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ḤNṬ حنط 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḤNT_1 ‘wheat’ ↗ḥinṭaẗ
▪ ḤNT_2 ‘to embalm’ ↗ḥannaṭa

Other values, now obsolete, include
  • ḤNT_3 ‘to become (red/white and) mature’: ḥanaṭa
  • ḤNT_4 ‘to sigh’: ḥanaṭa
  • ḤNT_5 ‘shot-off arrow’: ḥanṭ
  • ḤNT_6 ‘bearded’: ʔaḥnaṭᵘ
▪ Out of the six values the root can take in Sem (accord. to DRS), all are represented in (or only by) Ar. But only two of these have survived into MSA.
▪ The etymological relation between the values, if any, is rather unclear.
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤNṬ-1 Akk uṭṭat-, uṭṭet ‘orge’, Ug ḥṭt, Hbr ḥuṭṭa, Aram ḥinṭᵊtā, Palm ḥṭyn (pl.), Syr ḥeṭṭᵊtā, Ar ḥinṭaẗ, Soq ḥínṭeh, Śḥr ḥeyṭ (?), Gz ḥeṭṭat ‘froment’. -2 Hbr ḥānaṭ, Aram ḥᵊnaṭ, Ar ḥanaṭa, ḥannaṭa, Gz ḥanaṭa ‘embaumer’, Amh annäṭä ‘encenser, parfumer, faire des fumigations’; – EgAr ḥiniṭ ‘délicieux’. -3 Hbr *ḥānaṭ ‘mûrir’, Ar ḥanaṭa ‘être mûr’, ḥāniṭ ‘rouge; arrivé à maturité’. -4 ḥanaṭa ‘soupirer’. -5 ḥanṭ ‘flèche décochée’. -6 ʔaḥnaṭ ‘barbu’. 
▪ ḤNṬ_1: Kogan2011 reconstructs Sem *ḥinṭ-at ‘wheat (throughout CSem), any cereal grain (in modSAr)’. – ḤNṬ_3 ‘to become mature’ is perhaps based on ‘wheat’ (unless it is the other way round, as for instance Klein1987 thinks when he says that Hbr ḥiṭṭāh and its cognates »possibly derive from base ḤNṬ ‘to ripen, become ripe’). – Erman1892 compares Eg ḫnd, an old and rare word for ‘(sort of cereal)’. So also Cohen1969, adding Som ḥaḍuḍ ‘céréales’, ḥayḍ ‘orge’ as Cush cognates. This is taken up by Dolgopolsky2012 who even sees a Nostr dimension (and reconstructs *Xäǹ˅ṭ˅ ‘grain, kernel’).
▪ ḤNṬ_2: Probably denominative from ḥināṭ, ḥanūṭ ‘aromatics used for embalming, (Wahrmund:) wohlriechende Kräuter (auf Leichen gestreut)’. – Cf. also ĭstaḥnaṭa, vb. X, ‘to face death, (Wahrmund:) den Tod suchen, sich ins Kampfgewühl stürzen’, literally a requestative ‘to desire to be embalmed’ (?). – LANE ii 1865: ḤNṬ_2 ‘(kind of perfume)’ is derived from ḥanaṭa (ḤNṬ_3), »said of [a tree called] rimṯ, signifying that its colour became white inclining to yellowness, and its odour sweet«.
▪ ḤNṬ_3: To this complex belong also ḥanaṭa u (ḥunūṭ), and ʔaḥnaṭa, vb. IV, ‘to become mature (wheat, fruit-tree), (Lane:) to become white and mature (shrub called rimṯ)’; ḥanaṭa i (ḥanṭ), ‘to be(come) red (skin)’, ḥāniṭ ‘intense (red); fruit of the spurge; fruit-bearing (tree)’; taḥannaṭa, vb. V, ‘to be angry with s.o.’; ĭstaḥnaṭa, vb. X, ‘to be angry’; (Lane:) ʔaḥnaṭa, vb. IV, ‘to make bleed, make to be bloody; to smear, befoul, defile with blood’. – ḤNṬ_1 ‘wheat’ is perhaps based on ‘to ripen, become mature’ (unless it is the other way round and the vb. ‘to ripen’ is based on the wheat that is ripe to be harvested).
