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ḥimār حِمار , pl. ḥamīr, ḥumur, ʔaḥmiraẗ 
ID 237 • Sw – • BP 2730 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, update 05Mar2021
donkey, ass – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Huehnergard2011, Kogan2011, DRS (#ḤMR-3): from protSem *ḥimār‑ ‘donkey’. – Cf. also Ar ↗ʕayr (from a protWSem *ʕayr‑, synonymous to protSem *ḥimār‑), and ↗ʔitān ‘donkey mare’.
▪ For attempts to explain the donkey as *ʻred animal’, thus linking it to ↗ʔaḥmarᵘ, or as *ʻpack animal, beast of burden’ (from ↗ḤML), or still other suggestions, see below, section DISC. – For fig. and other usage (*‘stupidity’, *‘slowness’, *‘bridge’, …), see section HIST.
▪ …
▪ ClassAr ḥammara, vb. II, ʻto call s.o. an ass’: clearly denom.
▪ The same ClassAr vb. II, ḥammara, can also mean ‘to ride a jade’. This usage is prob. from miḥmar ʻhorse of mean race that resembles the ass in his slowness of running’, thus prob. dependent on ḥimār ʻdonkey’.
▪ ClassAr knows ḥimār also in the sense of ‘polisher for iron (wooden implement of the polisher, upon which he polishes iron)’ as well as ‘piece of wood in the fore part of the saddle called raḥl upon which a woman when riding lays hold, fore part of the saddle called ʔikāf, stick upon which saddles called ʔaqtāb are carried’, and ḥimār al-ṭunbūr ‘(bridge of the mandolin) a thing well-known’. All of them may be fig. use, though it remains unclear in how far a donkey should resemble a bridge, etc. In the case of ‘polisher of iron’ and ‘piece of wood…’, the actual etymon was prob. not ḥimār, but ḥamara ‘to scrape off, flay (sheep); to shave (the head); to excoriate’; cf. also ḥamīraẗ ʻthong, strap (so called because it is pared)’; see [v12] in root entry ↗ḤMR, as the saddle grip may originally be *‘the skinned one’.
▪ …
▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘donkey’) Akk imēru, Hbr ḥmōr, Syr ḥmārā, SAr ḥmr.
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤMR-3 Akk imēr‑, Ug ḥmr, Hbr ḥᵃmōr, EmpAram Palm hmr, ḥᵃmārā, Ar ḥimār, Sab Min ḥmr. – ? Mhr ḥəmūr, Ḥrs ḥəmōr, Jib ḥõr ‘domestiquer, dompter, dresser une monture’, Mhr ḥəmɛ̄r ‘maîtrisé’. -4 Ug ḥmr: unité de mesure, Hbr ḥomȩr ‘monceau’, mesure pour les dattes sèches; JP ḥᵃmar ‘entasser, accumuler’, Ar ʔaḥmara ‘ramasser, réunir de tous côtés’.
▪ …
DRS 9 (2010) #ḤMR: On their grouping, the authors remark that »[l]e classement a ici principalement pour but d’ordonner commodément les diverses valeurs. Il n’implique pas toujours des séparations fondamentales. Les valeurs peuvent, pour certaines, être liées à d’autres dont elles constitueraient des emplois métaphoriques.«
DRS (on their #ḤMR-3): »Le nom de l’âne a été expliqué par certains comme *ʻanimal rouge’ [↗ʔaḥmarᵘ], par d’autres comme *ʻanimal porteur, bête de somme’, le rattachant à la notion de ʻcharge’ [↗ḥamala] qui serait attestée en SAr et en Aram. […] Pour Hodge, Fol.Or. 17 (1976): 11, qui compare à l’Eg mr ʻattacher’, ḥ‑ serait une préformative, d’où ʻattaché [avec une charge]’; contre Leslau CDG 234: “ni ḥml ni ḥmr n’existent en Gz …. Le Gz ḥamala ʻtransporter’ est un emprunt à l’Ar.” – Le rapprochement avec les formes signifiant ʻdompter, domestiquer, apprivoiser’ est hautement hypothétique.«
▪ If akin to ↗ʔaḥmarᵘ ʻred’, the word may also be connected, ultimately, to notions of *ʻscraping off, flaying, skinning, excoriating’ (↗√ḤMR [v12]) or *ʻglowing, burning’ (↗√ḤMR [v5] ‘to burn with anger’, [v6] ʻviolent, severe; intense heat’). But this would be highly speculative.
▪ Ar ḥimār (or already protSem *ḥimār‑) ‘donkey’ itself may have influenced the semantics of ↗yaḥmūr (protSem *yaḥmūr‑), which usually signifies a ‘deer, kind of antelope, roebuck’, but occasionally also can mean ʻwild ass, onager’. On this topic, DRS writes (in their comments on #ḤMR-1 ‘red’): »L’Hbr et l’Ar connaissent une forme yaḥmūr en relation avec cette racine. En Hbr, […] il semble s’agir d’une sorte de ʻdaim’ ou de ʻgazelle’. En Ar, outre sa valeur de ʻrouge’, elle désigne, entre autres, 1’ʻonagre’, ce qui a conduit divers lexicographes à en faire un dérivé du nom de 1’ʻâne’; mais il se trouve qu’elle nomme aussi une espèce d’antilope et une espèce d’oiseau. Il paraît donc vraisemblable que cette désignation a plutôt un rapport avec le nom de la couleur«.
▪ …
▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl homer, from Hbr ḥōmer ‘heap’, a unit of capacity, »unit of volume used by ancient Hebrews for liquids and dry goods. […] 1 homer equals 220 litre or 220dm³. – The homer should not be confused with the omer [Hbr ʕōmär, cf. Ar ↗ʕam˅ra], which is a much smaller unit of dry measure«.1 – Kogan2015: 594 #15 agrees with Huehnergard2011 on that the word »almost certainly« is derived from Hbr ḥămōr (= Ar ḥimār) ‘donkey’, signifying originally the burden carried by a donkey. However, Kogan thinks that the Hbr measure name ¹ḥōmär ‘homer’ should be kept apart from the homonymous ²ḥōmär ‘heap’, which is perh. akin to Ar ḥimāraẗ ‘mass of stone or rock, any wide stone’, likely identical with Jib ḥɛr̃ ‘mountain’, Soq ḥámər ‘petite montagne’ (↗√ḤMR [v10] ‘ramasser, réunir de tous côtés’, [v15] ‘large rock; tombstone’).
▪ …
ḥimār al-waḥš and ḥimār waḥšī, n., wild ass, onager;
samm al-ḥimār, n., oleander (Nerium oleander; bot.)

ḥimāraẗ, n.f., she-ass, female donkey: f. of ḥimār
ḥammār, pl.ḥammāraẗ, n., donkey driver:, from ḥimār.
yaḥmūr, n., 1ʔaḥmarᵘ; 2yaḥmūr; 3 wild ass; 4ʔaḥmarᵘ.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḥumar, ↗ʔaḥmarᵘ, ↗yaḥmūr, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√ḤMR. 
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