to Lane, TA regards the word (which is already listed by Ibn Sīda and Fīrūzābādī) as taken from the EgAr dialect.
▪ Youssef2003: from Copt ḥalōm ‘cheese’. 
▪ Engl halloumi, from Grk χαλλούμι χalloúmi, either directly from Copt ḥalōm, from Eg…, or via Ar ḥalūm (< Copt < Eg).
▪ Tu hellim [ Evliyā Çelebī, Seyāḥatnāme, 1680] eṣnāf-ı cibn-i ḥālūmiyān yaʕnī peynirciyān 
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