▪ ḤNṬ_4: ḥanaṭa i (ḥanṭ) ‘to sigh’: value attested in all dictionaries consulted, but no longer in WehrCowan1979. – Any relation to any of the other values?
▪ ḤNṬ_5: ḥanṭ, listed by Freytag (sagitta quae mittitur), Kazimirski, Lane, but not mentioned any longer in Wahrmund1887 and Hava1899. – Any relation to any of the other values?
▪ ḤNṬ_6: ʔaḥnaṭ listed Freytag (barbam magnam densam habens; also ḥinṭiyyaẗ), Kazimirski, Lane, not mentioned in Wahrmund1887 and Hava1899 any longer. – Any relation to any of the other values?
ḥannaṭ‑ حَنَّطَ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., II 
to embalm (a corpse); to stuff (a carcass) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ The D-stem (form II) vb. is probably denominative, applicative, from the obsol. n. ḥināṭ or ḥanūṭ, »a perfume or odoriferous substances of any kind that are mixed for a corpse, in particular, or for grave-clothes and for the bodies of the dead, consisting of ḏarīraẗ, or musk, or ambergris, or camphor, or other substance, namely, Indian cane, or sandal-wood, bruised« – Lane ii 1865.
▪ The latter is perhaps connected to another value of the root ḤNṬ, namely ‘to ripen, become mature, ready to get harvested’, after the sweet odour that the leaves of a certain tree, or shrub, emit when they have reach a stage of maturity.
▪ … 
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤNṬ-2 Hbr ḥānaṭ, Aram ḥᵊnaṭ, Ar ḥanaṭa, ḥannaṭa, Gz ḥanaṭa ‘embaumer’, Amh annäṭä ‘encenser, parfumer, faire des fumigations’; – EgAr ḥiniṭ ‘délicieux’. – (?) -3 Hbr *ḥānaṭ ‘mûrir’, Ar ḥanaṭa ‘être mûr’, ḥāniṭ ‘rouge; arrivé à maturité’.
▪ According to Lane ii 1865, the form II vb. ḥannaṭa means ‘to prepare a dead person with ḥanūṭ for burial’. So, it looks as if the vb. is denom., dependent on the noun. ḥanūṭ, however, (still following Lane ii 1865) is derived from the vb. I, sup>†ḥanaṭa u (ḥunūṭ), said of [a tree called] rimṯ, signifying that its colour became white inclining to yellowness, and its odour sweet.
▪ For discussion of possible relations with other values of the root cf. ↗ḤNṬ.
taḥannaṭa, vb. V, to be, or become, prepared (for burial) with ḥanūṭ; to make use of ḥanūṭ for oneself (Lane ii 1865): tD-stem, quasi-pass. / autobenefact.
ĭstaḥnaṭa, vb. X, to desire to be prepared for burial with ḥanūṭ; (hence the meaning) to embolden o.s., become emboldened, encounter death, holding his life in light esteem (Lane ii 1865): tŠ-stem, requestative.

ḥināṭaẗ, n.f., embalming: vn. I.
taḥannuṭ, n., mummification: vn. V.
muḥannaṭ, adj., mummified: PP II.
ḥinṭaẗ حِنْطة , pl. ḥinaṭ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
wheat – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *ḥinṭ‑at‑ ‘wheat’.
▪ Whether the meaning was ‘wheat’ or rather ‘(any kind of) cereal’ in Sem in general, is not clear. Orel&Stolbova reconstruct Sem *ḥinṭ‑ ‘barley, grain’, from an AfrAs *ḥinṭ‑ ‘cereal’.
▪ Erman1892 relates the word to an Eg ḫnd ‘sort of cereal (?)’. So also Cohen1969, adding Som ḥaḍuḍ ‘céréales’, ḥayḍ ‘orge’ to the picture. The latter is taken up by Dolgopolsky2012, who concludes that we can go back in time even farther and reconstruct a Nostr *Xäǹ˅ṭ˅ ‘grain, kernel’.
▪ For Klein1987, the Sem word »possibly derive[s] from base ḤNṬ ‘to ripen, become ripe’«, see ḤNṬ_3 in entry ↗ḤNṬ.
▪ Cf. also the obsol. ḥannāṭ ‘dealer in wheat’, ḥāniṭ ‘wheat-seller’. 
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#1272: Akk uṭṭuṭu, Ug ḥṭṭ, Hbr ḥiṭṭā, Aram ḥinṭ-ət-, Ar ḥinṭ-at-, Soq ḥinṭeh. Outside Sem: (HEC) hiṭe (in 2 langs), hanṭe (1 lang.)
DRS 9 (2010)#ḤNṬ-1 Akk uṭṭat-, uṭṭet ‘orge’, Ug ḥṭt, Hbr ḥuṭṭa, Aram ḥinṭᵊtā, Palm ḥṭyn (pl.), Syr ḥeṭṭᵊtā, Ar ḥinṭaẗ, Soq ḥínṭeh, Śḥr ḥeyṭ (?), Gz ḥeṭṭat ‘froment’. – [?] -3 Hbr *ḥānaṭ ‘mûrir’, Ar ḥanaṭa ‘être mûr’, ḥāniṭ ‘rouge; arrivé à maturité’.
▪ Kogan 2011: Akk uṭṭetu ‘(some kind of cereal)’, Ug ḥṭt, Hbr ḥiṭṭā, Syr ḥeṭtā, Ar ḥinṭaẗ, Soq ḥinṭeh ‘wheat’, Mhr ḥəṭāt ‘grain’, Jib ḥíṭ ‘food, beans, staple food, any cereal’, ḥíṭét ‘an ear of rice’, Gz ḥəṭṭat, ḫəṭṭat ‘grain, seed’.
▪ Erman1892 compares Eg ḫnd, allegedly an old and rare word for ‘(sort of cereal)’. (This word is not attested in TLAe, which has, with unsecured meaning, ḫt.wj ‘corn, cereal (?)’ and ḫn.t.t ‘people who do with corn (?)’.) – Cohen1969, too, has this obscure ḫnd (#122, remarking that the in the Eg word would be unusual); he also adds Som ḥaḍuḍ ‘céréales’, ḥayḍ ‘orge’ as Cush cognates.
▪ Kogan 2011: from Sem *ḥinṭ-at-, which denotes ‘wheat’ throughout CSem and in Soq (ḥinṭeh). Its reflexes in other modSAr langs and in Gz are more general in meaning. Still uncertain is the exact significance of Akk uṭṭetu : ‘wheat’?, ‘barley’?, ‘cereal in general’?
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#1272 reconstruct Sem *ḥinṭ- ‘barley, grain’, HEC *ḥinṭ- / *ḥanṭ- ‘grass’, both from AfrAs *ḥinṭ- ‘cereal’. (Cf. also AfrAs *ḫund- ‘cereal’, with no Ar descendant). Dolgopolsky2012 even sees a Nostr dimension and reconstructs *Xäǹ˅ṭ˅ ‘grain, kernel’.
▪ Klein1987 thinks that the value ‘wheat / corn, cereal’ could be secondary since the Sem words »possibly derive from base ḤNṬ ‘to ripen, become ripe’) (cf. ḤNṬ_3 in disambiguation entry ↗ḤNṬ). But also the reverse may be true.
▪ For discussion of possible relations to yet other values of the root cf. ↗ḤNṬ.
ḥinṭī, adj., 1 wheat-coloured, golden brown; tanned; 2 eater of much ḥinṭaẗ, in order that he may grow fat; (hence) inflated, swollen (Lane ii 1865): nsb-adj. (nominalized in v2) 
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